Where is Congress? |
Never before have I felt so personally threatened by what I see as an ever widening, world-wide savage ideology that is getting away with incredible brutality the whole scale atrocity of murdering those who happen not to believe in a particular religious ideology, Islam, but happen to profess their belief in something else. And nary a whimper from anyone on this planet!
Never before have I felt such an urgency to cry out to all those who will hear me, especially those leaders who continue to cast a blind eye and stick to an ignorant and incredulous narrative that...."America, there is no need for alarm because this ruthless and savage threat is not really a threat at all, but only a figment of your imagination".
All the while this Islamist scourge the world is seeing is growing, growing, growing, amassing a fortune to fund its insidious goals while the world's leaders are just not interested.
Instead of stepping up to the plate and offering solutions to expunge this threat, they are excuse ridden, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking and nowhere to be found.
Never before have I felt the need to express my growing anger and anxiety, sorrow and shame that the world is once again turning its back on a very real threat, refusing to come together as one cohesive unit in a determined strategy of attacking this demonic ideology.
I hearken back to the beginning of WWII and a cunning dictator who arose from the shadows, out of nowhere, who knew how to play people and deal a winning hand when it came to whatever he wanted. And he got it.
I urge any of you who are not up-to-date about events and decisions that led up to WWII, to please pick up a book and start reading. It would be wise to educate your children, also. The origins of WWII is not being taught in public schools. And it should be.
A ruthless tyrant, Adolph Hitler, played upon and parlayed the unbridled fervor and sentiment of the German people into propelling him into
absolute power, thus emboldening he and his plan for European conquest, one reason being a payback to France for the mistreatment of the German people after WWI.
An Austrian by birth, Adolph Hitler, emerged as Germany's front man, a tyrannical despot, who cared nothing for sentiment nor anything remotely decent and good, but brazenly engaged in wholesale annihilation of peoples, targeting especially Jews, wherever they lived.
Savagely purging countries of their wealth, denying people their basic necessities to live, stealing their livelihoods, their wealth, their possessions, their fortunes and lastly their lives.
Crushing their hopes and their dreams as he bullied his opposition into submission, rallying his dark forces, all the while continuing to rouse the belligerence of the German people.
With his comrades in arms, Hitler continued his world domination, slaughtering his way across Europe, slaughtering millions as his German Panzer Machines and his Nazi cutthroats raged across the countryside, engaged in a savagery the world had never seen before (until now), a most deliberate and pervasive campaign of atrocities.
It must be noted that the Russians were also deeply implicit in slaughtering millions more during this horrific onslaught. In fact, the history books are remiss in the that the Russians murdered more people than Hitler did.
Time is of the essence. All the while Evil is being allowed to amass and grow, giving them more time to mobilize and plan, seducing the wary, the ignorant, into joining their masses.
What will it take for the world to rise up and confront this threat?
And who will be to blame if something horrific happens here in America as we continue to leave our borders blissfully unsecured, letting in many who have criminal backgrounds, ties to terror groups and no love for this country.
There is a saying, "Ignorance is Bliss." But could it unfortunately be, God forbid, something else?
This administration has left me wondering.
Obama's continued abuse of The Constitution, his refusal to secure our borders which has resulted in thousands (millions?, who knows) of people flooding into this country with questionable ties and criminal backgrounds, has left this nation and her citizens extremely vulnerable.
I wonder, how many of them are in this country, now?
Obama has willingly opened a door and hung out a welcome mat to many who may only wish to do us harm.
And you ask, "who will be to blame if something horrific does happen here?"
I know exactly who.
P.S. <Let's see if you can talk your way out of this one.<