Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, March 23, 2018

KARMA ~ The Lightbringer

Karma is not about retribution, revenge, getting even or payback.  So when you watch a movie in which Karma is used as revenge to settle a score, this is the wrong interpretation.

Karma is all about balance.   

It is the law of cause and effect and an inherent spiritual component integral throughout the universe. 

Karma is not about committing acts of violence but is balancing right and wrong through healing, forgiveness, compassion and love.  Compassion is having an understanding of what the other person is going through and reacting through patience and love, not fear.     

What we do and say in life, who we hurt, who hurts us, our decisions are all under the watchful eye of angelic guides.   They teach us that what we give out in life we eventually get back.  That no wrong will go unnoticed.  That the hurt and pain we give and endure, the sorrow and sadness we experience all have their opposite in joy and healing, mercy and love.

They ask us to consider our thoughts and ponder the results of our decisions before we make them.              

They teach us how to reach out to others in need.  They teach us to put others first and to always strive to do what is good not to benefit ourselves personally, but for the benefit of all.   

They are waiting for you to contact them, standing by to help us as we trudge through the morass of this lifetime.

They are helping us find our lost parts, our fragmented parts and learning how to integrate them back into the whole.  

Who or where have we been taught about karma?  Our public and private education don't teach this subject and I dare say not even our religious institutions.     

Karma has its concept in ancient India and is a key concept in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism.

As we move through the planetary shift, the spiritual meaning of Karma is becoming more widely known.

Its properties are cleansing and balancing the planet through each one of its human inhabitants.  

The result is an intuitive blending of heart, soul and spirit which will benefit all mankind.   


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