Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Why is Earth's Schumann Resonance Accelerating?
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
down a street
Take a minute
Look under your feet
Hiking down a path
Pause for a moment
To part the grass
Ants and beetles, small minutia
Living their lives among the petunias
But we don't care as it's all about us
We shout that we don't have
time for this stuff!
We Humans have adopted a “ME”-sized view
It’s all
because we've been deceived with miscue
You say, "I’m
tired of being preached to,
Won’t you please just go away?”
I would if I
But I can’t
and I won’t
not today
The world is not all about us
It's connection with everything
Stop acting nonplussed
We’re on our way to being
set free
From hype and from clatter
I hope you'll agree
Say Goodbye to Mad Hatter,
The Demon Turnkey
Once we get
it – Who we are,
Once we
reach that stellar star,
We’re on the
path to The
Final Reckoning
Also known as “Humanity Awakening”
Monday, June 20, 2016
Being "Human" is an incredibly, tiring and exhausting experience.
We are born, we live out our lives and many of us don't have a clue as to what the heck is going on, why we're here or where we're going.
Then, we die.
During this earthly transit, we are subject to so many problems, so many obstacles, so many
distractions, so many temptations, that many of us just give up.
We then find ourselves discarded and left dying on the side of the road.
I am here to tell you that this doesn't have to be.
I have lived many lives on this planet and have experienced so many, many things.
I am not afraid to take up the challenge of living as a human being again, forging ahead and promising hope, providing healing to all who will hear the message the Universe has to offer.
And, neither should you.
All of us are here to make a difference in this world.
That's precisely why we're here.
We're on the road to ascension.
We're trying to make this a healthful environment for all living things.
You and I have purpose.
We are here to learn about ourselves, our special gifts, and then go out and share them with others.
We are here to usher in a whole new world.
No, not the New World Order that is being shoved down our throats, but a really, wondrous, "new" world that will make a positive difference in all of our lives.
One in which there is no fear, no disease, no poverty, no violence and no want.
One in which ALL of us can prosper and live purposely and freely, contributing to the soul of humanity, as we were all meant to do, which, will in turn, prosper all of us.
I can tell you, as a Light Worker, I can sense changes coming.
They are already taking place.
This, in large part, is why we're seeing such horrific evil as It knows Its Days are Numbered so it's ramping up its efforts.
These changes are all Positive.
Tonight is is a very special night beginning with the Summer Solstice along with a Full Moon.
So, go outside and look at the full moon.
Feel the positive energy being released.
Embrace the world you were born into and, don't be afraid.
If you have a calling, embrace it.
We are all in this, together..
All of us are here, precisely at this moment in time, to make a difference in the world.
~ Nightshade
We are born, we live out our lives and many of us don't have a clue as to what the heck is going on, why we're here or where we're going.
Then, we die.
During this earthly transit, we are subject to so many problems, so many obstacles, so many
distractions, so many temptations, that many of us just give up.
We then find ourselves discarded and left dying on the side of the road.
I am here to tell you that this doesn't have to be.
I have lived many lives on this planet and have experienced so many, many things.
I am not afraid to take up the challenge of living as a human being again, forging ahead and promising hope, providing healing to all who will hear the message the Universe has to offer.
And, neither should you.
All of us are here to make a difference in this world.
That's precisely why we're here.
We're on the road to ascension.
We're trying to make this a healthful environment for all living things.
You and I have purpose.
We are here to learn about ourselves, our special gifts, and then go out and share them with others.
We are here to usher in a whole new world.
No, not the New World Order that is being shoved down our throats, but a really, wondrous, "new" world that will make a positive difference in all of our lives.
One in which there is no fear, no disease, no poverty, no violence and no want.
One in which ALL of us can prosper and live purposely and freely, contributing to the soul of humanity, as we were all meant to do, which, will in turn, prosper all of us.
I can tell you, as a Light Worker, I can sense changes coming.
They are already taking place.
This, in large part, is why we're seeing such horrific evil as It knows Its Days are Numbered so it's ramping up its efforts.
These changes are all Positive.
Tonight is is a very special night beginning with the Summer Solstice along with a Full Moon.
So, go outside and look at the full moon.
Feel the positive energy being released.
Embrace the world you were born into and, don't be afraid.
If you have a calling, embrace it.
We are all in this, together..
All of us are here, precisely at this moment in time, to make a difference in the world.
