"Them" |
An interesting theory as to why we can't get along with one another on this planet is that each race actually originates from a different star system with a different set of beliefs. These beliefs could be a
winner take all mentality or a willingness to sit down at the table and discuss differences. If you notice, there are very few "peacekeepers" in the world. "Why?" Could it be that a hostile alien race has succeeded in doing away with all those who wish peace as they are now firmly in control of this planet? Maybe they're from, say, the Orion Constellation which, according to reports, is only out for world domination. Could it be that some of our politicians originate from this Orion Constellation (star system) or have had their human DNA genetically altered by these aliens? Maybe there
really is an actual, hidden, alien agenda. "Don't laugh, anything is possible. Each planet vibrates to its own frequency. Some are very high while others are very low and earth is one of them, its vibration in the 3rd dimension. There is a concerted effort ongoing by the Planetary Federation to raise this planet's vibration, by millions of those who have willingly come here to help out. This planet has, for too long, manifested in a frequency that continues to create sorrow, hatred, anger, and hostility. "Why are we here?" "Is it to finally come together and rise above all the evil we see constantly playing out across the world"? "Will we ever learn to get along or will we continue to embrace an ugly reality that we're all hopelessly divided, continuing to live meaningless and miserable lives, starving to death, dying from disease, surrounded by those who don't give a s**t and who continue to divide us using indifference, turmoil and violence"? You do know that we can put an end to all of this. All it takes is for us to make a commitment to one another and start pushing back, vibrating peace and love. This can be done through meditation and connecting with others who believe as we do. Ever notice how the elites continue to amass wealth and power? Ever wonder why? Is it because they have been genetically chosen and selected to be our caretakers (when all they really care about are themselves?). They seem to know what jobs to seek and who to contact and are really proficient in deception, manipulation, lies and seduction. They can do anything they want, hurt anyone they want, dispose of anyone they want while we look helplessly on. They have no morals, no scruples and no feelings. They remind me of cold blooded reptiles. So, in closing I ask, don't you think we need to start making our own decisions in life instead of relying on
Them? Instead of moving forward together we are more divided than ever. This planet will not survive if we don't start getting involved. We need to act now. Why would we want to consistently listen to and follow those who only wish us to go to hell and are actively working to see this happen? Quite frankly, if you ask me, we're almost there.
~ Nightshade
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