I had a disturbing dream this morning and it involved someone I love who is very close to me.
I won't go into details but only say that it rocked me to my core.
It's imagery was very visceral.
It's difficult right now to figure out many of the details but one part of it I did understand.
This is what prompted me to write this post.
What the dream was telling me is that this person's painful plight, what this person was going through, can be summed up in one word--Karma.
Karma is Divine Law and we're all subject to it (whether we like it or not).
Examples of Karma: Someone steals your cell phone and now the person who stole your phone finds his phone missing.
Someone who has little money but puts what he has in an offering plate. He returns home to find a neighbor has finally paid him for mowing their yard.
It's a given: We do something harmful to another or (under the radar, so to speak) we will experience divine retribution sometime down the road.
Your deeds, what you do in life, do not go unnoticed.
You will experience Karma (the result of your action) maybe not in this lifetime but certainly in another.
On the other hand, we do something good, we will receive something good in return.
We are down here because we need to fix things.
We are down here because we are imperfect.
We are down here because we need to confront issues from our past that need resolution.
This journey we're on is finding our way (path) back home.
Hopefully, a little wiser and a little more in sync with G-d.
It's getting our souls right so they're in tune with The Creator.
If we don't get it right, we'll be back to work on ourselves some more.
It's like taking a piece of wood and whittling off all the rough edges, smoothing and honing it into something that's a work of art.
If you think of the universe as a giant brain with an all seeing eye and we are little brain appendages attached to it, you will begin to understand that there is something much more going on here.
We are not swinging out in deep dark space all by ourselves. We have a lot of company.
As I grow older I look back on some unhealthy habits.
I have many misgivings for misdeeds and wrong choices, especially when I brought pain and anxiety to my parents.
I am able to look back at my life from where I am now and see how incredibly reckless, stupid and naive I was.
I also recognize, and all too painfully, that a very destructive streak was embedded in me.
I'm sure many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.
If my parents are looking over my shoulder as I type this, please know that "I am truly sorry for putting you both through so much". (I think they know this already...)
It is vitally important you recognize that what you do in life and what you do with your life is duly noted by others who are continually watching your progress.
The universe is not a vengeful place. It is a hopeful place.
The universe, the womb we're all growing in, is all about nurturing and helping us grow toward the Light (G-d) and maintaining order and balance.
Like the expectant mother who sits quietly in the rocker next to her baby's crib, a small night light illuminating a dark corner while she hums sweet lullabies, dreaming of how wonderful life will be when her little one makes it into the world.
She is constant and loving and pregnant with hopes and dreams for her little one, knowing that at some time she will be wiping away tears and kissing boo boos, but always resolute in her mission to safeguard this new little life, maintaining harmony and balance in the home, watching over her new little charge ensuring his or her's well being and growth.
Unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, she doesn't plan on making a return visit to this planet, anytime soon.
Good Karma.
And the beat goes on.
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Identity Thief
You can rage against It
You can defy It
You can put It off
You can ignore It
You can curse at It
You can blame It on someone else
You can give It the finger
You can refuse to acknowledge It
You can sweep It under the rug
But if you do not come to grips with who you are in Life, you will be It's slave and It will be your Master.
You can defy It
You can put It off
You can ignore It
You can curse at It
You can blame It on someone else
You can give It the finger
You can refuse to acknowledge It
You can sweep It under the rug
But if you do not come to grips with who you are in Life, you will be It's slave and It will be your Master.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The theme for a movie has to be envisioned first and then carefully nurtured and developed into a full scale production complete with directors, producers, technicians, makeup artists and actors.
It takes dedication, patience, perseverance, planning, time and funding along with support from many others.
However, have you ever considered the theme that is your life?
Someone had to envision your grand entrance into the world and in order for you to make your epic debut, invested a lot of love, effort, patience and planning to ensure your safe delivery.
In either case, people and organizations were dedicated to and fully invested in your successful premiere.
One epic movie that made it to the big screen -- Your Life.
Cherish it.
It takes dedication, patience, perseverance, planning, time and funding along with support from many others.
However, have you ever considered the theme that is your life?
Someone had to envision your grand entrance into the world and in order for you to make your epic debut, invested a lot of love, effort, patience and planning to ensure your safe delivery.
