We succeeded in ridding ourselves of one form of slavery but have embraced others.
We are slaves to many different slave holders.
Take a look at your credit card debt. Where are you right now--thousands and thousands of dollars in debt? Did you know that when you charge something on your credit card and the merchant asks for your signature on that little receipt, you have now entered into a
contract between the merchant and the bank that is guaranteeing those funds? That you are fully liable for the amount you charged to the bank (credit card company) plus other
applicable fees if you don't? And isn't it so very easy to keep charging and charging and charging without looking at how much your
monthly credit is actually costing you? Pretty soon you're way over your head. Yes, some of the responsibility definitely falls on your shoulders but doesn't the bank bare a good portion also as they are focusing soley on your desires and your II want" "I need to have", your greed? They really don't care how much debt you accumulate as they have lobbied for laws to go after you in protecting their investment but what about you? You can lose your home, your job, your family, your reputation.
Their goal is, under the guise of making it way too easy for you, is making as much money as they can.
We live in a society where those powerful individuals and institutions in
charge of us are making it easier and easier and more convenient for us to surrender our individual sovereignty each time make a credit card purchase and all because we are made to feel that "we need this item', or "that one," constantly consumed and carried away by another
feel good moment.
We live in a society that has seized upon our weaknesses and is flourishing from our own "I Want Mentality," knowing full well that we can't say no, that we just gotta have it for if we go without it, our lives will be ruined.
I am just focusing on credit card debt. There are many, many other ways we have willingly enslaved ourselves.
Could there be a more meaningful existence awaiting us if we all decided to stop using our credit cards as a means of exchange (credit cards as just one example, there being others) seeing that we're being taken for a ride. taken for granted and being used?
How about a future existence that actually empowers the individual and not some self-appointed We Know What's Best For You corporate giant? Look at how much we believed in the CDC. We were led to believe that they were protecting us, they had all the answers, There obvious inability to know how to handle a dangerous situation, Ebola, their conflicting words, has shown the light of day on their inability to act and upon their We Know What's Best For You hypocrisy. Isn't this another sorry example of betrayal of the public trust?
I don't have an axe to grind with corporations or businesses as they greatly contribute their awesome prowess to many worthwhile endeavours, but if we don't like where our hard earned dollars are flowing and we don't necessarily like their
agenda and we feel we aren't in control about who is accessing and using our money and we are confronted by outright lying on their behalf to save their behinds, can we not exercise our rights as sovereign individuals to do something about the situation?
Isn't this all about taking control of your own destiny?
What if two million (or more) of us tore up or credit cards on national t.v., challenged others to do so and handed a list of our grievances to a particular credit card company? Do you not think that they wouldn't set up an emergency meeting right away with their top level executives on high alert, asking to meet with us in emergency session to see what could be
negotiated? You bet they would.
What is wrong with wanting more out of life? What is wrong for righting wrongs that we see? What is wrong with expecting to receive something back (if only a little) instead of always giving, giving giving and receiving nothing in return?
Why, on G-d's green earth, do we CONTINUE to allow others to control us and do our thinking for us?
Has your light bulb gone off yet?
Are we capable of making the decision that we're not going to reward the schemers anymore by continuing to play the role of victim, as they constantly suck us dry for their political agendas and other nefarious reasons?
You cannot be a victim if you REFUSE to be one in the first place.
The schemers demand more and more of us as we silently allow more chunks of our flesh to be sloughed off, turning over more and more of ourselves, letting someone else decide who we are, what we are and what we are capable of becoming.
Don't you think that what you earn, who you are and what you stand for in this miserable and complex world is much more important and worthy TO YOU as a complete human being than to some other entity, some other enterprise or some government agency who continues to exhibit a great disdain for the little guy?
There is a Great Shift occurring on this planet. We are in the beginning throes of another (necessary and needful) alteration to mankind's collective brain, effecting a change that will be for the true and lasting betterment of all.
Mankind is waking up and throwing off the shackles and chains that have held it in bondage for thousands of years, in favor of a better world for all whether it be rising up to refute and refuse a government or banking system that has utterly failed us, a religion that touts and speaks of tolerance and togetherness but is only about annihilation or other systems that clearly have not worked but only exist to suck us in, appealing to the lowest and miserable common denominator that lies dormant within each of us.
If you encourage and empower good, good will prevail. Likewise if you encourage and empower evil.
We cannot have it both ways thus the enormous spiritual battle that is now waging war here on planet earth today for humanity's soul. This battle is playing out in full view for all of us to see.
Now is the Time to take control of your destiny, take a stand and empower yourselves, your lives, your world.
This world and how it operates is based solely on the decisions we make. Don't keep giving away portions of yourselves to those whose only goal is your further enslavement.
All of us no matter where we reside on this planet are born free. No one, NO ONE has the right to refuse, deny, detract or extract this from us.
Human beings were never destined for slavery but to be a fully commissioned presence, a colorful and vibrant tapestry of commerce and talent, a willing partner and a willing participant in the ultimate goal toward the well being of all those who make up our celestial world and in which earth and its inhabitants are destined to play a big part.
Can we all say together now, WE AIN'T GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE?