Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, November 11, 2024

Hekate Oracle Card Reading for November 10, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Deck


1.  Middle (The Situation Card):
Brimo - Sudden Change and Chaos #17

2.  Upper Left (The Challenge Card):
Of the Road #6

3.  Top (The Advice/Guidance Card): 
Crone #20

4.  Middle Right (The Hidden Card):
Queen of Witches #2 

5.  Bottom (The Outcome Card):
Liminal #15

6.  Bottom (Lower Left) (The Summary Card):
Seer #3

While meditating I saw a Great smiling Buddha sitting high upon a large sandstone base over the crowds of people walking leisurely below, enjoying their day and the warm sunshine.

His face was one of pure calm and serenity.   

This was an asian country but couldn't tell which one for sure but felt like it was China.

~ Reading ~

"It's Time to Rise Up and Shine" 


1.  Situation Card (Brimo) #17 SUDDEN CHAOS AND CHANGE:  The world is in the midst of massive change.  Expect the unexpected.  How do we handle something we have no control over?  

We are the answer as we have within us the power to either choose fear as our guide or let God take the reins, raising us up and over our situation by guiding our actions and thoughts.

2.  Challenge Card (Of the Road) #6:  WALK THE WAY WITH COURAGE.  This card is a card of Courage.  It tells us we have what we takes to confront and navigate through any situation.  

It's really up to us.   

So stand up and start trusting in your own abilities instead of letting fear mongers (the MSM, politicians, etc.) keep telling you otherwise.  

3.  Guidance/Advice Card is (The Crone) #20.  SUCCESS AND TRANSFORMATION.  This card stands for perseverance, determination and wisdom.

You are the warrior, the healer, the leader, the one who will show others the way.  

You are the one who stands up and shouts "not on my watch" and then runs headlong into the enemy, catching them off guard and scattering them like pieces of lint.

This is the time to start believing in ourselves and our abilities.

4.  Hidden Card (Queen of Witches) #20.  OWN YOUR POWER.  This card is telling you it's time to "OWN YOUR POWER".  Isn't it time you stop letting anxiety continue ruling your life?  

The universe is calling you into action. .

You are the warrior, the healer, the GAME CHANGER we need to succeed.  

The time has come to throw off those shackles holding you back, allowing your hidden valor, strength and courage to emerge that will inspire others.  

This is the time to shine your light.   

5.  Outcome Card (Liminal) #15.  WALK IN BOTH WORLDS - meaning Life and Death.  

Humanity has always walked a path between life and death but this time it's different.  

This is the End Game, the time prophesied in the Bible.  Where Evil is going to use everything in their power to stay on top.

There will be no more death and they realize that more and more of us are believing this to be true so they will continue to stand in our way.    

6.  Summary Card (Seer) #3:  The Seer is You and I.  We are equipped with a 3rd eye which is our Intuition allowing us to see things as they really are.    

Known as the Pineal Gland (because it is shaped like a pine cone) this ability, when activated, can literally mean the difference between life and death.

You know that feeling you get when you walk into someone's home for the first time, a creepy can't put your finger on it feeling?  

That's your 3rd eye activating, warning you, instructing you, that something is wrong.

Pay attention to it.

The change that is upon us now is turning us into spiritual warriors allowing us to see and understand the darkness hiding behind all the chaos.

Not only can we see it we are becoming more attuned to rising up and confronting it (instead of running the other way) knowing now that "We" are the ones who will prevail and ultimately winning the battle.


The numerical value of this reading is:  6 - Compassion; social consciousness; love, care, comfort and concern

Adding the Summary Card is:  9 - Endings, completion; giver of wisdom, (that events are nearing completion) and another cycle awaits Humanity

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