Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Is the mind more fertile and able to metastasize more quickly into a specific mindset because of a specific personality?

For example, is an antagonistic personality vs. a subservient one or a meek personality vs. a potent one more readily adaptable to a certain mindset than the other one?

Does it take one of like mind (or a group of like minds) to more quickly enable and stir the dormant mind seed into action where it's aroused and agitated by dark and evil thoughts whereas a more passive personality just plods along, thinking its mind seed into a slow fruition?

Could this in fact be why we have so many conflicts and skirmishes, so many bloody and brutal wars in which one group pits itself against the other?  Because we have actually been programmed, before birth, into either a subservient mindset or a combative one?

We all know a seed wishes us no harm yet a fertile mind seed that is allowed to sprout and fervently encouraged to fester and grow in the mind of an evil human being will, most assuredly, do us all immeasurable harm.

It is my belief that humanity has reached an epochal turning point in their evolution here on earth.

This war for humanity's soul will result in us moving forward toward our rightful place in the universe or instilling suffering to such an extent that this planet will be written off by those who have been watching our progress for thousands of years.

We now have a global scourge of unimaginable brutality and intolerance that has set its sights on the entire world.    

How is it that this scourge came into being and why is it openly being allowed to prosper?

Mankind has always been manipulated by cunning con artists from all parts of the world who have been beset with goals of wiping certain races off the face of the earth for one reason or the other.

But the well placed insurgents of today are now boldly proclaiming and positioning themselves to bring about a war that will end all wars--a war for humanity's complete global enslavement.

Unless one mind seed wins out over the other.

It will matter not how much wealth you have; it will matter not where you live; it will matter not whether you're a giant tech behemoth or a homeless person living on the street.

Humanity is on the brink.

What mindset will win out?

Will we decide we are the prey or the victor?

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