Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, March 31, 2023
Folks Right Before Our Eyes It's Happening
Let's connect some dots! Christians should be worried. - YouTube
Not only Christians, this video is for ALL of us....
Thursday, March 30, 2023
An Important Tarot Message that Came Through on March 30, 2023
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
The Video "Forgive" I just Posted Moments Ago was Just Taken Down by Blogger
3/26/2023 ~ NOTICE ~
To All Who Visit this Blog:
I just posted a video entitled, "Forgive" a few minutes ago and noticed that Blogger took it down with no explanation whatsoever.
In case you want to watch this video, "Forgive," please go to Bible Unleashed on YouTube for more videos relating to Jesus Christ, His life, His crucifixion and His Resurrection.
Lots of positive comments regarding this channel from all around the world.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for March 26, 2023
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Crow Tarot |
Situation: II The High Priestess
Friday, March 24, 2023
Finding Peace Within Yourself
P.S. 3/24/2023 I now see this video is "unavailable" due to a copyright problem.
Whether this is true or not I have no available information but could be due to someone who doesn't like the content.
Please check out other videos available on the on Julie Green Ministries YT Channel.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Before You Can Move Forward, You Have to Make Peace with Your Past
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Coyote (Spanish and Aztec) |
Another life lesson:
3/20/2023: Monday was an extremely difficult day for me as I could not shake the feeling that something dreadful was going to happen.
It didn't.
New Moon: 3/21/23: Today was a little better but still this feeling wouldn't leave me.
This morning started off with a coyote unexpectedly making an appearance in my front yard. I looked at the clock and I think it showed up about 9:23 a.m.
I watched it from the dining room window as it sprinted across the yard, streaking toward a nearby pine forest and quickly disappeared.
I have no idea where it came from.
Seeing coyotes is not unusual but you normally see them at night as this is when they do their stalking and hunting, not during the day.
After knowing it was gone out of the yard I went outside to move some wind chines from a low tree branch to a higher one so they would have better ground clearance.
Everything was going just fine, everything normal; nothing out of the ordinary.
As soon as I finished repositioning the windchimes, I turned around to head back into the house.
Immediately I sensed something.
This is when I was prevented from moving forward.
I was unable to move.
I could hear a voice quietly speaking to me (in my head) explaining I had no choice as to what was now going to happen.
It wasn't yelling or screaming just quietly coming through.
I then felt something breaching my soul, allowing for all those hidden things (things I didn't want anyone else to know about) being revealed.
The voice continued that I had no choice in this matter as this was supposed to happen.
I don't know who the voice was maybe an angel in charge of what was going on.
The shame, the pain and remorse that followed was almost more than I could handle as I was again brought down into depths of my soul I had never experienced before other than the black orb experience of last year.
As soon as I was confronted with my sins and openly acknowledged what I had done, things started returning to normal as I felt the presence slowly departing from me.
I don't remember any forgiveness involved whether asking forgiveness from God or forgiving myself; this felt more like a purging, a cleansing of my soul than anything else; a coming to terms of the evil side of my human mortality.
And, in hindsight, I think the coyote was the precursor (signal) that something was about to happen.
And, in view of my state of health, stage 2 Breast Cancer, which I am fighting with all my might, maybe what happened on the 21st was needed preparation for moving on at some point in my life.
9 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing a Coyote in the Daytime & Night (
The fact that the 21st was a New Moon is also significant as New Moons exert powerful energy and their meaning is "leaving the past behind in order for a new beginning". - Interesting
The energy from a New Moon begins several days before it completely manifests and lasts several days afterwards.
I hope, in some way, my posting this experience will help others as I do believe it was some type of purification (catharsis) process aiding in my soul development and meant to happen.
4/6/2023 - Thursday: "Crossing the Rubicon"
I do believe, now, that what I experienced on 3/21/2023 was The Holy Spirit. The deep authorative and unemotional Masculine (yes, I said Masculine) voice that spoke to me was in the form of a directive I had no choice in but to follow.
Now, I know why:
God is moving over this planet like never before, picking up stragglers and hitchhikers along the way.
4/22/2023: Obedience - what is it? I've been searching for answers ever since I experienced this spiritual encounter. I think I might have found the answer: 👇
What does the Bible say about obedience? |
5/29/2023: Initiation. Yes, I now believe this was an "initiation" of some sort but what, exactly?