In either case, people and organizations were dedicated to and fully invested in your successful premiere.
One epic movie that made it to the big screen -- Your Life.
Cherish it.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Time Line
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Lao-Tzu |
To dry a tear, make someone smile
Our bodies temporary
Our lives exemplary
Spread sunshine wherever you go
Learn to embrace Life's ebb and flow
When you look into your eye
And mirrored back stars, moon and sky
You realize now with mournful sigh
You're leaving soon
And it's bye bye bye
Before you know
It will all be gone
And once again, you're on your own
To ponder what you did down here
Did you make a difference
Or make an investment in fear?
Where will you be tomorrow?
Your actions today
Will bequeath joy or sorrow
Monday, December 14, 2015
Hurting our Veterans
appears that there is no end to what Obama’s Veterans Administration will do to
hurt our military veterans. VA employees falsified and destroyed records to
cover the failure of facilities to provide treatment to hundreds, and perhaps
thousands of veterans. This led to many unnecessary deaths of America’s heroes.
At the same time the VA has been taking away the Constitutional rights of
veterans, declaring them incompetent to handle their own financial affairs, and
then denying them the right to own firearms.
Not satisfied with these outrages, the
VA is now forcing the cancellation of the celebration of Christmas in VA
hospitals around the country. This has actually been going on for several years
and has been accelerating. I am currently mobilizing the resources of the
United States Justice Foundation to fight what is happening. I am particularly
familiar with what has transpired at four VA facilities in Texas.
I have been proud to support and work
with a group in Dallas, Texas called Vet to Vet. It was formed 21 years ago by a
good friend and fellow veteran named Jess Johnson and his wife Peggy to assist
veterans in the VA hospitals in the area. It started out small with the taking
of hamburgers and coffee to patients, but over the years grew into a major
effort, covering four major facilities in Texas and Vet to Vet chapters being
formed throughout the country.
The program in Dallas and the VA
facilities in Bonham, Waco, and Temple, Texas has parties, bingo games, and
barbeques throughout the year, but their major effort occurs on Christmas each
year when they provide 4,000 gifts to over 1,600 patients. They also collected
food donations and cooked and delivered Christmas dinners to hundreds of
patients. Spiritual comfort is also provided and if patients request a bible
one will be given to them.
For many veterans who have no family, this was
the only Christmas they would get. Now, all of that is coming to an end.
Several years ago VA officials began telling Jess and his organization that
they could no longer give bibles to patients, wish them a Merry Christmas, or
even use the word Christmas in the facilities, or mention Jesus Christ. Then a
year later they told the group that they could no longer bring Christmas
dinners to the facilities.
This is more than political
correctness run amok. This is the unconstitutional denial of the freedom of
religion to the very men and women who put their lives on the line to defend
that freedom, as well as the rest of the Constitution. This is not just happening
in Texas, it is nationwide. VA hospitals are banning Christmas trees, Christmas
cards, and national military cemeteries in places like Houston, Texas have
attempted to ban Christian prayers at the funerals of veterans, and even any
mention of God or religion.
Jess Johnson will be the guest on my
radio show “Our Constitution” this Wednesday, Dec. 16th. We
broadcast live at 3:00 pm Central time, but the show is archived so you can
download it anytime. You can access the show at: http://americaswebradio.com/our-constitution/
While investigating this outrage we
are also hearing from veterans around the country about how the VA has turned
the “Veterans Choice Program” into another VA scam defrauding veterans and
risking their health and their lives. The law was passed by Congress in
response to numerous verified reports of veterans dying because they could not
get treatment at VA hospitals.
The law is supposed to allow veterans
who live over 40 miles from a VA hospital or clinic to get health care locally
and have it paid for by the VA. However, the program is helping few veterans,
particularly if they have serious health problems. For example, veterans who
have cancer or serious heart conditions and live over 40 miles from a VA
hospital are being denied local treatment because the VA will claim that there
is a VA “facility” within 40 miles of the veteran’s home. These may include VA
dental clinics, or VA clinics that have the primary responsibility of making
appointments at VA hospitals.
