Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Watch and Pray

The Ultimate Sacrifice


Hug your spouse, your partner, your kids and forgive those who have wronged you.  

I don't know how much longer we have before Christ returns but I believe His time is growing nearer.    

We have so much to be grateful for and I'm not talking material things.

I'm talking friendships, partnerships, relationships and just being able to wake up in the morning.

Those of you who live in the cities I know it's harder for you because you are so isolated from nature.

I believe that many of society's problems arise from this isolation as we slowly disconnect from the miracle of life and all its wonders.  

I started this post this morning and then stopped it.

I didn't want to come across as a Know It All but what was in my heart is exactly what you are reading here.

Again, please prepare for what is coming.

I've mentioned this before.

I cannot tell you exactly what is going to transpire but make no mistake it will shake all of us.

There is a video I just posted that goes along with what I am feeling.  

In fact I was astonished because the message is exactly what I was feeling this morning.

Rightful Authority is being restored.  

The video is entitled, "Please Watch and Heed This Message".

Please Watch and Heed This Message


Monday, April 24, 2023

Weekly Tarot Message for April 23, 2023


Crow Tarot

Situation:  XVIII The Moon
Challenge:  XIV Temperance
Guidance:  IX The Hermit
Focus:  VII The Chariot
Outcome:  XVII The Star 
 Summary:  XIII Death

~ Reading ~

Facing Your Fears

The Moon represents fear and our subconscious and how we allow it to play tricks on us. 
We're all capable of becoming confused, angry, fearful and disoriented depending on the situation. 
In order to rise above those things constantly sucking the life blood out of us, rebuke the thought that you are too weak to determine your own destiny. 

Fear is the major weapon Satan uses.  Start standing up to fear and realize that it has no power over you unless you give it authority.   This is vitally important now, in view of the uncertain times happening in the world today.    

Temperance means self-restraint.   Instead of waiting on others to improve take a look at where you can.   This card shows a process being harmonized inside of you.  Maybe you're quick to judge or resort to violence when it comes to not getting your way.   In order for positive change to occur inside you must first feel the pain you inflict on yourself and others that you have no control over. 
There must be a willingness on your part to want to change in order to set yourself free. 

The Hermit asks us to take the time to go within (look inside ourselves for the answers we seek through prayer and meditation).  For in so doing, we will find the wisdom (answers) we seek to our problems and troubles.

The Chariot asks us to have a plan in place and focus on a successful outcome.  If we are disciplined and determined to see something through, we will succeed.  Don't let life's distractions and roadblocks stop you from completing your goal.   Start believing in yourself and pursue whatever it is you want out of life.  You will succeed if you just put your mind to it.

The Outcome is the Star which uplifts us.  It means Hope and Faith and the Promise of Better Days to come.  

The Summary Card is Death and stands for endings that herald in new beginnings.  It also means "Transformation" what is happening on this planet now.  

The numerical value of this reading is 2 - partnership; cooperation; mutual respect and harmony 

Adding the Summary card is 6 - compassion; empathy; service to others; hope 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Please Watch and Share


Tarot Message as to the Meaning of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023

Crow Tarot

SITUATION:  V The Hierophant
FOCUS:  VII The Chariot
OUTCOME:  XX Judgement

~ Reading ~

From Dark to Light


V The Hierophant represents the divine intervention occurring in our current situation ushering in mankinds' rebirth.    

IX The Hermit card signifies the sacrifices necessary in order to attain Wisdom but how many of us will heed the call?  

The Moon Card (XVIII) - is a card of concealment, revealing secrets and uncovering mysteries.  She is willing to give up her secrets but only if we agree to take the time to go within and give up ours.  God is asking us to look at our sinful nature and stop concealing what we did.  This is all part of the purification process ongoing.  Only when we come clean will we start to be cleansed, opening up the gates of forgiveness and healing.   

