2024 Prophecies - Get Ready - This WILL Happen (youtube.com)
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Tarot Message for the New Year 2024
Friday, December 29, 2023
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Monday, December 25, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for December 24, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023
"You Have the Power "
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Weekly Tarot Reading for December 17, 2023
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for December 10, 2023
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Night Sun Tarot Card Deck Positions Situation (Middle Card): XVIII The Moon Challenge(s) Upper Left Card: XI Strength Resources/Guidance/Help (Top Card): XVII The Star Hidden/Focus (Lower Right Card): IV The Emperor Outcome Card (Bottom): XIV Temperance Summary Card (Lower Left): III The Empress While shuffling the Emperor Card fell from the deck. When it did I heard these words, "Thor, God of Thunder." See Thor - Wikipedia. Coincidence? I don't think so. ~ Reading ~ "Pitch Black" Could this Pitch Black be the result of the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 or ? KJV, Isaiah 60:2 ~ "For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness, the people, but the Lord shall rise upon then and His glory shall be seen upon thee." ***** Situation: The Moon Card symbolizes pregnancy, fertility, new beginnings, cycles and emotions. The figure on the card came across in this reading as a "gate keeper" and is connected to the High Priestess, the Empress and the Star Card. She is a keeper of secrets thatr are hidden in our unconscious/intuition (the darkness) ***** Challenge(s): The Strength Card is saying: Prepare for What's Coming, in other words (take stock of where you are, make the necessary changes - take charge of your life). The warrior pictured on the card has part of his face painted red meaning: war, violence, blood, strength, energy and power. The lion symbolizes a deep magical insight and once we fully grasp its meaning (mind over matter) we will be thrust into a greater understanding of what is going on in the world and how it is affecting us. ***** Resourtces/Guidance/Help: The Star Card means Future and its message: "you have worked past hardships and ready to embrace what comes next." The seven pointed star behind the female figure is known as a "Heptagram." This symbol was used by early Christians meaning the seven days of creation and to wad off evil. Its unbroken lines mean Eternity also the Star of Bethlehem (the Sacred Harlot). The spiralling energy in the background represents God's spiritual force. People familiar with magic also say that this 7 pointed star relates to planetary magic. What Is Planetary Magick and How to Use It - Astrology.com The figure on the card looks a little crazy, dazed, distracted or maybe she's intently focusing on something. Notice the mala beads signifying grounding, stability and connection dropping down around her waist and arms. Instead of holding them in her hands in order to manifest what she wants, it appears she's not interested in doing this at all. Even though this card is one of positivism, optimism, this time it s meaning came across a little more skewed. Maybe she's not grounded at all, maybe she's in the midst of anticipating something happening in which whe will play a big part. I would liken this card more toward something chaotic happening in the world. Totally unexpected, a cataclysm resulting in upheavals and upthrusts. See link below: Symbol of Chaos - Wikipedia ***** Hidden/Focus Card is The Emperor. Notice the crown of thorns he is wearing denoting sacrifice, physical suffering, humiliation and shame. He is showing up in the Hidden Position and asks us to focus on him because He represents what's going on behind the scenes,,what we cannot see because we are prevented from doing so. Could this be Jesus? In any case, this is a very positive card and should embolden us by lifting up our spirits. Outcome Card is Temperance. (Meekness and Temperance). KJV Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness and Faith." Hold firm for a Great Awakening is coming the results of which will be ground breaking and earth shattering, the likes of which Humanity has never seen before. Hold fast and stand your ground just like the Temperance Angel. ***** Summary Card is The Empress representing Gaia, Mother Earth: Notice she, too, is wearing a crown of thorns. She has a puzzled look (maybe even a startled look on her face as if wondering what's happening or more likely wondering what is to come). The broken egg on her dress was broken on purpose as it releases a hidden spiritual message not only one she needs to hear (because it will affect the earth, her domain) but on behalf of Humanity, as well. Message: "the spiritual world is instructing you to be more attentive to details like never before." The Empress is the Emperor's other half; his bed partner, wife, companion and confidant. They have a working relationship in which they work together, on behalf of Humanity as they only want what's best for us. "Fear Not For I Am With You; be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." KJV, Isaiah 41:10 The numerical value of this reading is: 2 A crossroad or choice; parthership; assimilation; gentle persuasion Adding the Summary Card is: 5 Instability; conflict; loss; change; a new cycle Total is 7: The foundation of God's Word and tied directly to Creation and symbolizes God's Completeness and Perfection |
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Monday, December 11, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Today is December 7, 2023, A Very Solemn Day
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The Beginning of WWII For the United States ~ The USS Shaw Explodes as Japan Attacks Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941 ~ 2300 American Lives Were Lost |
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Heralding in a New Consciousness
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"A New Dawn for Humanity" |
The Veil is thinning between both worlds - one of dark and one of light.
