Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
One Heck of a Human Being
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Sunday, August 28, 2016
In the Blink of an Eye
For those of us who really don't have a complete picture of the devastating flooding that just occurred in Louisiana, I will try and fill in some blanks.
I will attempt to get as close as I can (in some cases using "approximate" - for dates, times, etc.) and if I'm incorrect regarding some information, please, someone be kind enough to correct me.
August 12, 2016: Heavy rain started and in twenty-four hours, approximately 36" (some reports stated 40") of rain fell in central Louisiana.
The annual rainfall (for one year) in Louisiana is 40".
The flooding that occurred is being heralded as the worse disaster since Super Storm Sandy.
The news, the pictures on television don't even come close to the biblical scenes unfolding across the central portion of this state, in the small communities who were almost flooded out of existence.
The "in your face" reality of the situation these families are facing as to the extent of damage they are now accessing and coming to grips with is off the charts.
I'm talking people who have lived here all their lives, forty, fifty years. This is where they grew up, went to school, worshiped and raised their families.
This is home.
I am receiving first hand information from an acquaintance who happens to be one of those who just went through this ordeal, losing his home.
I'm relaying it to you.
He's lived in his home for forty years.
But now he is living in a neighbor's trailer.
He remarked to me that he is grateful for the 8x9 sink in which to shave and the small frig with a few things to eat.
The totality of the carnage is now reflected in his voice as he is wading through a mountain of government paperwork, looking at a shell of a house that was just gutted down to the stud walls, dealing with insurance adjustors and just coming to grips with a life that has been turned upside down.
He just installed a new dishwasher two weeks ago and his refrigerator is (was) two years old.
Everything's on the curb:
He's lost his car, his tools, computers, furniture, appliances, cabinetry, pictures, personal belongings.
The debris from storage buildings and homes along with the many cars and trucks that were lost--computers, lawn mowers, tools, electric wiring, siding, laptops, appliances, carpeting, linoleum, mattresses, kitchen cabinets, counter tops and furniture is lining the streets to heights of 7' or more.
Every street in this community has debris that is yet to be picked up because the state has yet to find contractors available and willing to come down and start hauling all the trash away.
Where they're going to put all this stuff is another issue entirely.
And the people who just went through this ordeal, Black and White who have lived together, next door to one another, who are neighbors, friends and family are all working side by side, helping each other.
It is hard to fathom that we have a President who could find the time and couldn't wait to transfer $400,000.000.00 to Iran, (yes, he said it was to secure the release of two or was it three American hostages but is this really true and if so, why the coverup?) in the dead of night, using a private and unmarked plane, to a country that hates our guts but couldn't even find the time, take the time or make the time to fly down in Air Force One to meet with these Americans, many of whom had just suffered through one of the worst natural disasters in Louisiana's history.
And then, Obama brought up "race" which was the most unconscionable of all.
The outrage and the outpouring of resentment by all those affected, the anger directed at Obama's remarks resonated not only through these affected communities, but throughout the nation as well.
My friend brought up the young kids who have just witnessed a catastrophe--a monumental flood that will go down in the history books, kids just eight and nine years old who got a nasty taste of reality and who will remember this event till the day they die.
To think that something horrible can't happen to us is foolish because it can and it does.
Life--how precious it is and how much we all take it for granted.
Let's just talk Baton Rouge--of the 27,000 homes that were flooded in a small suburban community not far away, only one in eight families had flood insurance.
For these folks who were uninsured, FEMA is allowing $30,000 per family to clean up their homes if there is even anything left "to clean up."
If you did have flood insurance (approximately $357.00 a year) that doesn't mean "you're off the hook" as there are mountains of paperwork my friend is having to go through, insurance adjustors he has to meet with, requirements he has to meet and regulations, regulations, regulations.
There's no telling now whether flood insurance will even be offered again due to the massive amount of damage and whether any company will want to take the chance of insuring homeowners in an area that just might be prone to another horrific occurrence.
My friend was on the phone with me last night when I heard an alarm going off in the background.
"Oh, that's just the timer on my watch letting me know the restaurant has room for me. I can now drive there and eat my dinner (after waiting for fifty-five minutes).
