Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Just Beyond the Doorway

In my view the internet is a portal.  A doorway, an entrance to unlimited information and resources, people, environments, sciences, technology, medicine, the arts.  The internet has made it possible for humans to connect with each other, the unknown, to further our understanding of the universe, find cures for disease, hopefully learn more about ourselves.  We are beaming out information but what is coming back?  Answers, of course but more than that, as our thoughts expand and evolve into a more complex, more complete view of people and events.  Before, information was lacking or fragmented.  The internet has improved on that by being able to immediately communicate the answers as your thoughts travel halfway across the world.  You are able to sign on to real time events in which you can be a part of the conversation.  I believe that this new era of communication (see the planet Mercury) is helping us slowly bond together.  The internet has also opened up the possibility that other sentient beings will be able to use this portal to come through and communicate with us.  We already have crop circles as a means whereby extraterrestrial life is sending messages but as the internet is perfected (and not hobbled and corrupted by techie giants or power hungry and obtrusive world governments) it will grow and thrive.  This is for everyone's benefit.   
We must do all we can to see that the internet and its access remains free and open to all the peoples of the world.  

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