~ Nightshade
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Betwixt and Between
Definition of The Tarot Card No. XII ~
The Hanged Man ~
"In his negative aspect the Hanged Man is the vague idealist who lives in his own, imaginary dream world. Located neither in Heaven nor on earth, but suspended somewhere between the two in a place of his own invention. His eyes are turned inward and he is blind to the beauty that lies all around him, as he hangs by the thread of his wild fantasy".
The Hanged Man ~
"In his negative aspect the Hanged Man is the vague idealist who lives in his own, imaginary dream world. Located neither in Heaven nor on earth, but suspended somewhere between the two in a place of his own invention. His eyes are turned inward and he is blind to the beauty that lies all around him, as he hangs by the thread of his wild fantasy".
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Witnessing evil in its purest form as we all are now sadly enduring--unabashed evil unleashed in its purest form, the most savage and sadistic, unadulterated, unhinged, uncorked and uninhibited state--
we find that we can become detached, a little disorientated because our senses just cannot wrap around the event we're watching nor can they come to comprehend the extent of the violence and the malevolence that has been loosed upon us.
We are now finding that we're focusing on the bad in this world, forgetting the good that surrounds us all.
I had the overwhelming sense this morning as I walked past the stairs leading up to the 2nd floor landing that the dried flowers I had so lovingly arranged in tall vases, the angel figurines sitting on the old ornate Victorian tables, the scented candles wafting their lovely fragrances throughout the house, the pungent potpourri rambunctiously piled up in antique bowls and spilling over in joyful exuberance and a tranquil Buddha sitting quietly amidst all of this, that this, this was not real.
I somehow felt oddly detached at this moment as if half of me was standing there seeing all this yet the other half of me was telling me it wasn't so.
I wasn't seeing it at all. It's not there, it's all in your imagination.
I literally felt something come between me and what I was seeing like an unseen divider a barrier dropping from the ceiling blocking my visual perception.
It was at that moment I felt oddly detached from my immediate surroundings.
I thought, "what if I chose to believe that this scene was not real, would it exist?"
On the other hand, "if I were to believe this scene was real, would it still exist?"
The mind is a beautiful and fragile thing.
It has the power to orchestrate good as well as evil.
When things get out of balance as they are now on this planet, one side can dominate the other.
Good vs. Evil; Happiness and Sorrow; Black and White; Male and Female; Absence and Abundance; Opposition and Acceptance, to name a few.
It is very hard for any of us to understand why it is that these horrific things are taking place today even as we're being provided "plausible" explanations.
Still, that doesn't make sense when our own senses are so saturated to the breaking point, overflowing with horror and sadness, anger and rage at those who have no right to call themselves human beings but need to be castrated and cast down into the abyss, never to return.
Who is to stand for the innocents across this world who are being systematically tortured, murdered?
I don't see the world coming together so I will continue to raise the flag of awareness as to what I believe is happening to us and around us.
"If we don't take up this quest for the battle of humanity's soul, who will"?
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Obama's Army
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
About Face
Saturday, June 11, 2016
In this little
Against a corner
Rests the old hag’s broom
In this
little room
Are long
forgotten memories
While she works
Bundling herbs
Mug Wort,
Briar Patch
Broom, Thistle Thatch
Such sweet perfume!
methodically moves the pestle
In her hair a
raven nestles
Her long hair black
With streaks of white
Her eyes as black
Black as the
She smells
of Eucalyptus
Her style is
so meticulous
She glances up to catch the time
Then back to
Why, it’s half
past nine!
A hummingbird hovers to say, "hello"
She glances
up and with a bow
Both eyes
meet and with silent words
Continuing to stir her fragrant herbs
“How is your
day going”, she asks?
“As well as can
be", the response that comes back
“I hope to
see you tomorrow, then”
“We’ll meet
at nine or half past ten”.
"And don't forget your friend,
the Wren".
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Programmed Consciousness
Do you believe you volunteered to come here to earth because you knew what your purpose was and you wanted to make a difference?
Or, do you believe that humans were mass produced by some emotionless, gigantic extraterrestrial Galopita Machine that only looked at us as foul, decomposing road kill, some type of experiment that went horribly wrong, or an errant celestial by-product they didn't need anymore?
So, they went about haphazardly slapping our sorry organic asses together, spitting us out, not caring whether we landed safely or whether we landed at all?
Do you believe in a higher spiritual Being?
Do you believe this higher spiritual Being has your best interests at heart?
Do you believe in reincarnation? --What about Karma?
Are you spiritual (seeking answers as to how the universe began, why there is good and evil) or could you care less?