After he had dinner he called back and told me the young waitress who waited on him couldn't afford to stop working to even access the damage to her home as she needed to continue to work just to make "ends" meet.
During the flooding, as things grew from bad to worse, gas stations closed, then restaurants, then grocery stores, name brand stores and discount stores, auto parts stores, apartment buildings along with shopping malls.
Emergency services were especially hardest hit with one police station losing a number of vehicles and equipment with only a handful left.
No one could go anywhere unless you had a boat.
There are two schools in this community and one is completely gone to a tune of $50,000,000.00 to replace.
The other one he is unsure of.
There is one Walmart that just reopened and they are in the process of restocking along with three restaurants, one McDonald's, a Sonic and one grocery store.
Houses are so badly damaged or non existent that no one has anything to cook on or with and there is limited gas, limited electric so the only places to go are restaurants (if they aren't damaged too severely).
The grocery store is only allowing small groups of people to come in and an allotted amount of time to shop and then they're out, allowing the next group to come in.
Trucks that normally stopped and offloaded fresh vegetables, meat, fish, produce and other goods were non-existent but are slowly starting up on their routes again.
My whole purpose in writing about this is this has made a big difference in me and how I feel about things.
It has shown me how fortunate I am to have what I have and to be grateful for each and every day.
And it shows me how much compassion we all have within us, which is always released in times such as this, in an outpouring of love for others, the best humanity has to give.
It has also demonstrated how irrelevant and useless are material possessions as once they're damaged the only thing you can do is throw them out.
But you can't throw out a human being.
They may be damaged on the outside but honestly, one of the most remarkable things about a human being is what is contained on the inside.
They come together out of love and compassion during a crisis and a togetherness that surpasses all understanding.
"Here, let me help you. We'll get through this Together. We're friends, we're neighbors, we're Family."
It doesn't matter what color nor what our political affiliations are, time and again humans have proved how resilient they are, how compassionate they are, how resolute they are and how they and not politicians are most capable of putting things in perspective.
And that perspective is, "putting others first".
P.S. My friend says it will be at least the middle to end of next summer before he's even able to move back into his home and that all depends on whether or not the state deems he is located in a flood plain in which case the federal government will only pay 75% of the value of his home (he just lost the other 25%); he elevates his home so many feet above the ground or he just says, "screw it, I'm out of here."
And all the while he has to secure a contractor, (remember thousands of others are trying to do the same thing as well), filling out all the paperwork and waiting, waiting and more waiting.
P.S. If you haven't already hugged somebody today, don't you think now would be a good time?
Saturday, August 27, 2016
The wind, when it comes
Can take something with it,
But also can leave something behind
A brand new perspective
A brand new beginning
A time whose message reminds
That Love overcomes
All of Mankind's shortcomings
In the End it clearly defines
Who we are, Where we're going
An innate sense of Knowing
That this earth to us, is assigned
A Love that knows no boundaries
A Love that knows no wrong
A Love that resounds within our hearts
The sweet lyrics of earth song
Take heart All Ye People
Who see many who stray
Who are lost, cannot see
Have been duped by degrees
As they will find their way home
If you open your heart
For it only takes one
to provide a fresh start
Can take something with it,
But also can leave something behind
A brand new perspective
A brand new beginning
A time whose message reminds
That Love overcomes
All of Mankind's shortcomings
In the End it clearly defines
Who we are, Where we're going
An innate sense of Knowing
That this earth to us, is assigned
A Love that knows no boundaries
A Love that knows no wrong
A Love that resounds within our hearts
The sweet lyrics of earth song
Take heart All Ye People
Who see many who stray
Who are lost, cannot see
Have been duped by degrees
As they will find their way home
If you open your heart
For it only takes one
to provide a fresh start
Thursday, August 25, 2016
The Witch is In
I feel magik in the air; faeries and sprites; grumpy gnomes and elvish elves, beautiful Faery Queens sauntering around in pompous, elegant and grand jet black, violet and dazzling pink gowns with elegant bustles and gold crowns on their heads and holding willowy wands with starbursts on the ends.
I imagine little ones staying up all night hoping to glimpse the faery lights dancing in the forest.