VII The Chariot - We are in the process of ascending to a higher level of consciousness but will only triumph if we believe we will putting our hope and trust in God as our pathfinder.  We must continue to pray for guidance as this is when we will find the courage and determination necessary to move forward.  

XX The Judgement Card symbolizes resurrection (rebirth).  In order for this to happen the old must pass away making way for a new beginning and is what is happening now.  

Continue to trust in God for He is our Redeemer, Comforter and Protector. 


VIII The Strength Card:  "Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth, Peace and Goodwill Toward Men"   


"Joy in the Lord is my Strength"

 We will only get to peace on earth if we learn to forgive not only ourselves from wrong doings but others, as well.  We cannot be a part in redeeming and healing this planet until we all gain the courage to acknowledge and rebuke our savage side, stop the hatred and blaming others.  This must all come to pass before we can live peacefully and in harmony with one another.

Note:  What happens during a solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow over the sun.  The spiritual meaning is leaving behind old patterns and behavior.  

Continue to pray for guidance, believe and trust in God no matter what name you ascribe to Him for We Are All One in His Sight.

The numerical value of this reading is 5:  Instability; conflict, loss change and a new cycle
Adding the Summary Card is 4:  Stability; structure; manifestation




This Eclipse Only Happens Twice a Century

 Solar Eclipse, April 20th 2023: Big wake up Call! - YouTube

Monday, April 17, 2023

This is What's Happening Astrologically Affecting Us on Planet Earth

Jupiter Ghandanta April 10 - May 5: Major Storms and Drowning - YouTube

Weekly Tarot Message for April 17, 2023


Crow Tarot 

XII The Hanged Man

VI The Lovers

VII The Chariot

XIII Death

0 The Fool

IV The Emperor

~ Reading ~

 XII The Hanged Man
Letting Go
We're in a situation now where we need to surrender ourselves to a higher power for courage and strength in order to get through the maelstrom of events taking place.    

VI The Lovers
This card means taking a sacred vow; pledging our lives to one another; commitment in order to see things through.  

VII The Chariot
This card means triumph and a sign to go forward with courage and confidence.

XIII Death
Letting Go
The Death Card allowing something new to come into being, letting go (death to the ego and learning to trust in God) see XII The Hanged Man) in the Situation Position in order to get though the storm that's coming. 
0 The Fool
Death to the Ego allowing for a new birth; a New Beginning; starting over; learning to replace fear with Hope; (see both XII The Hanged Man in the Situation Position and XIII The Death Card in the Focus Position.    

IV The Emperor
Masculine energy; law and order; stability; a solid foundation on which to build on.
"Power, Authority, Strength and Courage"


Matthew 28:18 "All Authority Has Been Given To Me in Heaven and On Earth." 

Isaiah 41:10:  "Fear Not for I Am with You; Be Not Dismayed, For I Am Your God; I Will Strengthen You, I Will Help You; I Will Uphold: (Lift you up) With My Righteous Right Hand." 


The numerical value of this reading is:  2 Balance; partnership; assimilation.
Adding the Summary Card:  6 Communication; problem solving; cooperation and balance.

~ ~ ~

Note:  I will be doing a Tarot reading re the New Moon in Aries and the solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 depending on the depth of the energy manifesting either before April 20th or on the day itself.  


Friday, April 14, 2023

Clean Sweep

Michael, The Archangel, "God's Right Hand" 

4/14/2023 (Friday):


I cannot emphasize strongly enough the changes that are coming.

Everything we once knew and relied on is going down. 

Many Americans now cannot afford to pay their credit card bills, buy groceries or make mortgage payments.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

The next thing to fall is the banking industry.

The US dollar will not be recognized as the world's currency anymore.

What does that mean for you and me?

That means the dollar will have lost all its value and will not be accepted for payment by many if not all, countries.

Not to mention that you and I won't be able to use it either.  

I have credit card debt, just like you and now only able to make minimum payments.

Two years before no problem but now, look at how things have changed.  