Do you subscribe to a certain religion - Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, --Or, do you identify with being an agnostic or an atheist?
Do you care about what happens to other human beings?
Do you believe that there is a universal consciousness, an intelligence that is over everything or, could you care less, not even giving it a second thought?
Do you know where you are going in life?
How do you feel about the use of drones and robots?
What about Google Glass?
Do you ever think that when you sit down at your computer and start typing, your every keystroke is being tracked and documented?
Do you believe you are in control of your own destiny or do you believe that others control your destiny for you?
Do you believe in Free Will or is this some kind of a joke?
Are you a decision maker or do you allow others to make decisions, for you?
Do you think this world is going in the wrong direction?
If so, do you have solutions for what you see are not working?
Do you have an inner yearning to do more and become more involved in trying to help out?
Do you often wonder how things can get so terribly out of control?
Do you believe that if humans raised their consciousness (thoughts) to a higher level of perfection that promotes peace and well being, prosperity, healing and joy for all, that it would make a difference?
Do you believe world leaders are leading us down a path of destruction?
If so, how can you stop this?
Is change always necessary?
The world is evolving as it has, from the beginning.
We are not alone in our struggles.
We have plenty of other company.
I believe that we are just one planet along with thousands (millions?) of others on one rung of a celestial ladder and we're positioned as to how well we are doing in our ascension.
We can ask for help and it will be provided but, on the other hand, we can deny any help believing that we and we alone are best able to solve our problems.
I don't see that working anymore, do you?
What troubles me about where we are now is we are moving into a new era and I'm wondering if we're going to be able to handle the change(s) coming.
In many ways I believe we will as a good example of is a new awareness by millions of people all over this planet that the old ways of doing business are not working.
They are angry and frustrated.
But there are other subtle changes coming and some already here (that we are just not privy to or don't know about because there are those in powerful places who don't want us to).
One of these changes has to do with the enormity of our technological prowess now--Google, Microsoft, the Internet, Intelligence Gathering Agencies, Government research, cloning.
Human beings and agencies are now capable of eavesdropping on others at staggering levels, creating drones and robots, splicing human and animal genes together, and engaging in embryonic research,
There is a quiet yet very subtle and unnerving sense that our tech giants maybe engaging in changing our way of thinking, our way of perceiving things, our way of how we see and how and what we hear.
There is an unnerving streaming programmed consciousness that is man-made now stealthily invading our psyches and our senses.
It has to do with electronic gadgets and creating spy equipment.
You and I are being watched, pursued, listened to, scanned by and programmed (Google Audio, live-streaming, WiFi, Google Glasses.
It is an eerily undercover, silent and covert attempt to get inside our heads, probe our brains and see how we're wired.
Maybe leading to a complete patch (fix) down the road.
Really, really think about this.
Awareness: Try to become more aware of what you see, what you hear, what you read and what is happening to you and all around you.
When you have a question re something, don't act like they want you to (you don't exist so just go away) and don't take no for an answer.
Now, more than ever, take charge of your lives.
Elect leaders who will help in our endeavours.
Challenge things you know are not right.
Understand that with very powerful (and possibly very sinister motives) technology it is one thing to be open and public about the friends you keep close and the research you are involved in, but it's another thing entirely to keep your friends private along with donations and the lid tightly sealed on the research you are doing.
It's like the iron fist raise in the air--what's there to hide?
I believe that if technology is allowed to rise up and become so very powerful that it now morphs into something else entirely (takes on a consciousness all of its own) and considers itself now, a G*d, refusing to acknowledge the wonderment, the innate spiritual aspect that is intertwined in All things, refusing to infuse this into their research, that it will inevitably reduce or do away with that inner spark that burns inside each one of us that continually lights our path and fuels our humanity, leaving behind only discarded, darkened husks.
Are we on the road to oblivion, continuing down that sorry road to nowhere?
And are human beings becoming just another avenue for someone or some company with enough money to research in as we are now considered just another new product for them to amuse themselves with, dabble in and make a profit off of?
If we are to believe that we came to this dense, dark and despairing planet to help, to do some good then now not later (there is no time for later anymore as we are in a desperate situation) is the time to get started.
Now is the time to extricate ourselves from the spider and the web we're all hanging on.
Now is the time for all of us to release our minds (our consciousness) and tear down the barriers that are separating us from the happiness and freedom we all deserve.
Now is the time to acknowledge we're living in a computer generated program that plays over and over and over, all the while having fun at our expense.
