Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
Hide and Seek
Well, I think we can all agree that things aren't quite right down here. Wherever you turn, wherever you look, what you read, what you hear and what you see going on in the world is, quite frankly, "off the charts." It's like the world is turning inside out. The volatility (energy) that is surfacing across the planet is increasing, like magma beneath a volcano seeking a way out of its chamber in a fiery eruption.
"These are the times that try men's souls." There are many good people in the world and they and their heroic acts surface from time to time but we don't hear about them because the ones who create trouble make the headlines.
Please bare with me. What we're seeing happening on this planet is only the calm before the storm. The ascension signs are there: rumblings of unrest, increased mental illness, anxiety, anger, stress, fear, confusion and suffering, a virulent strain that has been loosed upon humanity like some kind of malevolent malady.
Some other signs are the amount of craziness we're seeing: Naked people running down the middle of highways, kids eating Tide Pods, people of faith being singled out and persecuted, the use of chemical weapons on civilians--young and old, people opening up exit doors on airplanes in flight or barricading themselves in the washroom, road rage accounts in which not one but both participants wind up hurt, weird weather, animal cruelty.
Look at the horrific California wildfires and the number of communities affected not to mention the people who lost everything, the recent flooding that devastated neighborhoods and uprooted many people from their homes in Houston, Texas, the 36+ inches of rain that fell on Baton Rouge, LA over a year ago and people still haven't been able to completely return to their homes, the amount of homelessness spreading out of control in cities, people with mental problems taking innocent lives, the Opiod Epidemic, etc.
Will things continue to escalate to where it's going to be impossible to deal with things anymore? It really seems like the fabric of humanity is unraveling right before our eyes.
The really important question, though, is how do we cope with all we're seeing?
You know your weak points and your strengths, right? I mean that's important when you're sizing up a situation as to how you're going to deal with it but the truth is, we all have a breaking point. How do we stand up to adversity, to something we've never had to deal with before let alone anticipate, where you're now thrust out of your comfort zone and face to face with a real disaster?
Ask the people who have just been through one. One of the things we are seeing as a result of disaster is the outpouring of love and support from others in an effort to help those through their time of need. This is a good thing and one of the lessons humanity is learning.
We never know when disaster is going to hit. Generally it comes without warning but it makes no difference. When it hits, it hits.
So the question I'm asking really boils down to "who or what do you actually believe in?" "Do you believe solely in yourself, that you are capable of handling just about anything that is thrown your way"?
Or is it time to admit you don't have the answer. When you don't have the answer what's the next step? You search for one.
Matthew 7:7: Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
~ Nightshade
Sunday, February 25, 2018
What is Faith?
The Christian Bible was originally written in three different ancient languages:
Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
*Judaism was founded in 7th century BCE
*Christianity in 1st century CE
*Islam in 7th century CE
BCE stands for: Before Common Era
BC stands for: Before Christ
(So 500 BCE is the same as 500 BC)
CE stands for: Common Era or Current Era
AD stands for: (anno Domini, the year of the Lord, the current year we are presently in)
(So 2018 CE is the same as 2018 AD)
These three religions are known as the Abrahamic Religions (Abrahamism) and combined, have the largest number of followers in the world.
Abrahamism was comprised of ancient Semetic speaking peoples known as The Canaanites, Phoenicians and Hebrews).
(In the Hebrew Torah the reference to faith is found in Hebrews 15:6 in which G-d told Abraham that "he would be the father of a multitude of nations and Abraham believed Him".
In the Christian Bible there are two passages referring to faith:
Deuteronomy 32:20 (King James Version KJV): "And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be for they are a very froward - (Merriam Webster: habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition) generation: Children in whom is no faith."
Habbukuk 2:4: "Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith."
Both of these passages translated the original word emun (meaning to confirm, support) in the original Hebrew text into the English word faith (see Strong's Concordance).
In the Muslim Quran, the word faith is represented by the word al-aman which means to affirm something and comply with it.
The above information shows several different meanings (or interpretations) of what the word faith means.
It's interesting to note that all three definitions seem to come together in some sort of agreement or consensus:
Hebrew - emun: (confirmation and support)
Christian - faith: (a belief in something for which there is no proof)
Islam - al-aman (affirmation of something and complying with it)
The spelling of the word faith might be different in all three religions but the combined meanings come together:
Namely: "We have collectively confirmed a belief in something for which there is no proof yet all are inclined to bear patiently, its presence."
