Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Life is Not A Game of Chance

Game of Chance:  A game, such as a dice game, in which chance rather than skill determines the outcome.

Sadly, today, many young people are not being prepared but only growing up not knowing anything about life, just playing a game of chance, not skill as they aren't being taught the rules needed in order for them to grow up confident and free from fear and harm.

I'm talking authority so, okay, what exactly is it?    Authority is something to be aware of and know about, because at some point in your life you're going to brush up against it or directly come face to face with it.

We're rebellious and the more so, when we're young, pushing the limits and especially observing reactions from others when we do something wrong.    We're teeming with life, we're explorers and the ones with all the answers.  We're unbounded and without direction unless and until, someone provides it.

You might say we're all just jumping around, highly enthusiastic and inquisitive about life.  But then all of a sudden, something changes.  We pushed the wrong button, we crossed a line, we did something wrong and now a side of life we weren't aware of is about to descend on us.  "But, nobody prepared me for this," you whine. 

Authority:  The power to determine, adjudicate or settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command or determine.  (www.dictionary.com) 

Examples of authority:  The military, parents, teachers, judiciary, clergy, law enforcement, emergency personnel, morticians, politicians.

Your parents have the authority to punish you if you do something wrong; police officers have the authority to pull you over if you're speeding; pastors, priests and rabbis have the authority to pronounce you man and wife; emergency personnel have the authority to keep you out of unsafe areas while they go in and rescue people; the military has the authority to push you to your limits; politicians have the authority to pass laws and morticians have the authority to pronounce you dead.

What is happening today is a push back against authority for a variety of reasons.  In some cases this push back might be merited and warranted but in the majority of cases it winds up being a bogus claim or political in nature.

The point I'm trying to make is that today, authority, as a whole, is under attack as an integral, legitimate and necessary means of keeping us all safe, as they keep the peace and protect us from danger.

These incessant and overt attacks we're witnessing on authority today will prove to be, over the long run, very harmful to society as a whole.  Authority is a vital and necessary part of our lives.  

If you know right from wrong but decide you're gonna keep pushing the limits anyway and do the wrong thing, you might get away with it for awhile but eventually you're gonna face the consequences (as well you should) and an authority figure (judge, police officer, etc.) is going to show up and become a painful and very intimate partner in your life experience.

Authority is not here to harm us but to set limitations on what we can and cannot do.  It's for our own well being.  It's not about restricting our freedoms but is all about protecting us as authority figures know the pitfalls that await us if we get too carried away.

Learn to know your boundaries and the authority figures that are out there as this is one way and a vital part of emerging from life, unscathed.

Learn to honor and respect those in authority who only have your best interests at heart.  One day you may be thanking them. 


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