Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, December 4, 2015

Political Correctness - It's Killing Us

December 2, 2015:  Terrorist Attack - San Bernardino, California:

Two people go on a rampage and murder 14 innocent civilians, injure two police officers and wound 17 others in a deadly terrorist attack.

They were carrying semi-automatic weapons (AR-15s) and throwing pipe bombs out of their car as law enforcement pursued them.

They were wearing body armor, military attire and ski masks.

They brazenly walked into a conference room and started shooting people then patiently waited to reload and started shooting again.

Terrorism is the the tool of despots, dictators, governments, religious fanatics and revolutionaries.

It is used to instill fear in others in order to fulfill an agenda.

After any attack, it is always good to refrain from jumping to conclusions as all the details have not yet surfaced.

That's good journalism and just plain common sense.

But, after those in law enforcement and others are able to gather many of the details and piece things together and it is becoming more and more evident to all that it wasn't a random incident but a very well planned and coordinated attack by two devout Muslims, well, then maybe you better start reporting the facts.

But, for whatever reason we saw not only those in government yesterday but others in the news media who were far more interested in painting a false picture and narrative of what had just happened.  And then, unbelievably, blamed others who had nothing whatsoever to do with this horrific event.

This is a constantly recurring pattern.  

Now we have a President who seems to think that disarming the American people is the way to combat terrorism.

He can't even bring himself to utter the word so why would he think that by banning guns the terrorists are just going to stop going out and massacring people?

Could it be that the reason these terrorists were able to murder so many people in that conference room is that no one in that conference room was armed?

Mr. President, banning guns is not the way to combat terrorism.

Please start supporting our police departments instead of heaping disdain on them.

Give the FBI the tools they need (agents, and otherwise) to go out and actively hunt these people down.

Provide law enforcement with the much needed money, equipment and training they need in order for them to effectively go out and do their jobs,

My hat off to law enforcement, First Responders and other emergency personnel for the exemplary manner in which you responded to this tragedy.

You put your lives on the line for all of us and because you did so, many other lives were spared.

My prayers to all who are grieving the loss of their loved ones, those recovering in the hospitals and all the good people who had to endure this tragic event.  


If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

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