Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Life is Just a Game of Poker

It's a struggle making it out of the birth canal and it doesn't stop there.  The minute we're out of the womb it's a continuation of the same struggle.  Then, as we grow older, to make things more complicated, obstacles and challenges are thrown in our path.  We meet people who put us down and call us names and very few people who are willing to help us and assist us in our growth.  As we're subjected more and more to the world's vices, we may succumb to disease, drugs and alcohol.

If we are to successfully navigate through life what are the steps we need to follow?  No one provides these steps for us.  Many of us find them through trial and error and that is truly sad.  

It is impossible to make anything of ourselves if we do not learn the traits of responsibility, listening, learning, discipline and application.  

Many of you walking around today are so full of yourselves.  You think you know it all.  You think you have all the answers.  Nothing could be further from the truth and this is going to get you nowhere, fast.

Now you can accept no where but then you can also accept some where.  Which place do you want to be?      

In school you're assigned to read a chapter in which you will be asked a series of questions at the end.  You neglect to read the chapter and then try to answer the questions and fail.  Do you take it out on the teacher or realize that you, yourself, were to blame? 

Included in learning is finding those who can help us in our progress such as education,  parents, clergy, mentors, military service.   

Life is a process of separating the chaff (what is unimportant in your life) from the wheat (what is important).    Life is a real getting to know thyself experience.

If you are one who can't be bothered with what was just posted, well then I guess this lesson isn't for you.  

But remember, Life has a prickly habit of intervening even though you didn't ask it to and when you least expect it, altering your course in unexpected ways.   

Can you really wait that long? 

Don't you want to take charge of where you're going in life now or are you content with leaving it all up to chance?

If you're a risk taker and consider Life just a game of poker, then I hope you're lucky enough to be dealt a winning hand.     

Remember, "Jokers don't get very far in life".

Definition of Joker:  An insolent person who seeks to make a show of cleverness.

     ~ Nightshade

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