Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for April 28, 2024
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The "Toziel" Tarot Card Deck ~ Reading ~ "Signs" Card Positions: SITUATION: XIV Temperance CHALLENGE: XIII Death GUIDANCE/HELP: XXI The Expanse HIDDEN: IX The Hermit OUTCOME: X Fortune SUMMARY 1: XVIII The Moon (Reversed) SUMMARY 2: XII The Hanged Man Hecate Oracle #22 The Lantern SITUATION: Temperance deals with healing and the harmonization process of bringing two opposites together so they're not fighting each other anymore in order to create balance. We are painfully aware of the evil continuing in the world but good things are happening as well. There is now beginning an outpouring of love not only personally for oneself (acceptance) but others as well. Signs: There are subtle signs to our ascenscion: Are you feeling exhausted? Do you, somehow feel different? I mean, do you think something has changed within you? Maybe you now find yourself perceiving the world in a different more holistic way, maybe you notice when you look at a plant or a tree they somehow are looking back at you, tapping into your consciousness and sending you a message. We are being prepared for a brand new suit (a change in our thinking, outlook on life and who you are, poersonally) as the old one doesn't "suit" us anymore. We can't keep wearing the old one if it doesn't fit anymore. It has to be discarded. Have any of you noticed the amount of butterflies this year? I can't get over the number where I live. Butterflies stand for Transformation. Out of the cocoon (darkness) and into the light. Again, these are subtle messages coming our way. Do you notice any change(s) in your pets? I have. Mine are eating more than before and becoming a little too aggressive when it comes to getting what they want (treats, etc.) Also, the energy in the air is changing. It is becoming more electrified. I've never felt that before. ~~~~~ CHALLENGE: The Death card is nothing to fear and means leaving one realm and entering another. Again this card also means Transformation. And we don't have to die to experience "Death." It can be the end (death) of a relationship, a way of thinking, a job that has done nothing for us, etc. This is what is taking place now, all around us as well as within us. This new energy coming in is affecting the entire planet. Death to the old ways, the ways that didn't work, that hurt us, hobbled us and left us frightened and confused. ~~~~~ GUIDANCE AND HELP: Trust the Process. The Expanse is known as The World Card and means Completion. Things are progressing as planned as we continue on our journey of finding out where we belong in this world, who we really are and our soul's purpose. One old and corrupted cycle is ending and another one beginning bringing with it a fresh start and new opportunities. ~~~~~ HIDDEN: The Hermit represents Wisdom and Knowledge. He is the recluse. He deliberately chose a life that would sever ties with the world and all its noise, distractions and lies in order to find answers. Maybe he knew just how difficult it would be to gain the knowledge he sought or maybe not. Maybe he fooled himself into thinking he would gain anything of value from his decision but decided to do it anyway. But in the end, we see, after all his sacrifices - (XII The Hanged Man) he finally emerges as a Sage, a Seer, someone the world desperately needs. He then realizes his sacrifice was necessary in that he was fulfilling his destiny able to manifest his wisdom and knowledge at a precise time when the world needed it most. Each one of us is The Hermit whether we openly committed to the process or not, stumbling and falling, learning from our mistakes, picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off learning that we are here to help and guide others as well. ~~~~~ OUTCOME: The Fortune Card is the same as the Rider Waite Smith Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card. This card is all about Fate, Karma, our decisions and where they've taken us. We are all learning more intimate (hidden) details of just who we are and where we fit in the world. Some things we're discarding (that don't serve us anymore) while other more postive attributes we're strengthening. We are learning to "level" up. (See SITUATION Card XIV Temperance). ~~~~~ SUMMARY CARD 1: This was very interesting because I do not read reversed cards and, yet, this card showed up in the reverse position (upside down) when I pulled it out of the deck. Interestingly, it was the only one. So here's what it means: Release of Fear; repressed emotions and inner confusion. Folks, what is happening in our world and it can't get much clearer than that. ~~~~~ SUMMARY CARD 2: The Hanged Man represents Sacrifice (see HIDDEN IX The Hermit) and a brand new way of looking at things. Because you (the Hermit) made the decision to figure things out, you are now morphing into the Hanged Man with a whole new set of parameters and ways of looking at and dealing with the world. ~~~~~ Hecate Oracle #22 The Lantern This card, "The Lantern", literally means, "shining your light." We are all lanterns in this world. Whether it's saying "I'm sorry", going out of your way to help someone in need, volunteering for a worthwhile cause or just thanking God for all your blessings, continue being the Light. ~~~~~ The numerical value of this reading is 4: Balance; duality; a crossroad or choice; assimilation Adding Summary Card 1 is: 4: Balance; duality; a crossroad or choice; assimilation Adding Summary Card 2 is 7: Reflection and assessment; motives, spirituality and Wisdom Total is 6: Communication, problem solving, cooperation and Balance ~~~~~ 9 Signs You're 'Leveling Up' In Life | YourTango |
Sunday, April 28, 2024
And the Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning
Tonadoes hit Nebraska and Iowa | Watch (
note: 4/28/2024 (apparently this link isn't available anymore)
Tornadoes tear through Nebraska and Iowa, demolishing homes (
And the Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning:
Journey - Wheel in the Sky (Official HD Video - 1978) (
Saturday, April 27, 2024
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"Despair" |
Friday, April 26, 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Holy Cow! For further information look up the Hopi Prophecy describing this event known as the "Red Star and Blue Star Kachina"
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"Hopi Prophecy ~ The Red Star and Blue Star Kachina" |
My New Book and Why 2024 Is the Last Fat Cow : Your Own World USA (
4/25/2024 Additional Info: THE STORY OF THE BLUE KACHINA & THE RED KACHINA | Jack Allis
God Talk
Urantia, November 30, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “My Spirit Shall Ultimately Triumph.”