Now is the time to shatter The Matrix.
Now, now is the time to make a real difference in the world.
Or, do you believe that humans were mass produced by some emotionless, gigantic extraterrestrial Galopita Machine that only looked at us as foul, decomposing road kill, some type of experiment that went horribly wrong, or an errant celestial by-product they didn't need anymore?
So, they went about haphazardly slapping our sorry organic asses together, spitting us out, not caring whether we landed safely or whether we landed at all?
Do you believe in a higher spiritual Being?
Do you believe this higher spiritual Being has your best interests at heart?
Do you believe in reincarnation? --What about Karma?
Are you spiritual (seeking answers as to how the universe began, why there is good and evil) or could you care less?
Do you subscribe to a certain religion - Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, --Or, do you identify with being an agnostic or an atheist?
Do you care about what happens to other human beings?
Do you believe that there is a universal consciousness, an intelligence that is over everything or, could you care less, not even giving it a second thought?
Do you know where you are going in life?
How do you feel about the use of drones and robots?
What about Google Glass?
Do you ever think that when you sit down at your computer and start typing, your every keystroke is being tracked and documented?
Do you believe you are in control of your own destiny or do you believe that others control your destiny for you?
Do you believe in Free Will or is this some kind of a joke?
Are you a decision maker or do you allow others to make decisions, for you?
Do you think this world is going in the wrong direction?
If so, do you have solutions for what you see are not working?
Do you have an inner yearning to do more and become more involved in trying to help out?
Do you often wonder how things can get so terribly out of control?
Do you believe that if humans raised their consciousness (thoughts) to a higher level of perfection that promotes peace and well being, prosperity, healing and joy for all, that it would make a difference?
Do you believe world leaders are leading us down a path of destruction?
If so, how can you stop this?
Is change always necessary?
The world is evolving as it has, from the beginning.
We are not alone in our struggles.
We have plenty of other company.
I believe that we are just one planet along with thousands (millions?) of others on one rung of a celestial ladder and we're positioned as to how well we are doing in our ascension.
We can ask for help and it will be provided but, on the other hand, we can deny any help believing that we and we alone are best able to solve our problems.
I don't see that working anymore, do you?
What troubles me about where we are now is we are moving into a new era and I'm wondering if we're going to be able to handle the change(s) coming.
In many ways I believe we will as a good example of is a new awareness by millions of people all over this planet that the old ways of doing business are not working.
They are angry and frustrated.
But there are other subtle changes coming and some already here (that we are just not privy to or don't know about because there are those in powerful places who don't want us to).
One of these changes has to do with the enormity of our technological prowess now--Google, Microsoft, the Internet, Intelligence Gathering Agencies, Government research, cloning.
Human beings and agencies are now capable of eavesdropping on others at staggering levels, creating drones and robots, splicing human and animal genes together, and engaging in embryonic research,
There is a quiet yet very subtle and unnerving sense that our tech giants maybe engaging in changing our way of thinking, our way of perceiving things, our way of how we see and how and what we hear.
There is an unnerving streaming programmed consciousness that is man-made now stealthily invading our psyches and our senses.
It has to do with electronic gadgets and creating spy equipment.
You and I are being watched, pursued, listened to, scanned by and programmed (Google Audio, live-streaming, WiFi, Google Glasses.
It is an eerily undercover, silent and covert attempt to get inside our heads, probe our brains and see how we're wired.
Maybe leading to a complete patch (fix) down the road.
Really, really think about this.
Awareness: Try to become more aware of what you see, what you hear, what you read and what is happening to you and all around you.
When you have a question re something, don't act like they want you to (you don't exist so just go away) and don't take no for an answer.
Now, more than ever, take charge of your lives.
Elect leaders who will help in our endeavours.
Challenge things you know are not right.
Understand that with very powerful (and possibly very sinister motives) technology it is one thing to be open and public about the friends you keep close and the research you are involved in, but it's another thing entirely to keep your friends private along with donations and the lid tightly sealed on the research you are doing.
It's like the iron fist raise in the air--what's there to hide?
I believe that if technology is allowed to rise up and become so very powerful that it now morphs into something else entirely (takes on a consciousness all of its own) and considers itself now, a G*d, refusing to acknowledge the wonderment, the innate spiritual aspect that is intertwined in All things, refusing to infuse this into their research, that it will inevitably reduce or do away with that inner spark that burns inside each one of us that continually lights our path and fuels our humanity, leaving behind only discarded, darkened husks.
