Joe Biden Puts Elderly Woman in Prison for 25 Months for Protesting Abortion -
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, May 31, 2024
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Quiet as a Church Mouse
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"We are the Lock but Also the Key" |
I again feel an air of "Medievalism" enveloping around me as I sit at my computer typing this.
I've been feeling this energy for several days, now.
I "see" myself trudging back and forth from an old well in the middle of the town square, carrying a heavy bucket of water which is sloshing out one side and then the other.
The sweat is oppressive and stinging my eyes. I reach up and wipe it away.
The heavy moisture has perrmeated my dark clothes making it feel like another 15 lbs. has been added to my body weight.
I'm not even half way through the day and dreading the work I still have to do.
The sun is very hot adding to my discomfort.
Chickens are running too and fro, pecking at seeds and insects.
The heavy oaks act as a fortress, surrounding the town, towering over me like silent sentinels, they are my friends, watching my every move.
I'm almost in the barn now and the shade is liberating.
I stand for a few minutes, under the overhang, catching my breath trying to cool off.
The horses are quiet each one in their own stall munching on hay.
I open the door to each one and fill their tubs with water and then head back outside.
The weather has been acting strange lately and I'm not the only one to notice.
The townspeople are openly talking about the temperature dropping suddenly at night and the sun blazing white hot during the day.
It's getting harder and harder for people to work outside because of the weather and, yet, we can't stop because if we don't plant, grow and harvest what we need to in order to survive we will surely die.
Even the pastor is bringing this up in his weekly service.
"Something ain't right, something is amiss, something is wrong but what could it be"?
Looking back over the last few years I do recall some things happening that didn't make any sense at all.
One of them was there was this old woman who had finally succombed to old age, lying on her deathbed, not known for anything curious like divining or preaching the gospel who would suddenly sit up every few hours, proclaiming, "Behold, for it cometh and there is nothing Thee can do to stop it!"
Then she would flop back down and be as quiet as a church mouse until she suddenly bolted up again a few hours later proclaiming something else having to do with mankind's date with destiny or something to that effect.
This went on for several days and many of the townspeople gathered outside her home waiting by her bedroom window curious to hear her next round of proclamations.
Strange, or, was it?
Was she actually saying something important? Was she describing something that was about to happen?
I'm outside again tending to one of the many public gardens where people can come and help and gather food for their families.
It's a miracle there's anything growing anymore, first it's too hot then it's too wet then it's too cold.
Plants are hardy but not that hardy.
They have their own internal clock telling them when it's the right time to germinate, to put on growth and when it's harvest time.
The same thing with human beings - we all are embedded with our own internal clock guiding us through the different stages of life.
We are no different than a plant as we experience birth (germination); puberty (growth) and old age (harvest).
But what about intuition? Do plants have intuition? We know that human beings do.
What exactly is it and what does it do?
This is the subject for another blog post and another sacred soujourn into the unknown.....
Monday, May 27, 2024
Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
In remembrance of our fallen comrades in arms, my salute and the following pledge:
Silent Pledge
You left home and loved-ones,
In the prime of life,
To fight a foe whose force and guns
Spread deadly strife.
Guardian of our beloved land,
As you did your part,
The Lord stretched out his hand
And took you to his heart.
Good warrior, now at rest,
Nothing from us could suffice,
Nothing ever that can best
The measure of your sacrifice.
For us you gave your all,
From us one pledge is due,
One duty above all:
To honor and remember you.
Anthony J. DeBlasi
Korea War Veteran
Human Hubris Leads to Human Debris
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Humanity's "Leftovers" |
Life is a sacred unfolding; a mystery we have yet to unravel a constant journey back and forth from life and death in order to connect more intimately with the Source of All Life.
This takes many lifetimes as most of us do not experience a life changing spiritual event in one lifetime that stop us in our tracks, providing the answers to the many questions we have.
There is a much bigger picture out there that brings together everything we've ever wanted to know, about anything, but it will continue to remain a mystery to us.
In the meantime we are saddled with watching very powerful and evil people continuing their godless onslaught of ridding humanity of anything considered sacred or good including truth.
There is a beyond beautiful mathematical design to the universe an equation so intricate and powerful that even the most learned among us, those who are considered bright or having genius level intellect will never be able to crack.
It's because the ones in the know understand that our zeal to find this information will have the adverse affect on us, not only harming us because we cannot comprehend nor understand, but will push some egotists further down the rabbit hole, increasing their futility and anger as they are continuously blocked in their attempts to find answers that are clearly not meant for them.
Thus, turning them into bands of lunatics - hell crazed satanic godless beasts who will roam the countryside ferreting out tender morsels of virgin prey to suck the life out of all to momentarily satiate their morbid and depraved inability to pretty much make sense out of anything.
Understand, there is only one Master Lock and Key.
No matter how many blockbuster movies you watch showing humans finding the answer(s) to life mysteries, understand that all of these smaller mysteries are encapsulated and make up the One Big Mystery that we will never be able to fathom.
