Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, May 13, 2022


I had an angel visitation yesterday.  

I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary just my usual stuff.  

I was upstairs sorting some laundry when I first started to feel a warm pink glow emanating all around me.

The feeling was very comforting and told me, "Trust as everything is going to be alright."  

The spiritual meaning of pink is connected with the Heart Chakra and means evolution followed by peace and harmony.     


There is a massive re-alignment happening on our planet.

War in Ukraine, death, nuclear threats, now baby formula shortages along with food shortages, COVID lockdowns, sky high fuel prices, worsening crime, severe drought in the west, massive flooding in the midwest followed now by record heat all over the place.

Craziness doesn't even come close to what we're all seeing and experiencing.

And the horror, the pain, the unimaginable suffering human beings are experiencing at the hand of others is really taking a toll mentally, on all of us.  

We all have had our share of misery and pain but not to the levels we are seeing it today.

Please know that even with all this happening, there is a plan in place.

"Is part of 'this' plan all the upheaval we're seeing", you ask?

Yes, but only due to the fact that the bad guys are still the ones creating all of this mayhem as they are "still in charge" down here.

They know their days are numbered so they're not going away, quietly.  

So there is no way of telling just how long we're all going to be stuck in the "wash" cycle.

Do know, however that there are Humans, Extraterrestrials and Celestials working on our behalf.  

They don't want to see anymore suffering and are enabling the necessary changes in order for this to come about.  

They are working tirelessly but must first complete their mission of "taking out the garbage."

One thing's for sure - we're all going through this shit show together.  

"Be still and Know."

Know that Peace is coming.

Reach out and do a kindness today.

Do your best today and know that whatever you're going through, you have help, are being cared for and loved. just Trust

Much Love, 

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