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How do you keep going and not give up when you see so much chaos going on all around you?--waah! How do you muster the courage to punch through the fearful dark and forge ahead? --waah! This is not easy to answer. I have come to believe that life is a boxing match and we're right smack dab in the middle of the ring whether we like it or not. We dance around the ring dodging left hooks and trying not to trip up. We can put off the boxing match for a while (you know, hiding under our blanket or locking ourselves in the bathroom) but eventually that boxing ring (life) is going to come to us or we're going to be forced to meet it halfway. There is a reason human beings cannot see the future. It is because our future is still unfolding through the decisions we make and these decisions impact and direct our path in life. Another thing to consider is that we may not like what we see and thus the incentive to do all we can, collectively, to improve on ourselves and make this planet a better place for all. If we could see our end we'd be lazy, we wouldn't be challenged to overcome obstacles and confront our weaknesses, striving to make ourselves productive, caring and compassionate creatures. Instead, we'd just go on our merry way lost in a meaningless existence. If we were able to see our future then we would be able to manipulate and change it. This is not in accordance with the Will of the Creator as we are His Work in Progress. Even He does not know how we will turn out, or does He? Hmmm Did someone write the last chapter of our lives before we arrived here based on the assumption that they knew it would turn out a certain way? Or, are they just monitoring in the background, keeping track of our progress, taking notes here and there? And, what about the last chapter? How will yours read? Consider you are writing a novel. Will it be a best seller or a dud? Did anyone prepare you beforehand for this journey? I surely don't remember anyone tutoring me. Did anyone explain to you what you could expect to experience--what you would go through, how you would act, react, how many people you would hurt, how many indiscretions you would permit, how many times you would deceive yourself, how many opportunities you would waste? Not only do people undergo transformation and transition but so do planetary bodies. It would seem that planets and the life forms that cling tenaciously to them are inexorably, exquisitely and uniquely connected. This planet was bequeathed to us and we all have a responsibility to care for it. I believe that we are in for some startling and extraordinary earth events, coinciding with what we is taking place--a collective rewrite of humanity's social conscience. The Watchers have deemed that this is the end of one era for humanity and the beginning of the next. We are in a period of massive change on this planet. Some very powerful, all knowing, all seeing, all wise beings will arrive on scene to help us out of our ignorance and misery--to help humanity's transition out of the Dark Ages and into the Light. Are you prepared? The veil is lifting; humanity's shroud is sloughing off; we are being peeled like an orange and all of us are beginning to see with new eyes. A gigantic birthing process is taking place and there is much pain as the Wise Ones author and usher in a new way of life, a new way of living, a new awareness that will settle over all mankind as we begin to claim our rightful place in the universe-- as we acknowledge that we are all one--one in existence, one in connectedness, one in harmony with each other and this beautiful planet. We have a responsibility to all life to treat it with respect, courtesy and compassion. To understand the needs and wants that bind us all together, not separate us. And all of us must stand up to those forces who stand in the way of our ascension, those governments, agencies, organizations and people who do not have this planet nor our best interests at heart.
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