In our quest to "know" we now have another problem facing us. The problem is that many powerful individuals in many industries, (you know who you are) - in health care, food and drugs, military/politics, farmng and ranching, science and technology refuse to recognize their own human faults and inabilities (because they believe they don't have any) as they put their hubris before any humility they might possibly have, actively preventing them from getting to the truth on anything.
Putting themselves and their unholy agendas first and Humanity's needs second.
Their hubris has turned earth and our lives into a debris field as any responsibility in searching for truth in trying to solve Humanity's problems has taken a back seat to these pathetic psycho sociopathic monsters.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for May 26, 2024
Friday, May 24, 2024
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Tarot Message for Week of May 19, 2024
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Friday, May 17, 2024
Thursday, May 16, 2024
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Nikola Tesla Serbian American Inventor 1856 - 1943 |
We are all individuals, yes, but also deeply connected to one another.
When you engage in conversation with another human, your energy connects with their energy and flows into them as well as their energy flowing into you.
When you look at a picture of a famous individual let's say, Nikola Tesla, for example, you've connected with him.
The big lie from the Lucifer Cabal is the planet is divided along with the human race.
There is no division among life on this planet but a strong and solid connection with Source.
The theme, "We are all One" is True.
Every single human, tree, bush, plant, grass, flower, herb, stone, animal, mammal, reptile, insect, fish and bird are all connected to each other following the Divine blueprint of the Creator.
Everything on this planet is alive and in a perpetual state of "Being."
We are all a part of The Creator and He's a part of us.
When is that light switch going to turn on in our brains that you and I CAN change our world?
We are The Solution not The Problem.
Ignite that spark that lies dormant within you.
Be like Nikola Tesla releasing a positive charge to manifest positive change.
Thank You, Nikola for coming through, on behalf of all of us, this morning.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Friday, May 10, 2024
Tarot Reading for Week Beginning March 12, 2024
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The "Toziel" Tarot Card Deck Card Positions Middle (SITUATION): VII The Chariot Upper Left (CHALLENGE): XI Lust (Strength) Top (GUIDANCE/HELP): XVIII The Moon Upper Right: (HIDDEN): V The Hierophant Bottom (OUTCOME): II The High Priestess LOWER LEFT: SUMMARY 1: X The Wheel of Fortune LOWER LEFT: SUMMARY 2: VIII Justice Hecate Oracle: Far bottom right: #45: The Goddess Hekate" - Divine Protection; Working Her Magick Providing Inspiration and Wisdom ***** *Note: During meditation I saw a black pyramid (a triangle) with a full moon in the sky above the pyramid and to its left. I believe I was looking north, toward the pyramid with south behind me east to my right and west to my left. A black pyramid is associated with enlightenment, connecting to the Divine, self-awareness and spiritual growth also with energy amplifiers that focus spiritual energy, making them powerful tools for growth and healing. The shape of the pyramid (triangle) means the pursuit of higher knowledge and the merging of spiritual and earthly realms. Black represents Transformation, Metamorphosis (a word that describes a change of form, structure or substance especially by supernatural means). The full moon means reflection, release and manifestation. A period of heightened emotions allowing for potent introspection and creativity.* ***** IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm posting this reading today, Friday, May 10, 2024 as I believe the information to be of critical importance to us, now. ***** Reading ~ Helter Skelter ~ Are You Prepared? Folks we are living in unprecedented times. Our planet is undergoing change which is a natural cycle and has happened mamy times before. The question is, are we prepared for this change that is already occurring not only affecting our weather but will eventually affect all of us, as well? One thing we can do is acknowledge that change is and always will be with us. There is nothing to fear because we can't do anything about it. We need to accept this and move on with our lives. But there are other things we can do in order to navigate through this change. This is where MBS (Mind/Body/Spirit) come in - are we physically ready for this? Are we mentally ready for this? Is our spirit strong enough (through faith, prayer, meditation) and able to guide us through this dark tunnel we are presently entering and into the light? If not then we need to start doing something about it. There is also a video I've attached from Canadian Prepper, (somewhat concerning) as to who is actually running this planet and what to expect from them in the very near future. Please take the time to watch and share as, hopefully, it will wake up more people. The second video I'm attaching is regarding the amount of solar flares the sun has been firing off in the past two weeks. Again, please watch and share as there are things happening over our heads (Above) as well as things happening under our feet (Below). ***** SITUATION: The Chariot came across as, "All Hell is about to Break Loose!" I could hear, in the background, yelling and screaming going on. CHALLENGE: The Lust Card means Strength. We're gonna need all we can muster in the months ahead between the changes we are now seeing with our weather to the hidden plans of the evil doers. Are you ready for this? Earth is in tumult! Fire and Brimstone! Unleashing the demons! The sun is awakening! Upheaval! Turbulence! Devastation! Frenzy! Agony! GUIDANCE/HELP: The Moon Card shows the long walk of humanity but, indicates that the veil (of illusion) is lifting as we can see by the bright light at the end of the tunnel. HIDDEN: The Hierophant embodies Superior Authority