Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Empathically Speaking

I'm going with my gut feeling.  Something big is going to happen and soon.

"What", you ask?

I can't answer the "what" but I can definitely assert that I'm feeling some big event or announcement, is on the way.

The energy is ramping up (like standing at the pitcher's mound getting ready to throw a fast ball).

Once the ball is in the air, its energy has been released.  

This "thing" could be here in the U.S. (which is where I believe it will happen) or could be, somewhere else.

Keep your families close and stay strong.

I wish there was more good happening in the world today but it appears that evil is being allowed to wreak havoc with everyone and everything.

Things will change for the better but it will take time.

In the meantime we all need to pray and "hang in there."

Maybe my 'gut' feeling has to do with the unusual, unprecedented hot weather in my area.  It's as if the sun's radiation has accelerated plant growth (we're at least 4 weeks ahead of schedule) and insects that normally show up weeks from now are already here.

Maybe a massive solar flare, I don't know.

I am feeling it is going to be a more "political" type event than anything else.

Maybe it has to do with something long concealed finally being revealed.

Like all those UFO videos I've been watching--Incredible--and some of them undoubtedly are fakes but not ALL of them.

Or, maybe it has to do with something far more sinister in which I certainly hope I'm wrong.  

It actually feels like the time is ripe for someone to step in and put a halt to something and by so doing, making a nefarious and convoluted situation extremely more convoluted and volatile.

There are a lot of very bad people in this world with dark secrets they don't want anyone else to know about and who are willing to do anything to keep them that way.

During these chaotic times, it is very easy to get upset, become anxious and confused.

"These are the times that try men's souls" is an old saying that rings true.

Keep trusting G-d; keep your families close.

Remain vigilant and strong.

Remember, we are Americans.


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