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Let There Be Light |
Our decisions, our reactions to things, our life experiences and what we're taught, shape us. Over time these feelings, beliefs, emotions can build up inside, infecting us.
We grow up confident or fearful, offended or accepting. We carry these emotions with us throughout life and at some point may ask for help in dealing with them as they're now negatively affecting us.
You may reach a point in your life where you've just had it. You say, "I don't want to deal with this anymore. I don't want to continue to feel anxious, fearful, depressed or angry. I am so tired of not being able to do what I want to do because I'm constantly being thwarted."
"I have so much to give to life but the old me won't let me do this." "I want a new me".
"Self is here to help".
Most of the time we go through life not even giving our Self a second thought because we don't even know it exists. Oh, it may surface every once in a while letting us know it's there but we keep ignoring it. We're happy with where we are, right now.
At some point, though, we may find that second Self is knocking on our door. Now it's getting insistent like there's a deadline looming. Maybe we should listen. We then start to ponder and reminisce about our life, our weaknesses, what we did and didn't do and especially what we don't like about ourselves.
And then we begin to realize, through this small connection with Self, that there's so much more happiness waiting for us out there.
Now Self is happy. Its finally connected with you and Self knows you're really committed to making a change this time, not like before.
Self starts your rehabilitation by telling you that you are loved even in spite of how much you hate yourself, your weaknesses and all the bad things you did. Self tells you, That's all in the past. Start looking toward your future, okay?
Note from Self: If you have reached a point of crisis in your life and are committed to being happy instead of miserable, if you are at a point in your life where you want to start over I have something I'd like you to try.
The first step in getting to know your Self is by introducing yourself to it. Stand in front of a mirror and acknowledge that it's a part of you and start a dialogue. Look in the mirror and say something like, "Hi, Self, I'm so and so and I'd like to get acquainted with you. I'd like you to be a part of my life. I'm so screwed up. Maybe you can help me with some of the things I've been struggling with. Quite frankly, I'm finding I can't do this on my own. I hate who I am, where I am and where I'm headed". I need help".
After you do this, the most important thing (and this is really going to change your life, trust me) is say these words as you continue to look at your Self in the mirror and they are, "I love you, Self."
Probably within hours you are going to notice a change in your Self, in others and how you perceive the world.
What you have just done is let go.
You just gave yourself permission to say goodbye to the old you in favor of a new you and might I add, the real you?
You just engaged in a powerful and spiritual act of acceptance and forgiveness not for only for your Self but on behalf of others.
You just poured out your soul to Self acknowledging your weaknesses, your insecurities, your guilt and your hangups.
But more importantly you just took charge of where you really want to go in Life.
How great is that?
~Love and Blessings,
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