Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Witnessing evil in its purest form as we all are now sadly enduring--unabashed evil unleashed in its purest form, the most savage and sadistic, unadulterated, unhinged, uncorked and uninhibited state--

we find that we can become detached, a little disorientated because our senses just cannot wrap around the event we're watching nor can they come to comprehend the extent of the violence and the malevolence that has been loosed upon us.  

We are now finding that we're focusing on the bad in this world, forgetting the good that surrounds us all.  

I had the overwhelming sense this morning as I walked past the stairs leading up to the 2nd floor landing that the dried flowers I had so lovingly arranged in tall vases, the angel figurines sitting on the old ornate Victorian tables, the scented candles wafting their lovely fragrances throughout the house, the pungent potpourri rambunctiously piled up in antique bowls and spilling over in joyful exuberance and a tranquil Buddha sitting quietly amidst all of this, that this, this was not real.

I somehow felt oddly detached at this moment as if half of me was standing there seeing all this yet the other half of me was telling me it wasn't so.

I wasn't seeing it at all.  It's not there, it's all in your imagination.

I literally felt something come between me and what I was seeing like an unseen divider a barrier dropping from the ceiling blocking my visual perception.

It was at that moment I felt oddly detached from my immediate surroundings.

I thought, "what if I chose to believe that this scene was not real, would it exist?"

On the other hand, "if I were to believe this scene was real, would it still exist?"

The mind is a beautiful and fragile thing.

It has the power to orchestrate good as well as evil.

When things get out of balance as they are now on this planet, one side can dominate the other.


Good vs. Evil; Happiness and Sorrow; Black and White; Male and Female; Absence and Abundance; Opposition and Acceptance, to name a few.  

It is very hard for any of us to understand why it is that these horrific things are taking place today even as we're being provided "plausible" explanations.

Still, that doesn't make sense when our own senses are so saturated to the breaking point, overflowing with horror and sadness, anger and rage at those who have no right to call themselves human beings but need to be castrated and cast down into the abyss, never to return.

Who is to stand for the innocents across this world who are being systematically tortured, murdered?
I don't see the world coming together so I will continue to raise the flag of awareness as to what I believe is happening to us and around us.

"If we don't take up this quest for the battle of humanity's soul, who will"?  

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