In neither case can a veteran get
actual treatment for cancer, heart problems or other serious illnesses. These
veterans are back where they started, having to travel long distances to VA
hospitals where they still have problems even getting an appointment, much less
actual treatment. Our government is not only dishonoring our veterans, but in
some cases still killing them.
Please feel free to post and distribute this article on social networks, to military active duty/veterans, friends and families.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Is the mind more fertile and able to metastasize more quickly into a specific mindset because of a specific personality?
For example, is an antagonistic personality vs. a subservient one or a meek personality vs. a potent one more readily adaptable to a certain mindset than the other one?
Does it take one of like mind (or a group of like minds) to more quickly enable and stir the dormant mind seed into action where it's aroused and agitated by dark and evil thoughts whereas a more passive personality just plods along, thinking its mind seed into a slow fruition?
Could this in fact be why we have so many conflicts and skirmishes, so many bloody and brutal wars in which one group pits itself against the other? Because we have actually been programmed, before birth, into either a subservient mindset or a combative one?
We all know a seed wishes us no harm yet a fertile mind seed that is allowed to sprout and fervently encouraged to fester and grow in the mind of an evil human being will, most assuredly, do us all immeasurable harm.
It is my belief that humanity has reached an epochal turning point in their evolution here on earth.
This war for humanity's soul will result in us moving forward toward our rightful place in the universe or instilling suffering to such an extent that this planet will be written off by those who have been watching our progress for thousands of years.
We now have a global scourge of unimaginable brutality and intolerance that has set its sights on the entire world.
How is it that this scourge came into being and why is it openly being allowed to prosper?
Mankind has always been manipulated by cunning con artists from all parts of the world who have been beset with goals of wiping certain races off the face of the earth for one reason or the other.
But the well placed insurgents of today are now boldly proclaiming and positioning themselves to bring about a war that will end all wars--a war for humanity's complete global enslavement.
Unless one mind seed wins out over the other.
It will matter not how much wealth you have; it will matter not where you live; it will matter not whether you're a giant tech behemoth or a homeless person living on the street.
Humanity is on the brink.
What mindset will win out?
Will we decide we are the prey or the victor?
Friday, December 11, 2015
Say it Isn't So!
Monday, December 7, 2015
I told the
trees to run
But they
didn’t stand a chance
I told the
trees to run
To repel a forward advance
I told them
not to speak
But silently
stand their ground
I told them
not to blink an eye
Not to make
a sound
I could hear
the men approaching
Their weapons
at the ready
I could see my
friends so gallant, tall
And then I heard
them felled and fall
There were sobs
and screams and muffled sighs
They didn’t
know today they’d die
My heart was
My soul was aching
These giants
who had done no harm
Suddenly knew
cause for alarm
They weren’t
They weren’t
But viciously attacked,
relentlessly assaulted
No regard
for how old they were
Whether pine
or whether fir
All these trees
just wanted to do
Was to
provide shade and shelter
For me and for
youSunday, December 6, 2015
Attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941
December 7, 2015 is Pearl Harbor Day.
This attack on America by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, led to America finally becoming involved in the war (WWII).
After all these years the Japanese and Americans have put the past behind them and become friends.
It is tragic that so many lives were lost and countless years of soul searching along with a healthy dose of forgiveness was needed to make amends.
I am part of that generation, the WWII generation as both my parents were involved.
The legacy of those honorable men and women who went out and did what was needed to ensure that the entire world would live in peace are forever memorialized in mausoleums and monuments.
You would think that we would have learned our lesson from this horrific war--that all of humanity deserves to live their lives free from conflict and free from want.
Maybe one day, G-d willing, we'll finally get it right.
This attack on America by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, led to America finally becoming involved in the war (WWII).
After all these years the Japanese and Americans have put the past behind them and become friends.
It is tragic that so many lives were lost and countless years of soul searching along with a healthy dose of forgiveness was needed to make amends.
I am part of that generation, the WWII generation as both my parents were involved.
The legacy of those honorable men and women who went out and did what was needed to ensure that the entire world would live in peace are forever memorialized in mausoleums and monuments.
You would think that we would have learned our lesson from this horrific war--that all of humanity deserves to live their lives free from conflict and free from want.
