Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, May 6, 2024

There's no Turning Back

Hug your loved ones 
and keep them close - for we're about to overdose - the earth is changing within, without - what happens next, there is no doubt - keep your eyes to the skies and your heart with The Lord - for you don't want to stumble and keel overboard - earth is changing before our eyes - if only before we'd heeded her cries - there are experts out there who have our best interests at heart - but when it comes to the truth they're being kept in the dark - please take time to consider all this I have spoken - for I hope that by doing I've woken the token - we're moving so fast now it's hard to keep up - but if we don't do this now - we're all gonna be flocked.   


token:  something serving to represent or indicate some fact, event, feeling, etc.; a sign such as:  Black is a token of mourning.

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