It appears we have something in common after all,
~ Nightshade
Friday, February 23, 2018
Go with the Flow
Is it possible to quiet yourself down so that you connect with the flow of the universe?
Why would you want to do this?
Because it will change you for the better and when you feel better so does the world and everyone else.
At this moment, the universe is presenting you with a unique opportunity.
It knows who you are, what you are. "You can play the victim or you can be the bully,"
You can keep struggling, you can keep worrying, you can keep sullying, you can keep bullying, you can keep accusing, you can keep raging, you can keep hurting, you can continue to play the victim.
Why keep lying to yourself?
You are not what you've been taught to believe you are. You are something so different. You are not weak, you are powerful, you are not bad, you are good, you are not weak, you are a Warrior.
It's not very often we're presented with opportunities in life and this one is a biggie.
*The universe needs all the help it can get and is asking you to get on board*.
Get on board, for what?
Has the amount of evil in the world grown substantially larger over the years? I don't have the answer but what I do believe is that we're all becoming much more aware of just how much evil is in the world and we're becoming more aware of this.
What is the saying, "if you can't define the enemy, how can you defeat it", has much merit.
What is this awareness? --That we've been lied to. That the truth of our existence isn't continual suffering but one of peace, joy, happiness and love.
Peace comes first and the others follow. But, evil continues to have its way.
Some examples of evil:
Evil: Abortion: Denying a baby the right to live.
Evil: Pedophilia: Using young children to satisfy sexual urges.
Evil: Murder: The unlawful killing of another human being (see Abortion).
Evil: Slavery: The condition by which one human being is owned by another.
Evil: Poverty: Having little or no money or means of support.
Evil is known as the The Great Deception. It's constructed in such a manner so it can maintain its stranglehold on humanity in which it eventually turns all of us into victims as it continues to work silently behind the scenes, stoking doubt and fear, anger and rage, confusion, division, chaos and destruction and feeding off all of us, gorging itself and smiling gleefully as we turn on each other in a perpetual blood lust.
Well, that's changing. We're in a new cycle right now and according to the 11:11 Progress Group, it's known as The Correcting Time.
Definition of Correcting: Merriam Webster - To make or set right.
Think of the universe as a giant clock. Its hand constantly moving like a regular clock but instead of pinned to the earth's rotation it's pinned to the Flow of the Universe.
Life is a series of cycles. You will see one earthly cycle where there is much happiness, abundance and prosperity for people while the next cycle is a bust.
These cycles are ebbs and flows like ocean waves that help us, direct us and harmonize us in our reactions and relations with others.
For more information on cycles, please visit Strauss and Howe's, "The Fourth Turning".
Would you agree that some thing is changing here on Planet Earth? That maybe, just maybe there is a giant wake up call coming and we're in the beginning of it? This is why I keep touching on your life in such a personal manner because I have an obligation to provide you with spiritual guidance and sustenance during this time as that is my purpose.
What is occurring right now is mankind slowly waking up after being in a comatose state and coming to its senses to a new reality, the true reality for this planet and its name is PEACE.
We've been lied to, we've been deceived into believing that only a certain few can have everything, that disease, crime and poverty are a way of life, that healthy food and water are only available to some, that living in squalor and birthing babies from life into death is the norm, that war and rumors of wars, terror, fear, anguish and grief are all part of life, that we should just get used to burying our loved ones after evil has once more had its way in the form of a tormented and crazed killer vented his anger and rage.
No, I say NO! This is not the world as it truly is. This is what the world WAS.
You want to become "some one?" Join the ranks of those who have already signed up.
Your mission: Bring about peace in this world.
Remember, Peace starts with yourself and the rest will follow.
Make this world a fit place to live, for ALL.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Reverend Billy Graham, (b. 1918 - d. 2018)
A fine and decent, G-d fearing man died today. His name was Billy Graham. Mr. Graham preached the Gospel for sixty years, ministering to young and old alike.
His passing is something we should remember because, quite frankly, I don't think we'll see another man like him.
Mr. Graham preached love, compassion, forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ. His passing is the world's loss but heaven's gain.
Sincere condolences to his family,
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
A Dream of Encouragement: "Don't Worry, I've Got Your Back"
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Psalm 91: "For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You" |
There are really two of you walking around. I'm not talking about your shadow. I'm talking about your unseen angelic guide. That guide is assigned to you, a part of you and here to watch over you.
How do you get in touch with your guide? -- Just ask them to reveal themselves and they will. They've been waiting for you to ask, all along.
