Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Avatar of Change

We are one physical body but actually two beings  inhabit that body.  One half is experiencing the reality of this moment while the other half is still dealing with the past.   Have you ever looked at yourself and said, "I need to change this habit."  Were there times when you did something, knowing that it was dead wrong, going to be destructive to yourself and harmful to others yet you went ahead and did it anyway, then found yourself repeating this mistake over and over?  Take drinking for example.  One drink you're fine but two, three, four, now the whole bottle and you've lost control yet you can't seem to break the habit until, God Forbid, something really awful happens.  We could use this analogy to describe other errant behaviour such as domestic abuse, child abuse, or drowning oneself in pornography or drugs.  Have you ever noticed that one half of yourself is actually watching, monitoring your behaviour, what you are saying and even, what you are thinking?   That half is your soul, your being, your conscience, your essence, your Avatar of Change.  I believe we are many different individuals with many different pasts and life experiences (see Reincarnation) and that we are here solely to work out the bugs in our souls and make amends (Karma) by overcoming those parts of our being that stand in the way of our spiritual ascension.  The reality of existing here is that we will come face to face with the demons of our past and will have choices to make.  We either continue down the same old reckless, self-centered path or we conquer and rise above those parts of us that are holding us back from spiritual enlightenment and perfection.  We all have fears that require confrontation and weaknesses requiring resolution.  Sadly what we are witnessing today and has existed since mankind inhabited this planet, are the many millions who aren't even afforded an opportunity to work anything out as they are continuous fodder for the evil that exists here.  How is this possible that a Creative Intelligence would allow this to happen?  Does evil exist throughout the universe or is evil just unique to Planet Earth?   If Evil does exist elsewhere in the universe, how do others deal with it?  It is up to us who have run the Gauntlet and are still running the Marathon, those who have seen the Light, to aid and comfort those struggling with issues in their past.  We are here to help.  Do not forget, We Are All In This Together.        

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