Maybe one day, G-d willing, we'll finally get it right.
Crossing the Threshold
I'm experiencing something quite profound.
It's a subtle and gentle energy shift of some kind.
It's not raving or ranting and making a scene, it's just enveloping, with no fanfare.
This energy almost feels like a 'release' of some kind.
It's like an invisible curtain is finally parting and your're being welcomed through to something better on the other side.
You have an innate feeling from others that there is nothing to fear.
You approach the threshold and stand, for a moment and then quietly pass through it.
There is no pain.
The process feels like liberation - that a part of you is no longer needed and is being 'discarded' because it is old and outworn and not needed anymore.
It's like you're being introduced to a new 'understanding' of who you are and where you're going.
Does this make sense?
Is anyone else experiencing this?
And, you have no doubt whatsoever, that everything is going to be alright.
You 'know' that there are 'others' in the universe who have humanity's best interests at heart and are here to help.
They know 'exactly' what's going on down here.
They're coming forward now and communicating with us in ways that we're able to comprehend.
Ways that don't instill fear in us but enlighten us.
These celestial neighbors understand human nature and our fragile human psyches.
We are standing on a shining threshold of gaining new understanding on where we came from, why we are here and where we're headed.
We are not alone in the universe and never have been.
A new day is dawning for all mankind to finally acknowledge that we are all part of one big family.
And they've determined that it's time to get acquainted.
It's a subtle and gentle energy shift of some kind.
It's not raving or ranting and making a scene, it's just enveloping, with no fanfare.
This energy almost feels like a 'release' of some kind.
It's like an invisible curtain is finally parting and your're being welcomed through to something better on the other side.
You have an innate feeling from others that there is nothing to fear.
You approach the threshold and stand, for a moment and then quietly pass through it.
There is no pain.
The process feels like liberation - that a part of you is no longer needed and is being 'discarded' because it is old and outworn and not needed anymore.
It's like you're being introduced to a new 'understanding' of who you are and where you're going.
Does this make sense?
Is anyone else experiencing this?
And, you have no doubt whatsoever, that everything is going to be alright.
You 'know' that there are 'others' in the universe who have humanity's best interests at heart and are here to help.
They know 'exactly' what's going on down here.
They're coming forward now and communicating with us in ways that we're able to comprehend.
Ways that don't instill fear in us but enlighten us.
These celestial neighbors understand human nature and our fragile human psyches.
We are standing on a shining threshold of gaining new understanding on where we came from, why we are here and where we're headed.
We are not alone in the universe and never have been.
A new day is dawning for all mankind to finally acknowledge that we are all part of one big family.
And they've determined that it's time to get acquainted.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Unter dem Schleier
I am calling on President Obama to step down.
He is unfit for office.
Eight years ago America took a chance.
Obama showed promise to so many but his tenure as president has proven otherwise.
Obama has been a dismal failure.
Obama's inability and inaction to do anything about a clear and present danger is bordering on suicidal.
Suicide aimed at an entire nation.
Obama has shown, time after time, that he is more interested in protecting America's enemies (by saying little , doing nothing) than protecting American citizens.
I will not, I cannot bring myself to believe that Obama is some naievete or afraid to act or even lazy as some have suggested.
I believe his motives for not doing what one would expect a President to do in such a national crises as we are in now are much more sinister.
I wonder what other surprises Obama has cooked up, behind our backs, that we are totally oblivious of during his 8 year reign?
It stands to reason that there are those in any presidential political inner circle who are privy to secret and sensitive information regarding a standing president.
Information that is highly coveted, possibly very damaging and jealousy guarded by those who do not want this information made public.
Obama is acting more like a 'proxy' president than a real one--a place holder.
This may answer the question as to why Obama is acting seemingly 'illogical' by not describing a terrorist ideology as a terrorist ideology.
These are very dangerous times and becoming increasingly so and all with the help of a president who seems to favor protecting the enemy leaving Americans to die and fall, literally by the wayside.
But, I believe the veil is lifting and more people are able to see through his mask.
This evil scenario we now find ourselves in should give anyone pause who is truly concerned about the direction of this country.
He is unfit for office.
Eight years ago America took a chance.