and Wisdom and is acting as Humanity's Gate Keeper. His message: "The gate is opening and Humanity is standing on a Threshold." The nine nails represent the window where the light shines through from the higher sephira (the Supernal Triangle) to the spiritual seeker. The number 9 is also the number of the 9th Sephiroth, YESOD, ruled by The Moon. The moon is exalted (elevated) in Taurus and Taurus rules the Hierophant. (See meaning of Guidance/Help). OUTCOME: The High Priestess is the opposite of The Hierophant allowing for her intuition to dictate her path. She unlocks doors for us; reveals things long hidden. Her message at this time is this: "A crescendo of events is heading our way; you cannot stop what is coming"! SUMMARY CARD 1: The Wheel of Fortune is the cycle of life - Karma, Destiny and life's Ups and Downs and you could also include "Judgement." What goes around comes around. . The woman pictured on this card came across, this time as "The Angel of Death." This is pretty brutal to even contemplate but, I believe, another "wake up" call for all of us that we are heading into very turbulent times. Earth and Humanity are entering a new cycle of life; all part of the natural process of ebb and flow, birth and death, yin and yang that follows a universal, cosmic path but "ARE WE READY?" SUMMARY CARD 2: Justice stands for balance; righting wrongs; "manning" up and adjustment: that which gives rise to empathy, compassion and a sense of fairness. In other words, we are aoing to have to go through this "adjustment" that is presently manifesting. Hecate's Oracle Card #45: "Working from Afar" - This card means Divine Protection is guiding you and not to fear. The numerical value of this reading is 7: Assessmemt; spirituality and wisdom Adding Summary Card 1 is 8: Movement; action; change; rebirth Adding Summary Card 2 is: 7: Assessment; spirituality and wisdom Total is 4: Structure; foundation; stability and manifestation Videos: ⚡️BREAKING: I've Received TOP SECRET INTEL, NUCLEAR PLAN HAS CHANGED, EQUIPMENT MOVES TO BORDER ( 5/10/24: Update: Folks just minutes ago Suspicious Observers posted this video. Please watch re new and mportant info iregarding what is now happening as a result of all the CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) hitting earth. 👇 also, Canadian Prepper: 👇 ⚡BREAKING NEWS: 'CANNIBAL' SOLAR STORM BLACKOUTS!? EMERGENCY MESSAGES, NUCLEAR EVENT, BUG OUT BAGS - YouTube |
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Monday, May 6, 2024
There's no Turning Back
Hug your loved ones and keep them close - for we're about to overdose - the earth is changing within, without - what happens next, there is no doubt - keep your eyes to the skies and your heart with The Lord - for you don't want to stumble and keel overboard - earth is changing before our eyes - if only before we'd heeded her cries - there are experts out there who have our best interests at heart - but when it comes to the truth they're being kept in the dark - please take time to consider all this I have spoken - for I hope that by doing I've woken the token - we're moving so fast now it's hard to keep up - but if we don't do this now - we're all gonna be flocked.
token: something serving to represent or indicate some fact, event, feeling, etc.; a sign such as: Black is a token of mourning.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for Week of May 5, 2024
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Friday, May 3, 2024
Our "Never Ending Story"
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"Walking the Path" |
Our journey is a never ending story.
Each one of us is full of curses and blessings when we come here.
Our new path toward enlightenment is fraught with obstacles, snares and challenges just like the old ones.
It is difficult to walk it alone and, in time, we again realize we need some help.
Each time we come here we shed part of who we were in a former lifetime.
Something not needed, noxious, nor in accordance with the Creator's Plans.
Then we turn to God for help, again.
Our perseverance to excel is commendable but all the Glory and Acclaim go to God Almighty for putting up with us!
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Yesterday I was so exhausted I could have fallen asleep right where I was standing.
I headed up to bed complaining about how tired I was and, as usual, my husband listened quietly.
As he was helping me get into bed I remarked how cold I was and it was an unusual cold (nothing like I'd ever felt before) and took some time leaving even as my husband heaped more fluffy blankets over me.
I did get a good night's sleep though and very happy that I did.
Our bodies, minds and spirits are being affected by the massive change on this planet even affecting our cognitive abilities like mixing up the days of the week and today, May 1, 2024 (Wednesday) is a good example:
When I woke up it was (in my mind) definitely Monday (it just had that "Monday" feeling to it) and not Wednesday.
But when I finally looked at the calendar to figure what the heck was going on it told me, "yup, it's Wednesday"!
The air (energy) today is very interesting because the particles are super charged (sparkling) like something is manifesting (coming into being) that is GOOD!
*HOWEVER, along with this profound healing, it doesn't mean the dark side is not going to stop whatever they're doing to f**k things up so be prepared for something hurtful and hateful happening.*
Become Observant! Pay attention to your days, how you feel and tune in to the energy around you.
These are all for your benefit,
Night Shade
Make Way for the Lord
"And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying, "Holy, Holy Holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come. And when those beasts give honour and glory and give thanks to Him that sat on the throne, who liveth forever and ever, the four and twenty elders fall down before Him that sat on the throne and worship Him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying, "Thou art worthy oh Lord to receive Glory and Honour and Power for Thou hast created ALL things and for Thy pleasure they are and were created."
Revelation 4:8-11 KJV