I raise livestock and wonder, how I'm going to be able to feed all my animals this winter as feed prices, like everything else, have skyrocketed.

Everyone is going to be affected by these changes.   

The wealthy think they are immune, but I've got news for them, they're not.

Because "God is moving over this planet."

We are in the Correcting Time where everything that is wrong, doesn't work or flies in the face of God Almighty is being destroyed. 

You ask, "how can I say that?  Where are you getting your information from?

Well, first of all I read and watch just about anything I can as to what the "hell" is going on.

I even had a visit from what I now believe, to have been the Holy Spirit, on March 21, 2023.

Nothing, I say, NOTHING in my life could have prepared me for this.

Believe me if I thought about the Holy Spirit once a year it was no big deal.

This Presence on March 21, 2023, was totally unannounced, unexpected, taking me completely by surprise.

I mean, when you're just walking along not thinking about anything in particular, minding your own business and then stopped dead in your tracks (you can't move forward as your legs don't move, your arms don't move and your head doesn't move) and then told you have to go through this, you have no choice) I mean, I'm still recovering from this.     

It was like I was going through a car wash, being hosed down and cleansed of all the dirty shit clinging to me and then being wiped clean.

But it was a very, very painful and emotional experience.

That's exactly what's going on now.

All the shit, all the filth, all the lies, all the crap that has accumulated over the centuries is being wiped out.

And things are going to get more intense.    

This is a spiritual battle between God and Satan.

Satan's timeline is up and he knows it.

God's Time is now and he knows it.

Old foundations are crumbling leaving room for new ones.    

I forgot to mention weather phenomena we've never experienced before from one intensity (extreme) to the other along with massive earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.  

And, during this clean sweep, things are going to plummet like never before seen on earth.  

I am not a prophet, or a spokesperson for any industry, corporation or special interest.  

I am just a human being sharing with you (and hoping it helps in some way) as to what is now happening across the planet.  

Please do this for me:

Look at where you are now and what you need to do in order to survive the coming months because it is not going to be easy for any of us.  

I've mentioned this before - shelter, food, water, meds, personal items, cash on hand, silver coins, (things you can barter with) etc.  

Only you know your circumstances and what needs to be done.

I am speaking to all of you, no matter your faith.

As I said before, the changes coming are affecting all of us on this planet, not just one group.  

And now, prayer is needed more than ever.

And Trust that we will get through what is coming. 

I believe a bigger hand is now sweeping over earth; a hand that loves all of us and is making a clean sweep of all the shit we've had to deal with for centuries.  

"Thy Will Be Done". 

Blessings To Each and Every One of You,


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Music From The Da Vinci Code ~ Hans Zimmer

 ᴴᴰ Hans Zimmer - Chevaliers de Sangreal ALL VERSIONS (The Da Vinci Code), (Angels & Demons) - YouTube

If You're Not Prepared You're Running (or Have) Already Run Out of Time

Situation Update Apr 10, 2023 - Assume Crash Positions Because It's All Coming Down! - Mike Adams Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)



Another Toxic Spill

Truck hauling toxic soil from East Palestine train derailment crashes on highway | American Military News

New Moon in Aries, April 20, 2023 , with Nodes of Fate in Scorpio and Taurus

New Moon = Manifestation 


911: This is Supernatural and Timely Even If It Happened Eleven Years Ago

 FBI agent: I saw angels at 9/11 crash site (wnd.com)

This is Where We're Headed - Not Good


4/11/2023: Please Watch and Share ~ "Dire Warning"


Monday, April 10, 2023

Tarot Reading for April 9, 2023

Crow Tarot

Situation:  IX The Hermit
Challenge:  XVII The Star
Guidance:  0 The Fool
Focus:  III The Empress
Outcome:  XVIII The Moon
Summary:  XVI The Tower

"All authority and all power of rule in Heaven and on Earth
Has Been Given to Me"

~ Reading ~

"The Wrath of God"  

Folks, Prepare for Dramatic Change.  Put your suit of armor (faith) on and wear it proudly.  Pray and focus on God as there will be many distractions to steer you off course 


Situation:  The Hermit means enlightenment; the age we are in now also known as "Revelation" (Reveal) and Greek for "Apocalypse."

