Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, August 7, 2023

Weekly Tarot Message for August 6, 2023


The Sun Night Tarot

This deck is based on Jungian Philosophy which explores our dark shadow side

Situation:  XI Strength
Challenge:  0 The Fool
Guidance/Advice:  XVI The Tower
Focus On:  II The High Priestess
Outcome:  X The Wheel of Fortune
Summary:  XX Judgement

~ Reading ~

"You're Braver than you Believe, Stronger than you Seem and Smarter Than You Think"
Winnie the Pooh 

The Strength Card means endurance that leads to confidence (or confidence that leads to endurance).  In order to overcome obstacles and challenges in life, we must first develop confidence in ourselves.  How do we do that?  By experiencing those times, such as we're in now (uncertainty, confusion, anxiety) we feel we have no control over and determine you're going to make it.  This is not an easy thing to do as all of us are susceptible to letting our emotions and fear overwhelm us.  

Prepare to win, not lose.       

The Challenge we are facing is the Fool.  Are we fool hardy, reckless, uncaring and don't take the time to plan?  Or are we sensitive to what needs to be done and make a checklist in order to move forward?  This card asks us to refrain from engaging in those activities/things that will cloud our judgement and hinder our path, thus inhibiting our ability to control the situation.    
Don't be Fooled. 

The Guidance/Advice Card means something unexpected happening that will shock us to our very core; enlightenment where we can finally see the truth of our existence instead of being continually misled by lies; a purging/cleansing in which evil and misguided leaders and institutions are replaced by more caring and humane leaders and replacing religious dogma with truth.  Actually, I see this happening now with one exception - the event that will rock us to our very core so,  

Stay vigilant.    

The Focus Card is a particularly interesting card.  On the good side, the High Priestess is the epitome of spirituality, deep mystery and represents our intuition.  But in this reading her negative side was pushing to come out and for a good reason.  She wants you to know that she represents your "dark" side, your shadow self, that part of you you rarely visit but is paramount when making life decisions.  She is asking you to become aware of it as it will determine your fate.  Watch your thoughts as they will propel you in a positive direction or a negative one.  Trust your intuition - when something doesn't feel right, it isn't.  When you intuitively know that what you keep doing is harmful then ask for help in dealing with it.  

Get involved in your own salvation. 

The Outcome Card is The Wheel of Fortune, also known as the Wheel of Life.  In the Native American
community it is The Medicine Wheel.   It also represents Karma.  This card represents earth and the cycle of life both in the natural world (Mother Earth) including us.  One day you're up (you win the lottery) and the next day you've run out of money.  It's either feast or famine and we don't know which one is going to hit us next.  This card is telling us we're in "one" of those cycles.  I think we can all see the changes that are now taking place on this planet and to us.  Take the necessary steps you feel necessary to secure the health and wellbeing of yourself and family.  You know what your own circumstances are so act accordingly and prepare. 

Heed the Signs as Everything is changing.

The Summary Card is Judgement.  We are under God's Judgement meaning Atonement; Restoration; Rebalance; Reckoning.  I think you have a pretty good grasp of what this card means and what is happening.

Get yourself right with God.


The numerical value of this reading is 10 or 1:  New Beginnings; One deals with that which is about to take form.  The number 10 is Completion and End of a Cycle

Adding the Summary Card is 3:  Growth, Creativity, bringing about that which is desired and envisioned

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