Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Tarot Message for Week of May 19, 2024


The "Toziel" Tarot Card Deck 

Card Positions

Middle (Situation):  XV The Devil
Middle Left (Challenge):  II The High Priestess
Top (Guidance):  0 The Fool
Middle Right (Hidden):  XII The Hanged Man
Bottom (Outcome):  I The Magician

Lower Left
Summary Card 1:  XVII The Star
Summary Card 2:  IV The Emperor

Note:  While meditating I clearly saw a triangle with an eye enclosed within it.  It was looking directly at me and I even noted its color - brown.  I looked this up and found the information interesting:    The third eye is the all seeing eye of consciousness which sits between our eyebrows.  The triangle containing it means that maybe your "third eye" psychic center is being activated.  

~ Reading ~

"The Beginning of Wisdom"  


The world is in upheaval along with ur weather.  I think we could all agree on this and, yet, I don't believe the chaos is over in fact I believe things are going to intensify.   And yet, through all of this,  I believe we are in the midst of a massive change in how we perceive (our perception) as we are now able to see what's really happening to us and around us, instead of constantly being thrown curve balls designed to keep knocking us off track.  

This is The Beginning of Wisdom.  


*Situation:  The Devil is Satan, Lucifer, a fallen angel hell bent on having his way.  He is also known as The Destroyer.  I think this just about sums up what we're seeing happening across the planet now.  And when will it stop?  I wish I had the answer.  

*Challenge:  The High Priestess represents our Intuition and Trusting in it.  She knows what's happening in the world and is sounding the alarm. 

She is that part of our brain that kicks in when we feel something isn't right, maybe something harmful coming our way.  This card is asking us to pay very close attention, now, during these turbulent times as heeding her message(s) coming from your intuition, just might save your life.    

*Guidance:  The Fool is the card of Humanity and our very first step out of the protective womb into the unknown.  At first we have no fear (because we've known NO Fear); we're full of optimism and excitement and eager to take our first steps, making our way in the world. 

Then we start encountering problems, doubts and uncertainty and became very angry because we screwed up making wrong decisions.  Our ego took over and managed to drive us off a cliff.  Now what?  

We thought we could handle everything on our own but painfully found out we couldn't.  Now we're finally learning to take take a step back allowing humility to guide our path instead of ego, and revealing the answers we couldn't find before but are now coming through.   It took some doing and some hard choices but we found tht they were crucial to our success.    

The Beginning of Wisdom is also represented by the next card:
XII The Hanged Man.

*Hidden:  The Hanged Man can finally relax now as he has learned, the hard way, he can't go it alone. 

He was the gullible Fool until he learned he needed help transiting through life.  He went through much agony, suffering and pain because he had to do it His way. 

Finally he realized it wasn't working and ended up in such a state of disrepair the only thing left for him was to acknowledge his frustration and ask for help. 

By agreeing to this one simple step, his life was transformed from a sorry state of affairs into one of joy, happiness and completion.

*Outcome:  The Magician is the Alchemist.  He is in control of what happens around him and to him. 

Actually, we are all magicians having the ability to manifest what we want out of life but do we ever do this?  Is it because we haven't been taught about this potent spiritual power we have? 

We have the power to achieve anything we want.  It's time to start associating with positive people (step 1) and start believing in ourselves (step 2) and then watch and see the clues starting to manifest in our lives, bringing us to the successful conclusion we imagined for ourselves.

SUMMARY 1:  The Star is The Star of Hope.  It tells us that even though we can't see what's coming that we are not alone in our tribulation.  We can't see them but they can definitely see us and the situation we're in. 

They are the Angelic Realm, the ETs who only have Humanity and Earth's best interests at heart.

This card is telling you:  "Don't fall into the Abyss of Hopelessness".  That's exactly what The Devil wants.  Understand that we have to keep forging ahead, moving forward and the more we align our bodies, minds and spirits with the Great Alignment now underway, the more courage we will tap into.    

SUMMARY 2:   The Emperor is all about restoration;  he's the one who comes in, at the last moment, to "tidy" things up.  

Make no mistake about this individual even though he is a proponent of law and order, peace and justice, he will not hesitate to remove those responsible for all the mayhem, impose martial law if necessary and use any and all other means within his power and purview to right the wrongs, turning a terrible situation around. 

He is known as The Peace Maker.


The numerical value of this reading is:  3 Growth, achievement, creativity and abundance

Adding Summary Card 1 is:  2 Balance; duality; partnership and assimilation

Adding Summary Card 2 is:  6 Communication; probem solving; cooperation and balance

Total is 10 or 1 Completion; End of a Cycle and Renewal 





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