Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An Exorcism of the Heart

We all know how painful it is when we rip a scab off.

This is a metaphor for what's happening today.

After we rip off the scab, a lot of things surface that we'd rather others didn't know about but now it's too late because we're staring at a wound that's bloody and pus filled as we didn't allow enough time for healing.   

What's been undercover and hidden is out in the open for all to see and now we're forced to deal with it.    

There are no more excuses.        

What we're presently experiencing in this country is comparable to an exorcism.

No, we don't have a priest with a Holy Bible in hand, speaking in Latin and sprinkling Holy Water over us. 

Instead, individually, we're all going through an exorcism of the heart (Or, a Change of Heart).  Could also be considered a heart transplant.   

Have you noticed how many sordid things are being exposed during this ordeal?   

People who have managed to keep their ugly pasts a secret have now been thrust into the public eye and are being heavily scrutinized.   

People who have been used as political chattel, for years, are now demanding their deliverance as free men and women.

Having to endure listening to hollow words from unscrupulous people, only striving to further enrich and empower themselves on the backs and bodies of others, taking advantage of every crisis.

From dark to light.

We are all individuals but when we actually come together in agreement on something, we are known as the Collective. 

I think it fair to say that we're all fed up with violence as a cure all for our ills, grudges and  grievances.

Using violence has never changed anything but only begets more violence. 

Through this terrible ordeal we're all experiencing in which none of us can escape, I am seeing a subtle change coming.   

The out of control mayhem and murder that has shaken this country is slowly winding down but not before its provided each one of us an opportunity to reflect.     

We are learning that there is another way:

Collectively, we're coming together.  There is no separation between us.    

Collectively, we're learning we're responsible for what happens to each one of us. 

Collectively, we're learning the road to healing starts with forgiveness.         

Collectively, we're learning we're responsible for making this world a better place.

Collectively, we're learning that Love Triumphs Over Evil.  

Collectively, we're learning that "We're One Big Family."

As a family we occasionally have disagreements and squabbles.

But isn't it better to sit down and discuss our shortcomings and our fears, our hopes and dreams instead of taking our frustration and rage out on one another?

Isn't it better to see Eye to Eye than an Eye for an Eye?



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