The "Toziel" Tarot based on the works of Aleister Crowley
Card Positions
MIddle Card (SITUATION): XI Lust Upper Left Card (CHALLENGE): VII The Chariot Top Card (GUIDANCE/HELP): I The Magus Upper Right Card (HIDDEN): XII The Hanged Man Bottom Card (OUTCOME: XIX The Sun
Lower Left Bottom SUMMARY Card I: II The High Priestess SUMMARY Card 2: V The Hierophant
Hecate Oracle Bottom Right: II The Key
~ Reading ~
"Initiation "
SITUATION: XI Lust Tarot Card is representative of Temptation (the Scarlet Woman, the Sacred Whore, The Whore of Babylon by William Blake (see image below) and is the Mother of Abominations. She is the Feminine consort of Chaos or The Father of Life, the male personification of creation.
She represents the biblical city of Babylon, at first a beautiful paradise that eventually fell into ruin.
CHALLENGE: VII The Chariot indicates that the King is coming and quickly: Revelation 22:12 - 13
"And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End and the First and the Last".
Our Challenge is to Hold On; Trust and Faith
GUIDANCE/HELP: I The Magician is Manifestation; something new coming into being affecting every living creature on this planet.
HIDDEN: XII The Hanged Man is indicative of rebirth; head down in the birth canal waiting to arrive in a brand new world. No longer is ego (the Serpent in charge) but man's Humility.
OUTCOME: XIX The Sun represents power, vitality and the ego. It is a masculine principle (Yang) and is the archetype representing The God King who is The Christ. This card speaks of igniting the "Divine Spark" that portion of God that resides within each Human Being and has been held captive.
All that is necessary for its release is for each of us to acknowledge that Christ is that Divine Spark, who came here in human form, took our sins upon Himself, suffered, died and ascended back to Heaven, enabling the process whereas Humanity is led back to the Light.
SUMMARY CARD 1: II The High Priestess is telling us that everything is in place for universal change (Manifestation) Get ready for transitting from the old and into the new - a new way of being, thinking and living.
SUMMARY CARD 2: V The Hierophant represents the uniting of the Microcosm (Mankind) with the Macrocosm (the Universe). He is the Messenger of Initiation a period of Tme known only to Him in which Mankind will experience turmoil, cataclysm, sorrow and pain.
Hecate Oracle No. 2 "The Key"
Ability, Empowerment ~ You Hold the Key ~
Keys unlock things and can free that which needs to be freed or, can unleash things that should have never seen the light. This card warns us that yes, we have the ability to unlock things but beware, some doors, once opened, cannot be closed.
The numerical value of this reading is 5: Instability, Pain, Conflict, Loss, Turmoil, Chaos
Adding Summary Card 1 is: 7: Reflection, Assessmemt, Spirituality, Wisdom and Faith in the things we cannot see
Adding Summary Card 2 is 3: Growth, Creativity, Expression and Abundance
 The "Whore of Babylon" by William Blake riding the Beast (which is the Devil, Satan ~ The "Deceiver of the Whole World")
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