Are we on the road to oblivion, continuing down that sorry road to nowhere?
And are human beings becoming just another avenue for someone or some company with enough money to research in as we are now considered just another new product for them to amuse themselves with, dabble in and make a profit off of?
If we are to believe that we came to this dense, dark and despairing planet to help, to do some good then now not later (there is no time for later anymore as we are in a desperate situation) is the time to get started.
Now is the time to extricate ourselves from the spider and the web we're all hanging on.
Now is the time for all of us to release our minds (our consciousness) and tear down the barriers that are separating us from the happiness and freedom we all deserve.
Now is the time to acknowledge we're living in a computer generated program that plays over and over and over, all the while having fun at our expense.
Now is the time to shatter The Matrix.
Now, now is the time to make a real difference in the world.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Now You Know
Urantia, May 11, 2016.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Your Divine Life-Plan.”
The Beloved One: “I have followed your thoughts as always and I wish to comment on your deliberations about personalities and Life plan preparation. And yes, you long ago had a vague idea that there was something you were to do in this life — like a ‘pre-cognition.’
“This idea I would like to discuss as it pertains to each human ever born and all those still to be born in all future time on all the worlds of space. You suddenly realized that the great Creator-God from time immemorial holds all mortals as spirit-seedlings, with all their prospective personalities and life plans, in his great Being.
“The Ultimate Creator of everything ever created and evolving on all the worlds in space and time also knows the circumstances in which a human being will be born at any time anywhere and He bestows their personality as they take their first breath. All personalities created and evolving repose in that Great Being and there are no duplicates, ever.
“The great mystery, as you have learned from an important reading, is that the Thought Adjusters know also about any prospective personality to be born on a certain planet at any time. Together with other High Beings they formulate those human life plans to bring with them when a child has matured enough to make an independent free-will moral decision.
“This momentous occasion takes place in the child between the ages of 4 and 6 years. Some little ones may already have a certain propensity toward something ‘they would like to do when they’re grown up.’ This can also be due to genetic inheritance.
“You realize of course that much planning and thought has gone into life plans before they are instilled in some child on the worlds of space. These life plans are so very carefully charted and projected through studying the genetics of prospective humans who may even be born generations later.
“Utmost care goes into the planning by the Gods, as they truly desire the very best for each human to be born, and who are also bestowed with the gift of free will, to decide to follow God’s Will or not. These carefully laid life plans become the possession of each human.
“Therefore, the outcome for a successful life is the responsibility of the human and depending on whether he or she is inclined to learn and follow the will of God in practicing the golden rule by doing unto others as it would like to be treated. Important and in large measure is that the human is willing to make the connection with its Thought Adjuster — the Gift from God within — as its Guide and Helper.
“Some humans discover their life plan early in life, others do so much later. However, it can be discovered at any age. The result will be a more fulfilling and satisfying life with increasing joy and soul peace with gratitude towards the Creator, who has made all this possible.”
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Your Divine Life-Plan.”
The Beloved One: “I have followed your thoughts as always and I wish to comment on your deliberations about personalities and Life plan preparation. And yes, you long ago had a vague idea that there was something you were to do in this life — like a ‘pre-cognition.’
“This idea I would like to discuss as it pertains to each human ever born and all those still to be born in all future time on all the worlds of space. You suddenly realized that the great Creator-God from time immemorial holds all mortals as spirit-seedlings, with all their prospective personalities and life plans, in his great Being.
“The Ultimate Creator of everything ever created and evolving on all the worlds in space and time also knows the circumstances in which a human being will be born at any time anywhere and He bestows their personality as they take their first breath. All personalities created and evolving repose in that Great Being and there are no duplicates, ever.
“The great mystery, as you have learned from an important reading, is that the Thought Adjusters know also about any prospective personality to be born on a certain planet at any time. Together with other High Beings they formulate those human life plans to bring with them when a child has matured enough to make an independent free-will moral decision.
“This momentous occasion takes place in the child between the ages of 4 and 6 years. Some little ones may already have a certain propensity toward something ‘they would like to do when they’re grown up.’ This can also be due to genetic inheritance.
“You realize of course that much planning and thought has gone into life plans before they are instilled in some child on the worlds of space. These life plans are so very carefully charted and projected through studying the genetics of prospective humans who may even be born generations later.
“Utmost care goes into the planning by the Gods, as they truly desire the very best for each human to be born, and who are also bestowed with the gift of free will, to decide to follow God’s Will or not. These carefully laid life plans become the possession of each human.