Obama showed promise to so many but his tenure as president has proven otherwise.
Obama has been a dismal failure.
Obama's inability and inaction to do anything about a clear and present danger is bordering on suicidal.
Suicide aimed at an entire nation.
Obama has shown, time after time, that he is more interested in protecting America's enemies (by saying little , doing nothing) than protecting American citizens.
I will not, I cannot bring myself to believe that Obama is some naievete or afraid to act or even lazy as some have suggested.
I believe his motives for not doing what one would expect a President to do in such a national crises as we are in now are much more sinister.
I wonder what other surprises Obama has cooked up, behind our backs, that we are totally oblivious of during his 8 year reign?
It stands to reason that there are those in any presidential political inner circle who are privy to secret and sensitive information regarding a standing president.
Information that is highly coveted, possibly very damaging and jealousy guarded by those who do not want this information made public.
Obama is acting more like a 'proxy' president than a real one--a place holder.
This may answer the question as to why Obama is acting seemingly 'illogical' by not describing a terrorist ideology as a terrorist ideology.
These are very dangerous times and becoming increasingly so and all with the help of a president who seems to favor protecting the enemy leaving Americans to die and fall, literally by the wayside.
But, I believe the veil is lifting and more people are able to see through his mask.
This evil scenario we now find ourselves in should give anyone pause who is truly concerned about the direction of this country.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Political Correctness - It's Killing Us
December 2, 2015: Terrorist Attack - San Bernardino, California:
Two people go on a rampage and murder 14 innocent civilians, injure two police officers and wound 17 others in a deadly terrorist attack.
They were carrying semi-automatic weapons (AR-15s) and throwing pipe bombs out of their car as law enforcement pursued them.
They were wearing body armor, military attire and ski masks.
They brazenly walked into a conference room and started shooting people then patiently waited to reload and started shooting again.
Terrorism is the the tool of despots, dictators, governments, religious fanatics and revolutionaries.
It is used to instill fear in others in order to fulfill an agenda.
After any attack, it is always good to refrain from jumping to conclusions as all the details have not yet surfaced.
That's good journalism and just plain common sense.
But, after those in law enforcement and others are able to gather many of the details and piece things together and it is becoming more and more evident to all that it wasn't a random incident but a very well planned and coordinated attack by two devout Muslims, well, then maybe you better start reporting the facts.
But, for whatever reason we saw not only those in government yesterday but others in the news media who were far more interested in painting a false picture and narrative of what had just happened. And then, unbelievably, blamed others who had nothing whatsoever to do with this horrific event.
This is a constantly recurring pattern.
Now we have a President who seems to think that disarming the American people is the way to combat terrorism.
He can't even bring himself to utter the word so why would he think that by banning guns the terrorists are just going to stop going out and massacring people?
Could it be that the reason these terrorists were able to murder so many people in that conference room is that no one in that conference room was armed?
Mr. President, banning guns is not the way to combat terrorism.
Please start supporting our police departments instead of heaping disdain on them.
Give the FBI the tools they need (agents, and otherwise) to go out and actively hunt these people down.
Provide law enforcement with the much needed money, equipment and training they need in order for them to effectively go out and do their jobs,
My hat off to law enforcement, First Responders and other emergency personnel for the exemplary manner in which you responded to this tragedy.
You put your lives on the line for all of us and because you did so, many other lives were spared.
My prayers to all who are grieving the loss of their loved ones, those recovering in the hospitals and all the good people who had to endure this tragic event.
Two people go on a rampage and murder 14 innocent civilians, injure two police officers and wound 17 others in a deadly terrorist attack.
They were carrying semi-automatic weapons (AR-15s) and throwing pipe bombs out of their car as law enforcement pursued them.
They were wearing body armor, military attire and ski masks.
They brazenly walked into a conference room and started shooting people then patiently waited to reload and started shooting again.
Terrorism is the the tool of despots, dictators, governments, religious fanatics and revolutionaries.
It is used to instill fear in others in order to fulfill an agenda.
After any attack, it is always good to refrain from jumping to conclusions as all the details have not yet surfaced.
That's good journalism and just plain common sense.