Challenge:   The Star means "Promise, Hope and Faith.  That bad times will morph into good but, in the meantime, in order to see our way through the chaos we need to keep the faith and don't lose hope. 

Guidance:  The Fool means "surrender" meaning "surrendering yourself and putting yourself under the protection of God".  Remember, He is The One in control not the other way around.  

Focus:  The Empress represents a new birth; end of an age and the beginning of the next; Creation, Mother Earth

Outcome:  The Moon means shadows, illusion, uncertainty.  But the veil of Darkness is lifting.  God is lifting it so we all can see what's behind it:  Truth and Enlightenment.


Summary:  The Tower means unexpected and dramatic change that will shake us to our very cores.  Remain focused (stay calm, pray and have faith) in order to mentally prepare yourself for what is coming for the Devil is pulling out all the stops


The numerical value of this reading is:  2:  Balance; partnership, assimilation

Adding the Summary Card is:  9:  Attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion

Julie Green PROPHETIC WORD✝️[BACKFIRE AND IT WILL BLOW UP] URGENT Prophecy April 10, 2023 - YouTube



Wednesday, April 5, 2023

An Abomination: "I Doubt Many of You Knew About This (I Know I Didn't)"

 "Transgendered Cows" and Violence - Liberty Counsel (lc.org)

Thank You, Liberty Counsel, for giving permission to post this article and the following bible verse:

“Be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” —Romans 16:19b

4/10/2023 - Monday

I see Google has removed another post with information they don't want you to know about.

Go to lc.org for further information on what I posted (above) hidden information that affects all of us 

Passover Begins April 5, 2023, at Sundown, followed by a Full Moon in Libra on April 6, representing Harmony, Balance and Connection

 Passover 2023 Begins at Sundown on Wednesday, Easter Follows on Sunday - Times of San Diego

And the Lord Said: "Focus on Me and not Fear, for the Wicked Have No Idea What's Coming"


Monday, April 3, 2023

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Learning the Truth, By Degrees


Weekly Message for April 2, 2023


Crow Tarot

1.  Situation:  VII The Chariot
2.  Challenge:  XXI The World
3.  Guidance:  XIX The Sun
4.  Focus:  V The Hierophant 
5.  Outcome:  XIV Temperance
6.  Summary:  IX The Hermit

~ Reading ~

"The Prince of Peace"  

~ An extremely and timely very powerful message coming through today ~


1.  Situation:  Swiftness:  Revelation 22:12:  "Behold, I am coming quickly and my reward is with me and I shall give to every person according to his work".

2.  Challenge:  Awareness:  Revelation 1:7:  "Look, He is coming with the clouds of Heaven and everyone on earth will see Him even those who pierced Him, and all the earth will wait on account of Him".

3.  Guidance:   Illumination:  John 8:12:  "I Am the Light of the World, whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life".

4.  Focus:   The Righteous One (Holy):  Revelation 16:15:  "And I heard the Angel of the Waters saying, "Righteous are You, Oh Holy One, who is to be because you have brought these judgements."

5.  Outcome:  Abstinence:  1 Peter 5:8:  Be sober minded, be watchful.  Your Adversary, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

6.  Summary:    The Holy Spirit:  John 16:13 - "When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak and will declare to you the things thar are to come."


The numerical value of this reading is:  3:  Growth, creativity, abundance
Adding the Summary Card is 3:  Growth, creativity, abundance

Multiple 3s in a reading means bringing about that which is envisioned and desired.

~ The Holy Spirit is moving over this planet ~

What is Going on in Israel???

 Breaking News: Urgent Call to Prayer for Israel - YouTube

