Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Weekly Tarot Message for May 26, 2024


"Toziel" Tarot Card Deck

Card Positions

Situation (Middle):  VII The Chariot
Challenge (Middle Left):  XV The Devil
Guidance/Resources (Top):  XI Lust (Strength)
Hidden (Middle Right):  VI The Lovers
Outcome (Bottom):  X Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune)

Summary 1:  Bottom Left (Top Card):  VIII Adjustment (Justice)
Summary 2:  Lower Bottom Left:  XIX The Sun

~ Reading ~

"After the Storm"  
"Arise!  Humanity and Reclaim Your Birthright!"

Note:  When I do these reading I ask spirit what message they have for us this week as I shuffle the cards and lay them down. 

I never know what the message is until I turn the cards over.   

The message this week tells us that celestial help is on the way.      


How many of you are just plain fed up with what you see happening in the world?  The Devil is having a field day!

I've often wondered when or even if there will be some kind of divine intervention in earth's affairs because it's pretty obvious that man is incapable of turning things around. 

The reading below is telling us that yes, divine intervention is on the way.  


*Middle (Situation):  VII The Chariot stands for swiftness.  The message this card is conveying to us is yes, help is on the way so look for it!  

A divine Chariot carrying divine beings on their way to earth to finally take control of our situation, turning things around for the better.  

*Upper Left (Challenge):  XV The Devil.  The meaning of this card couldn't be clearer.  Satan rules this planet.  The Lord of Misery, Angel of the Abyss and Humanity's Curse.  He rules with no mercy taking as many prisoners as he can.    We're learning the hard way that as soon as we give in to him, he consumes us, continuing to gorge himself, feeding off our fears, anxieties and addictions.

*Top (Guidance/Resources):  XI Lust represents our inner Strength to overcome and persevere.  The problem is we've never tapped into these resources but we're learning to (see XV The Devil).  This card is telling us that even with everything going on in the world today, we (Humanity) are about to turn a corner and a very important one.  We are finally learning to take ownership of ourselves and our world. 

Before we didn't care about the outside world , maybe we were just plain ignorant, uncaring, distracted or oblivious as to what was happening around us.  But now, something has changed.  We are able to see what's going on and understanding the brevity of our situation and that we just can't keep standing on the sidelines watching the chaos and not doing something to stop it.

We're realizing that the only person capable of real meaningful and instrumental change in our lives is  you and me, not a government or a politican or a corporation.     

*Middle Right (Hidden):    This is a card of Rembrance:  VI The Lovers Card is Humanity, God's Creation and everything He envisioned for us:  Eternal Life, Freedom, Happiness, Joy and Abundance.  This is the truth of who we are and why we are here - to participate in and enjoy the manifestation of His Love for all of us.     

*Bottom (Outcome):  X Fortune is The Wheel of Fortune or The Wheel of Life aka Life Lessons.  Life is full of cycles, lessons, losses, successes, ups and downs.   This card represents those forces we have no control over:  Karma, weather, death.   It's an understanding that comes with Wisdom. 

Sometimes it's good to continue to hang on but sometimes it's better to surrender and let go.    

It's called Faith.  


Summary 1:    Bottom Left Top Card:  VIII  Adjustment (aka as Justice)
Divine Justice

Summary 2:  Bottom Left Lower Card:  XIX The Sun
Rebirth, Awakening, Revelation, Prosperity, Abundance

The numerical value of this reading is:  4 Structure; Foundation; Stability; Manifestation
Adding Summary Card 1 is:  3  Initial Achievememt of Goals; Growth and Creativity
Adding Summary Card 2 is:  4 Structure; Foundation; Stability; Manifestation

Total is 2:  Balance, Duality; a Crossroad or Choice; Partnership


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