But, after those in law enforcement and others are able to gather many of the details and piece things together and it is becoming more and more evident to all that it wasn't a random incident but a very well planned and coordinated attack by two devout Muslims, well, then maybe you better start reporting the facts.
But, for whatever reason we saw not only those in government yesterday but others in the news media who were far more interested in painting a false picture and narrative of what had just happened. And then, unbelievably, blamed others who had nothing whatsoever to do with this horrific event.
This is a constantly recurring pattern.
Now we have a President who seems to think that disarming the American people is the way to combat terrorism.
He can't even bring himself to utter the word so why would he think that by banning guns the terrorists are just going to stop going out and massacring people?
Could it be that the reason these terrorists were able to murder so many people in that conference room is that no one in that conference room was armed?
Mr. President, banning guns is not the way to combat terrorism.
Please start supporting our police departments instead of heaping disdain on them.
Give the FBI the tools they need (agents, and otherwise) to go out and actively hunt these people down.
Provide law enforcement with the much needed money, equipment and training they need in order for them to effectively go out and do their jobs,
My hat off to law enforcement, First Responders and other emergency personnel for the exemplary manner in which you responded to this tragedy.
You put your lives on the line for all of us and because you did so, many other lives were spared.
My prayers to all who are grieving the loss of their loved ones, those recovering in the hospitals and all the good people who had to endure this tragic event.
If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
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"Beware the Bearers of False Gifts and Broken Promises" |
Togetherness is vital in our lives as well as in institutions.
We like togetherness on a date, at a party, in a marriage or other relationship, in a friendship or in an organization.
However, togetherness is not what we're witnessing today--far from it.
The United States is not a homogeneous nation anymore as it once was, such as Sweden or Switzerland, Finland or Japan.
"The Family that Plays Together Stays Together"
When different groups congregate and prefer to isolate themselves from the rest of society, keeping only to themselves, living separately in their own communities instead of intermingling and getting to know others, refusing to bond and familiarize themselves with their new surroundings, in the long run this cannot and will not bode well for the host country.
Splinter groups rise up who only wish to acknowledge their own ethnic backgrounds and somehow along the way learn how to demonstrate a healthy lack of respect for their new home and others, coupled with little to no discipline in how to act in a socially acceptable manner.
Thus by their refusal to mix, they endeavour to find an outlet to act out feelings of 'injustice and 'outrage' , they consent to being used as they rise up and rail against a society that they find fault with, disagree with and have issues with.
Maybe they shouldn't have come here in the first place.
I'm not talking those who have immigrated here I'm talking other groups who were born here as well.
Societal Breakdown:
Contributing to this scenario is a government that apparently doesn't care at all about this situation as they continue to stand idly by watching the mayhem and chaos increase in intensity.
It stands to reason then that by not doing or saying anything against those perpetrating the violence, that the government is actually supporting and empowering these groups to go out and commit more of the same.
Today we have groups that have been brainwashed into believing that everything bad that has befallen them is 'someone else's fault' instead of coming to grips with the fact that they must share much of the blame.
These groups submit themselves to being willing pawns in the hands of opportunists who are quick to agree with their misguided beliefs and gleefully offer their support as they seize upon a golden opportunity to foster more derision and division.
These criminals assume no responsibility for their actions and the fact that whenever they go out and commit acts of violence all in the name of 'social justice' all they are really doing is propping up the malcontents who continue to support them as well as contributing to the upsurge in the growth of a mass mental breakdown of a tribal mentality.
They refuse to seek help to guide them from up and out of the pit into the light of day but opt for continuing to wallow in an abysmal mass loathing of others and their own self-pity.
Their willing 'spokesmen' are money launderers and hustlers, charlatans and hollow men who make millions off of these willing accomplices, raising their ire and encouraging more acts of violence by hurling insults and screaming accusations.
The people who are adept at conning and cunning, using people for their own aims, are well placed in positions of power.
I believe a dangerous scenario is unfolding in this country and will reach a tipping point not too far off.
The warning signs are all around.
I am watching a country being torn apart by a leader at the very top.
I am watching a country being divided along race and religion and being being systematically hobbled, discredited, demonized and demoralized.
Welcome to hell.
Welcome to Obamageddon.
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