Watch for the signs.
Be on the lookout for more syncronicities happening, more understanding of what is happening to us, in our world and why.
Alien Contact, for real.
An increase in our cognitive abilities leading to a deeper understanding of all that is, that was and is to come.
More compassion.
Choosing Serving Others - (Selflessness) rather than choosing Service to Self - (Selfishness).
We are on the cusp of a gigantic leap in Human Consciousness,
Even the air smells different, the clouds are now spelling out messages for us as the winds of Time and Change descend upon this planet.
There is a great healing beginning to take place on this planet and it's only going to get stronger.
If you are having difficulty with something, when you go to bed at night ask the Universe a question and expect an answer.
Rest assured, it will come, Trust Me.
Continue to Embrace Accord over Discord.
Earth and Humanity are waking up from their long nightmare to a higher frequency, a higher vibration as the Light continues to shaft the dark.
Our Time Has finally come, heralding in our new place in the Cosmos, as we continue our ascent higher and higher into this new place reserved just for us.
"Let it Be So
and, So It Was"
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Monday, December 4, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for December 3, 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Friday, December 1, 2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Tarot Message for November 26, 2023
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"Night Sun" Tarot Card Deck dealing with Humanity's Shadow (Dark) Side Positions Middle: SITUATION: XII The Hanged Man - Water/Cancer/Mem Upper Left: CHALLENGE: VI The Lovers - Gemini/Mercury/Zain Top: RESOURCES/GUIDANCE/HELP: 0 The Fool - Water/CancerAleph Upper Right: FOCUS/HIDDEN: XVI The Tower - Mars/Aries/Phe Bottom: OUTCOME: XIII Death - Scorpio - Pluto/Nun SUMMARY: Bottom Left: XXI The World - Saturn/Capricorn/Tau ~ Reading ~ "The Tower of Babel is Collapsing" (Made up of Lies, Deception, Fear, Demagoguery, Persecution, Religious and Political Hierarchies) Note: The energy from this reading was very comforting as the cards intuitively came together in a message of planetary healing. The problem is we can't see this because those in charge (angels, spirit guides, celestials) are working behind the scenes. There is and has been a lot of s**t happening on this planet that's pretty obvious and it's still winding down (meaning we're still going to see the other side continue to do its dirty work). But when this is all you're accustomed to seeing, it's understandable why you wouldn't believe something good was also happening. As I shuffled and laid out the cards I could feel them intuitively merging together in a much needed message. This time there was a decidely different energy manifesting - one heralding in a profound and welcome change for all of us. *** SITUATION: The Hanged Man represents our life journey (path) on earth; the end of a cycle (completion of our journey) and renewal (starting a new one); a process of assimilation in which what we desire results in accomplishment if we just learn to surrender ourselves to our guides, let go of the death grip (fear) we have on everything and Trust. CHALLENGE: The Lovers card reminds me of a squabble going on. The man in the middle is caught in the middle. The female on the right is definitely trying to make a point and the guy on the left looks like he's out in left field, having no clue as to what is happening. This card reminds us of the importance of making the right choice when it comes to choosing a partner whether it be for life or temporary. The choice we make should be based on the clear understanding that what will be required of us and necessary for success is clear communication, cooperation and the ability to solve problems together. RESOURCES/GUIDANCE/HELP: The Fool represents a void (nothingness, meaning our potential) that which is about to take form. He represents the first step on our journey where we start learning about ourselves, religion, sex, challenges, our strengths and weaknesses and that we learn important lessons from our mistakes. FOCUS/HIDDEN: The Tower Card in this position symbolizes what is actually happening in the world (what we cannot see). This card stands for dismantling; tearing down; a destructive force or forces; a spiritual event or something else we weren't able to predict. The Tower's meaning this time strongly came across as "The Tower of Babel" (the Hebrew name for Babylon). Please see below: The 1st-century Jewish interpretation found in Flavius Josephus explains the construction of the tower as a hubristic act of defiance against God ordered by the arrogant tyrant Nimrod. https://en.wikipedia.org Where Is the Tower of Babel Located - Location and Significance (crosswalk.com) OUTCOME: The Death Card is clearing the way for Humanity's Transformation (happening now) leading to a new cycle of growth and rebirth. The old is dying (see the Tower Card) allowing for something new and better coming into being. SUMMARY CARD: XXI The World Card symbolizes earth, our world, a world in constant change: Creation followed by destruction, destruction followed by creation. The dancer represents the Hindu Lord of the Dance (Shiva) also known a The Dance of Shiva. These cyclical changes are not only happening on earth but are part of the cyclical nature of the cosmos as well. The Science Behind The Lord Shiva's Cosmic Dance - YouTube *** The numerical value of this reading is: 2: Assimilation; a crossroad or choice; sharing Adding the Summary Card is: 5: Instability and conflict; a new cycle; opportunity for change The two together are 7: Spirituality; Wisdom resulting in a Perfect Order |
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
"Happy Thanksgiving to All of You", November 23, 2023
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for November 19, 2023
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Welcome to Planet Earth
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"Shattered Dreams" |
We are now living in a zombiefied, disembodied world due to it and us being radically altered over the years.
