Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Little by Little

Our awareness is changing.  

Things we never paid attention to, because we thought they were unimportant are now catching us by surprise.

These are subtle changes, so subtle you have to remain still and in one place, in order to see, feel, hear and experience them.

No distractions and no interruptions, please.  

You're watching a cloud form in the sky, first soft and billowy and then you begin to see a face forming.  

You keep staring at it and the face morphs into your favorite movie star or a loved one or a neighbor down the street.  

It only took a few minutes, but now your awareness is heightened, and you instinctively know that this moment was prepared especially for you.

Watch a drop of rain fall from a tree and into a bucket.

It continues to fall at the same speed and make the same circular pattern when it hits the water.  

You notice the timing and the grace of its entry.

You finally decide you need a rest and decide to sit in your backyard.

And, with no distractions or interruptions you become aware of everything around you.

The sound of the trees as they move this way and that in the wind, the warmth of the sun; the azure blue sky; birds, insects, plants and animals.

All moving to the drumbeat of their own heart and soul.

You are now aware of just how everything is "connected" on this planet and that "what happens to one of these will affect the many."

There is so much to see and hear and feel and experience that will bring joy, contentment and peace into our lives.

Take some time out today and start your outdoor adventure.

See what spirit has in store for you.

And, oh yes, say a thank you to the One who created it all.

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