The "Dark Side" |
~ Humanity has entered a different conscript ~
"Humans are in the process of having their insides mainlined and their frames stripped bare."
"This is so their sad condition can be revealed."
You're standing at your bathroom sink looking in the mirror, something you've done hundreds of times before but, this time it's different.
You feel a cold chill come over you as you continue looking at the mirror watching an apparition slowly forming.
You're wondering what is happening as your body starts to seize up and feel your mind becoming a wasteless void.
Then you hear this:
"You have no choice in this matter. "This time has been chosen for you in which you will now meet your "other" half."
"Aha", says the dark abyss looking back at you, "you knew I existed but never thought you'd see me. Well now you have. Take a good look as I am as much a part of you as you are of me."
This dark mass continues congealing in the mirror, not wanting to completely reveal itself as it knows no human being has ever survived the experience.
Every so often however two small eyes like burning coals disappear and reappear peering out through the ghoulish dark swirling matter.
It continues, "please listen carefully to what I have to say, for you will learn an important lesson."
"What you are presently looking at in your mirror is your "Dark Side."
"For thousands of years we've incubated inside all humans, the vast majority having no idea we even exist. But a few have managed to connect with us and once they make contact openly encourage us to "come out and play" with them as they begin to be completely occupied, taken over, controlled, intrigued and spellbound by our dark energy."
"Sadly, however, your scholars, priests, pastors and rabbis, your schools and universities, do not teach this hidden knowledge of the many different energies (both good and bad) that occupy your planet opting instead to leave this subject up to a learned few".
"This is done deliberately so the fewer humans know, the better."
"Hence, the majority of you are passed by, as you haven't been "chosen", but only the few who willingly agree to conform to a new set of "rules" thus leaving behind the unsuspecting and ignorant, continuing to wonder why so many bad things keep happening here".
"This is not meant to be an aberration of who or what you are as a species but an extremely useful and necessary tool of information on how to control the masses if you want complete domination."
"There is a Light Side, also and the goal for humans is to learn how to meld (congeal) the two together as one cannot exist without the other". "This is also known as "Duality".
Examples of Duality: Night and Day; Right and Wrong; Good and Evil; Male and Female; Positive and Negative."
"Those who do not understand nor care about taking the time to learn these functions (as to how your world operates) their spiritual, fundamental and intrinsic concepts, their connection to and the inherent roles they play in nature that are so important to your species and your planet in general and mankind in particular, their particular roles in preserving the natural order of things and not taking the time to learn how important they are as they have agreed to serve the Dark Side, have bought a one way ticket to oblivion".
"It only takes a handful of corrupted human beings bent on controlling the world to succeed in doing so."
"This process then sparks the interest of other dark beings who are more than happy to assist".
"This is why you continue to see havoc being wreaked on the world".
"Those few who choose the Dark Side are then given their marching orders and they are:
"Manipulate, promote and manufacture those events that will prompt much fear, chaos and disorder (the more horrific the better) on the planet such as school shootings, massacres, terrorist attacks, war, EMP attack, plague, even having a hand in the manifestation of natural disasters".
"In so doing their intent is to bring humanity to its knees, all the while engorging themselves on the gruesome feast left behind of human suffering. This is solely what empowers them."
"In addition to all of this there are other sideline curricula they must engage in (obey) in order to keep their membership in good standing:"
Sex Trafficing,
Drugs and Alcohol
Child Sacrifices
Blood Rituals,
"Once they taste these forbidden fruits, their appetite is permanently whetted. This is why it is so difficult to:
identify these parasites,
get them removed
bring them to justice
"These individuals instinctively know how to position themselves in order for their demonic agendas to reach their highest potential or zenith".
"They are found in governments, agencies, organizations, education, health care, intelligence, social media, and, yes, even the clergy".
"What is happening now on your planet is an awakening in consciousness".
"You are coming out of your slumber, imprisonment, hiatus or whatever else you want to call it and reaching out to others, coming together in one purpose, with one voice and in one humanity."
"You have finally picked sides and chosen the one where you wish to intervene and take an active part in your own salvation."
"I know you are wondering why I'm providing this information now and the answer is because it is Time".
"Remember this Time you're in is called The Reveal which is followed by a cleansing. Where things hidden are coming to the surface in order to be identified and dealt with."
"This is humanity's awakening the time where all of you are being planted together in order to take root."
"There is also beauty in the Dark Side if you let in the Light."
"Thank you for allowing me to connect with you".
I wish you Peace,