Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, November 17, 2017

Bearing Fruit

Earth is in active labor, expelling and casting into the light those who have heretofore managed to remain anonymous.   Her labor pains have borne fruit as we now know the names of the sexual predators who have gotten away with so much for so long.  A talk show host last night revealed something else the public knew nothing about--a secret "hush" fund that Congress has set up in the event one of their own is accused.  It has already paid out $15,000,000.00.  I'm just guessing here but money to shut the victims up?  An investigation is warranted into this.   

We are all waking up to so much dirt and filth going on in Washington, D.C., Hollywood and elsewhere.   The gatekeepers have done a good job of keeping all of this from the public.  In the process we are finding out that the elite will do anything to keep their power and control.  I believe what is happening is part of the clean up, a fundamental process that is necessary in order for all of us to see more clearly the ugliness that is so much a part of our lives and this planet.   

We are in the midst of throwing off our shackles of ignorance and embracing the true light of our existence which is not control or power but peace and joy.  We are slowly moving from the dark ages into enlightenment as the universe quietly and profoundly fine tunes us.

Humanity is here to nurture and grow itself.  What if tomorrow there was no more war, disease, poverty or violence?  Everyone on this planet would be able to live in peace with enough to eat and drink and a roof over their heads.  We would be able to see ourselves differently, not as takers but as givers.  And a baby's life would not be snuffed out but welcomed as another tiny branch on humanity's tree, cherished and allowed to grow and prosper for the betterment of all.       

Part of the awakening that is occurring is finding out that we're not alone (we never have been) and in the not too distant future (I'd say within 5 years) another event will unfold in which we will finally come face to face with our neighbors from the stars.

This will be the final achievement that will solidify our place in the universe, thus completing humanity's transformation.   

      ~ Nightshade  

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