Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, June 19, 2023

Weekly Tarot Reading June 18, 2023


Medicine Woman Tarot

SITUATION:  XX Judgement (Discernment)
CHALLENGE:  XIX The Sun (Rebirth)
GUIDANCE:  XIV Temperance (Blend)
FOCUS:  XVI The Tower (Pierced Shield)
OUTCOME:  XII The Hanged Man (Vision)
SUMMARY:  VI The Lovers (Ecstasy)

~ Reading ~

Tribulation followed by Reconciliation 

In this reading, the word "rupture" clearly manifested when I drew the FOCUS Card, XVI The Tower (Pierced Shield).  I am not talking "rapture" I am talking "rupture."  There is a clear difference between the two.

SITUATION:  XX - Judgement:  In the bible, Revelations - Judgement, is part of end of days and a process that has to take place before Christ returns to earth.    It means atonement (confessing our sins) resulting in reconciliation with God/Jesus.  The word "discernment" means gaining awareness and understanding leading to wisdom.  I believe this is now showing up in our ability to assess the amount of evil that is currently wreaking havoc in the world; seeing and in many cases, now experiencing the sudden onset of extreme weather, the lies being exposed by many as to what we were told about the "safety" of the COVID Vaccine, and the many whistleblowers now coming forward challenging government coverups concerning the real truth regarding the existence of UFOs and aliens.

CHALLENGE:  XIX The Sun means rebirth and a process by which something goes away in order for something else (more beneficial and good) to manifest.  Many of us know just how painful birthing a child can be.   We are in the beginning stages of leaving behind our old existence and into a new one.  It's not going to be easy, folks, going through this as I think many of you are now understanding.  We need to do whatever we can to stay strong in order to be an example to and help not only our own families but others, as well.    

GUIDANCE:  XIV Temperance means something happening that leads to harmonization and cooperation.  A process of realignment that has to take place and is all part of the "birthing" process. 

FOCUS:  XVI The Tower (Pierced Shield).  See my note above:  Rupture:  A splitting in the earth or in the world (as a whole); a chasm, a division, a "rupture" of some sort.  It wasn't clear whether this would be from an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or something else coming in from above such as an asteroid or when this would occur.    In any case, understand that this serves as a heads up that we need to be more aware of our surroundings and our lives, in general.

OUTCOME:  XII The Hanged Man, interestingly, enough is hanging, head down, in the birth canal.  He's almost ready to make his exit.  He's taken the time to learn about the world he lives in, has taken chances, has succeeded and failed, holds no grudges or regrets, is used to picking  himself up and dusting himself off as he knows that his existence is just temporary.  So, he has acquired a brand new persepctive on what the world is and how life should be lived.  This is representative of all of us and where we are headed.  Bravo!

SUMMARY:  VI The Lovers (Ecstasy) Interesting that the FOCUS Card (The Tower) came across as a "rupture" but this card comes across as "ecstasy" which could also mean the biblical "rapture".  Two people, one male and one female are out of their minds with joy and happiness.  Instead of running away from each other they are running toward each other in an embrace.  Could this mean an end to male/female rivalry on this planet?  In that each sex realizes its very specific and meaningul role they were made for, according to the Creator. 

A new sense of well being and connectedness.


Numercal Value is:  9  Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion
Adding the Summary Card is 6:  Communicating; problem solving; cooperation; balance; harmony 



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