Watch your step as its inhabitants minds and body parts are strewn all over the place.
Thank God this world is now dying and a new one manifesting but we still have much more hell to transition through, ahead of us.
From the unforgivable and demonic global assault on Humanity, courtesy of COVID-19, to the never ending addiction for war (Ukraine and, now, Israel) it's painfully apparent we haven't learned one damn thing down here.
Living here is like watching a bad movie playing over and over.
There is a story and I don't know where I read it about soldiers fighting in a field and in the midst of a brutal battle, yelling and screaming as they wield their swords and knives, lopping off heads and running the enemy through.
Then, all of them stop fighting because something else has captured their attention.
It looks like a scene out of a movie as heads turn upward staring at the sky, first in amazement, then in wonder and then, invoking a sudden act of "desertion" as one by one, they drop their blood stained weapons on the ground, turn around and head home.
What was it that they saw?
What was so important that would make an entire battle hardened army turn away from continuing to enjoy the bloody carnage it was engaged in?
Could it be they were viewing the remnants of a star exploding millions of years ago in which the blinding light was finally reaching earth or, was it God Almighty making His long awaited appearance, coming on the clouds with His band of warrior angels, ready to cast Judgement?
Who knows but isn't it time we start to think on these things?
The signs are all around us that something BIG is coming.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
It's Time to Take the Plunge
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for November 12, 2023
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Merging Consciousness
Something is changing.
I am noticing subtle differences in how I perceive things now like leaves on a tree reacting to the wind, they aren't just blowing in the wind, they're actually having a a conversation with the Creator; colors are looking different (they are much brighter); Wow! Never felt this before.
Even when I look at a picture I am immediately transported there, walking along a street, the sky is gray, overcast, it's rainy and COLD, I have some kind of a slick rain coat or jacket on, carrying an unbrella.
See the picture below.
It's the Macrocosm (the Universe) merging with the Microcosm (Earth, Humanity).
This is a game changer for Humanity!
Monday, November 6, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for November 5, 2023
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Little by Little
Our awareness is changing.
Things we never paid attention to, because we thought they were unimportant are now catching us by surprise.
These are subtle changes, so subtle you have to remain still and in one place, in order to see, feel, hear and experience them.
No distractions and no interruptions, please.
You're watching a cloud form in the sky, first soft and billowy and then you begin to see a face forming.
You keep staring at it and the face morphs into your favorite movie star or a loved one or a neighbor down the street.
It only took a few minutes, but now your awareness is heightened, and you instinctively know that this moment was prepared especially for you.
Watch a drop of rain fall from a tree and into a bucket.
It continues to fall at the same speed and make the same circular pattern when it hits the water.
You notice the timing and the grace of its entry.
You finally decide you need a rest and decide to sit in your backyard.
And, with no distractions or interruptions you become aware of everything around you.
The sound of the trees as they move this way and that in the wind, the warmth of the sun; the azure blue sky; birds, insects, plants and animals.
All moving to the drumbeat of their own heart and soul.
You are now aware of just how everything is "connected" on this planet and that "what happens to one of these will affect the many."
There is so much to see and hear and feel and experience that will bring joy, contentment and peace into our lives.
Take some time out today and start your outdoor adventure.
See what spirit has in store for you.
And, oh yes, say a thank you to the One who created it all.