It is time for you to connect with your angels as the events taking place in the world and on this planet are only going to intensify and manifest. When you know that you have your own guardian angel protecting you, you will come to rely on them and understand that they are here to help you.
I'd like to share a dream with you that I had this morning. In the dream there were people milling around aimlessly, like they didn't know where they were going but one young man stood out. He was standing, quietly. I'd say he was in his early twenties with shoulder length, light brown hair. His presence was very protective and comforting. His face had soft features reminding me of the actor, Brad Pitt. In one part of the dream and this is what I vividly remember, he was standing so close behind me that even though I couldn't feel him actually touching me, he was not separate from me but an integral part of me.
I believe I just encountered an angelic guide and this is interesting because, as of late, I've been asking one of them to show up.
At the end of the dream, as I was walking out of the room, there was a darkened bedroom I passed by but was able to clearly see a bouquet of white roses in the shape of a heart and tied with a white satin ribbon laying on the end of the bed. I felt that he had left them there for me and interpreted them as a sign of encouragement.
There are many instances where people have stopped short of doing something because a still small voice instructed them not to. There have been accounts where someone died in an automobile crash and the survivor saw an angelic being bathed in bright light coming closer and closer to offer solace and comfort.
There have been instances of horrific accidents in which people emerged, without a scratch, leaving authorities shaking their heads.
And battlefield encounters where angels have been seen walking among the wounded and dead, counseling, helping those whose lives had ended and come to grips with what happened and administering to the wounded.
There is a little known account of United Airlines Flt. 93, during 9-11, the passenger plane that crashed into a Pennsylvania farm field and a nurse on scene who was astonished to witness countless numbers of angels walking among the debris and the dead. She felt they were there to help those who had died with the transition from the physical world to the world of spirit.
I personally believe that more and more of these beings are making themselves known to us because of the turmoil this planet is now in.
So, please, take this message to heart. It's time to connect with your own guardian angel.
~ Nightshade
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Life is Just a Game of Poker
It's a struggle making it out of the birth canal and it doesn't stop there. The minute we're out of the womb it's a continuation of the same struggle. Then, as we grow older, to make things more complicated, obstacles and challenges are thrown in our path. We meet people who put us down and call us names and very few people who are willing to help us and assist us in our growth. As we're subjected more and more to the world's vices, we may succumb to disease, drugs and alcohol.
If we are to successfully navigate through life what are the steps we need to follow? No one provides these steps for us. Many of us find them through trial and error and that is truly sad.
It is impossible to make anything of ourselves if we do not learn the traits of responsibility, listening, learning, discipline and application.
Many of you walking around today are so full of yourselves. You think you know it all. You think you have all the answers. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is going to get you nowhere, fast.
Now you can accept no where but then you can also accept some where. Which place do you want to be?
In school you're assigned to read a chapter in which you will be asked a series of questions at the end. You neglect to read the chapter and then try to answer the questions and fail. Do you take it out on the teacher or realize that you, yourself, were to blame?
Included in learning is finding those who can help us in our progress such as education, parents, clergy, mentors, military service.
Life is a process of separating the chaff (what is unimportant in your life) from the wheat (what is important). Life is a real getting to know thyself experience.
If you are one who can't be bothered with what was just posted, well then I guess this lesson isn't for you.
But remember, Life has a prickly habit of intervening even though you didn't ask it to and when you least expect it, altering your course in unexpected ways.
Can you really wait that long?
Don't you want to take charge of where you're going in life now or are you content with leaving it all up to chance?
If you're a risk taker and consider Life just a game of poker, then I hope you're lucky enough to be dealt a winning hand.
Remember, "Jokers don't get very far in life".
Definition of Joker: An insolent person who seeks to make a show of cleverness.
~ Nightshade
Friday, February 16, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Reproductive Hate
I cannot believe how much hate is in the world. It seems like it's winning, taking over everything and crushing everything good in its path. Have you ever noticed that, *Hate begets Hate?*
How do you deal with hate? Do you shun it, pretend it doesn't exist or expose it for what it is?
First of all we must know what hate is, so, what, exactly, is it? Merriam Webster:
intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury
What are some of the root causes of hate? --Fear, Jealousy, Anger, Revenge.
There is a power struggle for dominance taking place on this planet. It is a struggle between two forces, dark and light. We can see the back and forth, the extremes playing out between the two on t.v. and the news media every day and for those promoters behind the scenes or out in the open, they are thriving on it. For them, "Hate Has Become a Full Time Job".
