Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, February 26, 2018

Hide and Seek

Well, I think we can all agree that things aren't quite right down here.  Wherever you turn, wherever you look, what you read, what you hear and what you see going on in the world is, quite frankly, "off the charts."  It's like the world is turning inside out.  The volatility (energy) that is surfacing across the planet is increasing, like magma beneath a volcano seeking a way out of its chamber in a fiery eruption.

"These are the times that try men's souls."   There are many good people in the world and they and their heroic acts surface from time to time but we don't hear about them because the ones who create trouble make the headlines.

Please bare with me.  What we're seeing happening on this planet is only the calm before the storm. The ascension signs are there:  rumblings of unrest, increased mental illness, anxiety, anger, stress, fear, confusion and suffering, a virulent strain that has been loosed upon humanity like some kind of malevolent malady. 

Some other signs are the amount of craziness we're seeing:  Naked people running down the middle of highways, kids eating Tide Pods, people of faith being singled out and persecuted, the use of chemical weapons on civilians--young and old, people opening up exit doors on airplanes in flight or barricading themselves in the washroom, road rage accounts in which not one but both participants wind up hurt, weird weather, animal cruelty.

Look at the horrific California wildfires and the number of communities affected not to mention the people who lost everything, the recent flooding that devastated neighborhoods and uprooted many people from their homes in Houston, Texas, the 36+ inches of rain that fell on Baton Rouge, LA over a year ago and people still haven't been able to completely return to their homes, the amount of homelessness spreading out of control in cities, people with mental problems taking innocent lives, the Opiod Epidemic, etc.

Will things continue to escalate to where it's going to be impossible to deal with things anymore?  It really seems like the fabric of humanity is unraveling right before our eyes.

The really important question, though, is how do we cope with all we're seeing?

You know your weak points and your strengths, right?  I mean that's important when you're sizing up a situation as to how you're going to deal with it but the truth is, we all have a breaking point.  How do we stand up to adversity, to something we've never had to deal with before let alone anticipate, where you're now thrust out of your comfort zone and face to face with a real disaster?

Ask the people who have just been through one.  One of the things we are seeing as a result of disaster is the outpouring of love and support from others in an effort to help those through their time of need.  This is a good thing and one of the lessons humanity is learning.   

We never know when disaster is going to hit.  Generally it comes without warning but it makes no difference.  When it hits, it hits.

So the question I'm asking really boils down to "who or what do you actually believe in?"  "Do you believe solely in yourself, that you are capable of handling just about anything that is thrown your way"?

Or is it time to admit you don't have the answer.  When you don't have the answer what's the next step?  You search for one.

Matthew 7:7:  Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. 
      ~ Nightshade

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