Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Call to Duty

I've been down since April with coughing, hacking.  I'm really happy to feel better.  So how's it going with you?   What positive things have happened in your life?  Have you taken charge of your life and moved forward?  It's safe to say things are in massive upheaval down here (duh!).   If you haven't put on your big girl panties by now or, for you guys, figured out you've got to shoulder more than you've been, you better get a move on.   The world needs you!  All the craziness happening is prompting deep soul searching leading to profound and positive changes for all of us.  It's a necessary part of the process.  It's going to take a while before things settle down and the new changes are implemented.    In the meantime, all of us are being forced to take a step back and examine our lives, how we conduct business, what we've been taught to believe, the systems that govern us, how we treat others, what we put into our bodies and learning to make amends, to name a few.  A Call to Duty has been put out awakening an indwelling spirit in each one of us, challenging us and facilitating a change in how we look at things.  It's kinda like a switch has turned on.  So where is all of this leading to?  --A better and more healthy planet and a better and more healthy individual.  A final coming together of humanity, instead of the incessant drumbeat of those who only want to divide and conquer.  But first the falling apart comes in order for all the pieces to be sorted, lifted up, examined and put back together.  This time, perfectly.  So, keep moving forward in your life.  You are here to make meaningful change.  It's easy to get emotional and get swept up in the moment, sucked into a narrative or a cause that is not going to help anyone but only fuel the ego of those who want to continue being the problem, not the solution so beware.  

What we're seeing happening today are the old patterns falling away, making way for a new one.   And for the betterment of all, not just the few.      

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