The bible is replete with statements regarding hate. Here are some of them:
Proverbs 26:24-26: "Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart; though his hatred be covered with deception, his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly".
Leviticus 19:17: "You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him".
Titus 3:2: "To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people".
John 3:20: " For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed".
Philipians 2:3: " Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves".
Jude 1:16-19: " These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit".
I believe that man is incapable of overcoming hate as he's had thousands of years to do so. Do you see any improvement? So if man cannot subdue this demon, who will? I believe that we're on the way to an experience that will finally put humanity on the right path. The only way we're all going to come clean and right wrongs is for something monumental and unexpected to happen that will shake us to our core in order to bring us to our senses (and our knees, hopefully).
We cannot continue to allow this insidious, open wound to fester in our midst.
Monday, February 12, 2018
It’s time for assessment
To complete the divestment
Of reporters and Congress,
Of reporters and Congress,
And a new reinvestment
Ask them to
And repeat
their oath
either Americans
Or not even
If not even
They need
I’m sure
most Americans
Would vote
their approval
A country can’t
Treason from within
It’s high
time to complete
House cleaning
House cleaning
No more time for their lies,
Their scheming
Their scheming
Sanitize, sanitize,
Grab your mop your sponge, your lye
It is time to live Free or Die
Grab your mop your sponge, your lye
It is time to live Free or Die
Friday, February 9, 2018
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Kid Goats |
"Death, what is it"? You say, "I know." I'm here to tell you, "I don't know and you don't either." I lost a kid goat this morning. Yesterday it was born and in good health but this morning I found its body, cold and hard. The nanny is calling for her baby but the baby doesn't answer. Now I have to investigate why a seemingly healthy animal suddenly died.
I am no stranger to death as my mother died in my arms, my mother in law lay in a hospital for three weeks before she passed and my father in law slowly succumbed to Dementia. I've also been around for countless animal deaths and I'm here to say, "you never get over it".
"How many more days do you have on earth?" Not one of us has the answer.
So the moral of this story is to embrace and cherish each and every day because we never know. Make the most of being here.
I've seen so many animals die. Some are just resigned to their fate and go down. Others fight until the very end.
There is no right or wrong way to die. It's a personal choice even with animals.
I have so much respect for them. They teach us so much about ourselves and sometimes push us, dare us over boundaries we were too scared to cross. They shine a light on our strengths and weaknesses.
They accept their roles and live out there days with us, not expecting anything more other than we take care of them. To me, this is a sacred obligation. I continue to marvel at how they behave, after a frigid night, slowly appearing in the doorway of their shelters waiting for the sun to come up and then positioning their bodies to take advantage of the warming rays. They court, they mate, they bring forth young and raise them with patience and love. Unlike many humans.
There is a saying coined by a politician on raising kids, "It Takes a Village."
"No, I believe the proper version is, "It Takes a Goat."
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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Cabbage Roses |
Saturday, February 3, 2018
The Big Lie
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all its power to repress dissent for the Truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the Truth is the greatest enemy of the State." ` Joseph Goebbels
Friday, February 2, 2018
Tarot Card Reading for February 2, 2018
We're all aware of charges of obstruction of justice and corruption by the DOJ, the FBI and the DNC. The memo detailing important information is supposed to be released today.
I thought I'd do a Tarot Reading this morning concerning this and phrased my question, "What is the result of the FISA Memo being released"?
I used three cards, Past, Present and Future.
The three cards:
1. Past - II The High Priestess
2. Present - XVIII The Moon
3. Future - V of Swords
Outcome of reading:
Past - A Watchful Eye, Mystery, Radiance, Rhythm (related to the Moon Card), Divine Meaning.
Present - Secrecy, Illusion, Deception, Concealment.
Future - "A Master in Possession of the Field", Degradation, Loss, Infamy, Dishonor.
I thought I'd do a Tarot Reading this morning concerning this and phrased my question, "What is the result of the FISA Memo being released"?
I used three cards, Past, Present and Future.
The three cards:
1. Past - II The High Priestess
2. Present - XVIII The Moon
3. Future - V of Swords
Outcome of reading:
Past - A Watchful Eye, Mystery, Radiance, Rhythm (related to the Moon Card), Divine Meaning.
Present - Secrecy, Illusion, Deception, Concealment.
Future - "A Master in Possession of the Field", Degradation, Loss, Infamy, Dishonor.
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