Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, February 23, 2018

Go with the Flow

Is it possible to quiet yourself down so that you connect with the flow of the universe?


Why would you want to do this?

Because it will change you for the better and when you feel better so does the world and everyone else.    

At this moment, the universe is presenting you with a unique opportunity.    

It knows who you are, what you are.  "You can play the victim or you can be the bully,"

You can keep struggling, you can keep worrying, you can keep sullying, you can keep bullying, you can keep accusing, you can keep raging, you can keep hurting, you can continue to play the victim.

Why keep lying to yourself?    

You are not what you've been taught to believe you are.  You are something so different.  You are not weak, you are powerful, you are not bad, you are good, you are not weak, you are a Warrior. 

It's not very often we're presented with opportunities in life and this one is a biggie.   

*The universe needs all the help it can get and is asking you to get on board*.     

Get on board, for what?

Has the amount of evil in the world grown substantially larger over the years?  I don't have the answer but what I do believe is that we're all becoming much more aware of just how much evil is in the world and we're becoming more aware of this.

What is the saying, "if you can't define the enemy, how can you defeat it", has much merit.          

What is this awareness?  --That we've been lied to. That the truth of our existence isn't continual suffering but one of peace, joy, happiness and love.

Peace comes first and the others follow.  But, evil continues to have its way.   

Some examples of evil: 

Evil:  Abortion:  Denying a baby the right to live.
Evil:  Pedophilia:  Using young children to satisfy sexual urges.
Evil:  Murder:  The unlawful killing of another human being (see Abortion).
Evil:  Slavery:  The condition by which one human being is owned by another.
Evil:  Poverty:   Having little or no money or means of support. 

Evil is known as the The Great Deception.  It's constructed in such a manner so it can maintain its stranglehold on humanity in which it eventually turns all of us into victims as it continues to work silently behind the scenes, stoking doubt and fear, anger and rage, confusion, division, chaos and destruction and feeding off all of us, gorging itself and smiling gleefully as we turn on each other in a perpetual blood lust. 

Well, that's changing.  We're in a new cycle right now and according to the 11:11 Progress Group, it's known as The Correcting Time. 

Definition of Correcting:  Merriam Webster - To make or set right. 

Think of the universe as a giant clock.  Its hand constantly moving like a regular clock but instead of pinned to the earth's rotation it's pinned to the Flow of the Universe.   
Life is a series of cycles.  You will see one earthly cycle where there is much happiness, abundance and prosperity for people while the next cycle is a bust.

These cycles are ebbs and flows like ocean waves that help us, direct us and harmonize us in our reactions and relations with others.  

For more information on cycles, please visit Strauss and Howe's, "The Fourth Turning".

Would you agree that some thing is changing here on Planet Earth?  That maybe, just maybe there is a giant wake up call coming and we're in the beginning of it?  This is why I keep touching on your life in such a personal manner because I have an obligation to provide you with spiritual guidance and sustenance during this time as that is my purpose.    

What is occurring right now is mankind slowly waking up after being in a comatose state and coming to its senses to a new reality, the true reality for this planet and its name is PEACE.    

We've been lied to, we've been deceived into believing that only a certain few can have everything, that disease, crime and poverty are a way of life, that healthy food and water are only available to some, that living in squalor and birthing babies from life into death is the norm, that war and rumors of wars, terror, fear, anguish and grief are all part of life, that we should just get used to burying our loved ones after evil has once more had its way in the form of a tormented and crazed killer vented his anger and rage.

No, I say NO!  This is not the world as it truly is.  This is what the world WAS.

You want to become "some one?"  Join the ranks of those who have already signed up.

Your mission:  Bring about peace in this world.

Remember, Peace starts with yourself and the rest will follow. 

Make this world a fit place to live, for ALL.    

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