Initiation: Wikipedia: Initiation is a rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society. It could also be a formal admission to adulthood in a community or one of its formal components. In an extended sense, it can also signify a transformation in which the initiate is 'reborn' into a new role.
5/30/2023: Preparation - but for what??
Monday, March 20, 2023
Train Derailments, Toxic Chemical Spills, Airplane Accidents, Food Processing Facilities Going Up in Flames, Radiation Leaks, WWIII?
Folks: Pay Attention, Too Many things happening now! Prepare
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Tarot Message for Week - March 19, 2023
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Weekly Tarot Card Reading for March 12, 2023
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Friday, March 10, 2023
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for March 5, 2023
The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles: Birth, life, death; years of Plenty followed by Years of Deprivation; Karma; Seasonal changes: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring; Earth changes: Extreme weather, solar cycles, increase in seismic activity, volcanic eruptions; Kingdoms rising; Kingdoms falling.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
On the Fringe
Folks, we are on the fringe of Massive Change:
The information presented in this blog is meant for all of you, no matter who you are or where you're from.
We are all neighbors living together on this planet.
What's happening now affects each and every one of us.
So please pay close attention to what I'm about to share with you👇
Humanity and our planet are presently at the helm of an enormous learning curve.
An old earth cycle is leaving and a new one is manifesting (coming into being).
We are in a time now in which many hidden realizations are coming to light, many of them that will rock our souls.
The so-called easy times are over.
It doesn't matter how rich you are, how poor you are, where you live, what sex you are or how you vote.
The changes coming will affect all life on this planet.
None of us will escape the lessons that are presently unfolding:
* Lesson 1: Realizing how badly we continue to perceive and treat each other.
Things will happen affecting all of us collectively and deeply in order to change our hearts toward one another.
* Lesson 2: An unfolding awareness, information, etc. of how our planet functions and the surrounding cosmos resulting in a painful admission of just how vulnerable we've become due to our smug indifference.
* Lesson 3: The days of plenty are over. The abundance we all have come to expect and rely on is no longer there due to increasing earth changes resulting in the inability to plant and harvest, lack of seeds and grains, high fuel and fertilizer costs, festering supply chain problems involving multiple countries, a distinct possibility (and growing greater) of another world war and the resulting destruction of fertile planting regions, political interference, greed, corruption and possible glitches (interruptions) in the power grid.
* Lesson 4: There is only ONE God who created all of us not just some of us. He goes by different names given by different religions: Christ, Mohammed, the Messiah, Buddha, etc. but they all mean the same thing as we will learn: There is only One Creator.
* Lesson 5: God created this planet and the life on it. He asked that we maintain, sustain, protect and nurture this gift. What we have done, however, is turn our backs on Him in favor of amassing millions of dollars.
Abortion: An act of torture, so loathsome, so unimaginable, inhuman and abominable, an act of cruelty so heinous that we will face God's wrath because of it. This will teach that all life on this planet is sacred to God.
Because of these things I've just outlined, I recommend you take a hard look at where you are and the preparations necessary.
This includes any medicines you need, sanitary supplies, vitamins, food and water, blankets, sleeping bags, radios, shelter and EMP protection for your car and home.
I've left some links for you below 👇to watch for vital information on what is now happening to earth, such as earth's weakening magnetic field, the increasing sightings of more meteors penetrating earth's atmosphere and exploding, the relationship between solar flashes, CMEs and an increase in earthquakes, etc.
Hopefully what you read and view will lead you to even more websites, videos, etc. as to what is now happening here.
Also, there is much evidence surfacing now as to the bioweapons that have been unleashed on Humanity (SARS, AIDS, etc.) and the latest one in the form of the COVID vaccine.
Government, we are now finding out is having a hard time explaining why they didn't come out sooner to investigate the devastating Ohio train derailment in which dangerous chemicals were released into the surrounding communities infecting the people's health, the soil, water, killing fish, pets and birds.
It's time to realize we don't live in Kansas anymore.
Video shows violent eruption of Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano (
The Truth About The EMP Shield! - YouTube
Doorbell camera captures boom of meteor that fell in South Texas - YouTube
The Coming Catastrophe | Filling in the Gaps - YouTube
Fingerprint Of A Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago - Graham Hancock Official Website
‘Inside Job’: CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment – The Gilmer Mirror
Also check out other videos on raising backyard chickens, goats, gardening, where to buy Heirloom Seeds (as these are the ones you can plant again - don't buy hybrid ones) setting up a greenhouse