Message Received
The Beloved: “It is an incredible moment in a creature’s life when the true reality dawns on her or him that I am always with each of you, and that you can call on Me at any time you need to. Although I also desire that you call on Me when there is no need, and when you simply desire My companionship.
Even a true friend cannot be permanently at your beck and call. Is it not a true blessing and of great satisfaction, to really comprehend that such a Friend and Companion lives right inside of you? Just ponder for a moment if you will, for I am slowly leading you towards that deeper awareness of Me, depending of course, on your willingness and trust in this process.
There is truly nothing to fear, but fear itself. Banish fear at all cost, and what you will have left is pure untainted love – a love so great that it sweeps through every cell of your being, and quickens these cells into a greater ability to heal.
This is the ultimate in self-healing. Use your careful self-observation and see where you still hold fear in your body, and then invite Me to go into all these places, which are painful due to the fears that you hold.
Allow the Holy Spirit to soften all these places, so My love can go deeper and deeper, and bring about healing for your greatest good.
Your spiritual life is meant to triumph over the physical, but this can only occur when you allow it to happen, and when you are willing to work towards this. By giving yourself more time to come to Me in the Stillness, we can work on this together, as I lead you deeper into yourself.
My Spirit shall ultimately triumph, no matter how long this process may take.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for April 21, 2024
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Illegals Come First but Our Veterans Come Last
Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven (
Note: I just posted this video and clicked on the link. Got an error message that THIS VIDEO DOES NOT EXIST. I sent a message to Google to inquire if a copyright issue in which I would understand, if not, then why has it been removed?
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Thursday, April 18, 2024
We Are Living in a Debris Field
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Tarot Reading for Week April 14, 2024
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The "Toziel" Tarot Card Deck crafted on the work of Aleister Crowley |
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credit to - "Corpse Land" |
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024
The Shroud
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Smoke Signals?
Definition of Smoke Signal: A method of long distance communication; a message or indication concerning a future event; a type of flare or other combustible device used as a distress signal
Weekly Tarot Message for April 7, 2024
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
This Gentleman Has Done His Homework and Has Connected the Dots For Us - Please Watch and Share
There is too much information now surfacing regarding the spiritual meaning of the Total Solar Eclipse happening on April 8, 2024 and its connection to the Old Testament and the Torah.
The 2024 Solar Eclipse and INSANE Prophecy Events Are Coming! – Jim Staley (
Take the Time to Read This
This is Nuts! or is it???
Remember, NASA - (Never A Straight Answer)
Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The Solar Eclipse (
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
"Crossing Over"
~ Expansion ~
"Bringing Heaven Down to Earth"
On April 8, 2024 a total solar eclipse occurs.
This is where the moon blocks out the sun, entirely.
There has been and still is much talk about the significance of this event.
Let's take a look at what Kaballah has to say:
April is the 4th month (4): The number 4 represents a Whole, a Fullness and Completion.
The number 8 (the day of the eclipse) represents: Godly Revelation unlimited by natural law (when miracles occur).
The number 8 is unbounded by the reality of the world.
New Beginnings, moving from the natural to the Supernatural.
Transcends natural time and space as we move to the Supernatural realm.
A New Day Begins,
The One Day, Yom Echad, of Creation.
If you add 4 + 8 + 2024 you arrive at the number 11.
This is what Kaballah has to say re this sacred number:
The Significance Of The Number 11 In Judaism | Religions Facts
October 2, 2024 is Rosh Hashanah, a Day of Judgement for all Mankind: A time of prayer, self reflection and repentance.
October 12, 2024 is the Jewish Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur: Asking Forgiveness for the wrongs we've committed over the past year. .
Sequencing Judgment and Atonement - To "be observant" means more than just "to watch" -
What Does the Book of Revelation Say About the End of the World |
Revelation 21:1-22:21 The Final Judgment and Reward (
Folks, I believe that what we are about to witness (become a part of) on April 8th is an unfolding of what was hidden from us meaning a bunch of lies.
We are "crossing over" from one reality into and through another via the portal opening up on April 8, 2024.
This is the time to ground yourselves (hold steadfast) and pray.
It doesn't matter what religion you are as this event is about the fate of Humanity, affecting ALL of us.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for March 31, 2024