“Therefore, the outcome for a successful life is the responsibility of the human and depending on whether he or she is inclined to learn and follow the will of God in practicing the golden rule by doing unto others as it would like to be treated. Important and in large measure is that the human is willing to make the connection with its Thought Adjuster — the Gift from God within — as its Guide and Helper.
“Some humans discover their life plan early in life, others do so much later. However, it can be discovered at any age. The result will be a more fulfilling and satisfying life with increasing joy and soul peace with gratitude towards the Creator, who has made all this possible.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
This is an interesting morning.
There is a gentle and beautiful feel to it, unlike yesterday.
Today, I see an ancient castle situated at the top of a mountain and at its base, tall and ancient trees with spreading and magnificent canopies.
I can smell dried herbs hanging in shops and the luxuriant scent of pine forests as I happily leap in meadows full of petite yellow wildflowers, the warmth of the sun beaming down upon me.
It feels like liberation to me, a release, completion and rebirth.
How could I possibly be feeling this way today as yesterday, my nanny goat finally succumbed to pneumonia?
Sadly, I buried her in the late afternoon.
Maybe, just maybe what I am picking up on today doesn't have anything to do with me but what she is experiencing as to where she is now.
She is the one running and frolicking in luxuriant meadows.
She is the one standing outside quaint little shops watching old women, their heads covered, tending to gardens while others sit nearby on wooden stools, busily chattering with one another as they grind fresh herbs into medicinal potions and fragrant potpourris.
Nanny turns around and looks at me and then up at the castle behind her, bright eyes gleaming as she munches on succulent grasses that droop haphazardly from her mouth.
I finally get it.
She is free of her earthly confinement and constraints, happy and carefree now as she has experienced liberation and no longer suffering.
Free now to run and jump and dance and play.
This is Transition ~ Something we all will experience.
There is a gentle and beautiful feel to it, unlike yesterday.
Today, I see an ancient castle situated at the top of a mountain and at its base, tall and ancient trees with spreading and magnificent canopies.
I can smell dried herbs hanging in shops and the luxuriant scent of pine forests as I happily leap in meadows full of petite yellow wildflowers, the warmth of the sun beaming down upon me.
It feels like liberation to me, a release, completion and rebirth.
How could I possibly be feeling this way today as yesterday, my nanny goat finally succumbed to pneumonia?
Sadly, I buried her in the late afternoon.
Maybe, just maybe what I am picking up on today doesn't have anything to do with me but what she is experiencing as to where she is now.
She is the one running and frolicking in luxuriant meadows.
She is the one standing outside quaint little shops watching old women, their heads covered, tending to gardens while others sit nearby on wooden stools, busily chattering with one another as they grind fresh herbs into medicinal potions and fragrant potpourris.
Nanny turns around and looks at me and then up at the castle behind her, bright eyes gleaming as she munches on succulent grasses that droop haphazardly from her mouth.
I finally get it.
She is free of her earthly confinement and constraints, happy and carefree now as she has experienced liberation and no longer suffering.
Free now to run and jump and dance and play.
This is Transition ~ Something we all will experience.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Stay the Course
![]() | |
Sure, they're nice to have but they just don't hold as much value as they did when I was younger.
I have to ask myself, why do I need all these trinkets and bling and pots and urns and pictures in the first place?
Because I'm led to believe that things will make me me happy.
The older I get the more I realize that things are just window dressing with no value other than framing a window or decorating a wall.
I have slowly learned that true and lasting happiness comes from within, not from without.
There is more to life than owning gadgets.
Happiness comes from seeing a rainbow, smelling a rose, cuddling a kitten, holding a baby.
Happiness comes from saying "I Love You."
Happiness comes from putting others first.
Happiness comes from accepting and loving yourself.
This morning I am watching one of my animals take its last breath on earth.
I went in and prayed over her that G-d will see that her suffering is not prolonged.
Being that I am accustomed to witnessing this final act in life whether it be an animal or a human being, I have come to know that this act of dying and death is an intense and extremely private matter.
There are times I have doubt, times when I want to throw in the towel and times when I wonder why there is so much death and destruction, so much savagery, so much confusion and so much chaos on this planet.
And yet from time to time, I get a glimpse of something so much bigger, a spiritual knowing that we're not alone in our struggles.
There are so many questions I have that I will never receive answers to but that doesn't diminish my profound belief that there are others watching our progress who will, if we just give them permission, step in and help us out. we struggle out of this deep dark dense hole and into the Light.
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