I am looking out my kitchen window.
There's a subdued feeling now as the clouds are lowering and a darkness descends, almost like it's going to rain.
But then the feeling disappears and out comes the sun all happy and shining, sparkling all over the leaves, casting its magik as it leaves a lovely gossamer shimmer over everything.
Magik is what you create; Magik is what you make of it.
There is Black Magik of course, but that's for those who only want to stir up trouble.
The Magik I'm talking about comes from family and dear friends, from love, warmth and companionship, a cozy fire, a good book, a pot of venison stew simmering on the stove, homemade biscuits, blackberry cobbler, candles flickering on the table, happy story book endings, healing and miracles and the laughter of children.
We look outside the window and snowflakes are falling.
To our delight we see a beautiful sight!
They begin to fall more and more and get bigger and bigger.
The pumpkins and gourds piled up in the corner of the garden are all turning white.
Excited voices and tiny squeals from the littlest ones then peals of laughter as the windows are all steamed up from wee ones crowding out the others "for a peek."
Merriment and noise making.
A Singularity has just occurred.
One of completeness, contentment and happiness.
My fervent prayer for the entire world we all inhabit.
I imagine little ones staying up all night hoping to glimpse the faery lights dancing in the forest.
I am looking out my kitchen window.
There's a subdued feeling now as the clouds are lowering and a darkness descends, almost like it's going to rain.
But then the feeling disappears and out comes the sun all happy and shining, sparkling all over the leaves, casting its magik as it leaves a lovely gossamer shimmer over everything.
Magik is what you create; Magik is what you make of it.
There is Black Magik of course, but that's for those who only want to stir up trouble.
The Magik I'm talking about comes from family and dear friends, from love, warmth and companionship, a cozy fire, a good book, a pot of venison stew simmering on the stove, homemade biscuits, blackberry cobbler, candles flickering on the table, happy story book endings, healing and miracles and the laughter of children.
We look outside the window and snowflakes are falling.
To our delight we see a beautiful sight!
They begin to fall more and more and get bigger and bigger.
The pumpkins and gourds piled up in the corner of the garden are all turning white.
Excited voices and tiny squeals from the littlest ones then peals of laughter as the windows are all steamed up from wee ones crowding out the others "for a peek."
Merriment and noise making.
A Singularity has just occurred.
One of completeness, contentment and happiness.
My fervent prayer for the entire world we all inhabit.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
I Don't Own Me
Maybe humanity should just quit and start over:
Selfish; arrogant; impatient; greedy; willful; deceptive; vengeful; manipulative.
We live in a world where anything goes; anything can become the norm; fads become fetishes; fetishes become cults; cults become control mechanisms in which people are caged and in some cases where death is instilled as the only way out.
On the one hand we have those few souls who espouse our strengths and encourage the best in us; on the other hand we have those whose sole purpose is exploiting our weaknesses.
We are the grand painting with the grand promise the artist started to paint but then regretfully was unable to finish.
We are a repulsive, repugnant, heart wrenching, foul smelling, writhing, sorrowful boiling stew pot of hapless, helpless hopeless human beings who are more hell bent on wiping each other out than helping one another out.
There is a theory that during Noah's time there was a Great Flood that wiped out everything on this planet.
Now who's to say whether this story is really true or not?
Has anyone been able to prove it either way?
So, the conclusion is that it could have happened or it didn't happen.
Well, maybe it's time it did happen.
We're not making any headway down here as far as coming together in unity toward anything.
We haven't progressed.
In fact, we've regressed.
If we could get it through our heads that we don't own ourselves, we aren't here to impress others or be the center of attention, adorn ourselves with lavish jewelry and live in the ritziest neighborhoods, drive the fanciest cars, shop only at the best grocers, have a manicure and pedicure every week but understand that we all are here for Each Other, maybe we'd start to get somewhere.
There are people on this planet that don't have fresh drinking water; there are people on this planet who are dying from hunger and disease; there are people on this planet who are being murdered; there is more death and destruction on this planet than there is peace and prosperity.
I say we should all be hanging our heads in shame.
The League of Nations was founded in 1920 due to a political assassination in Sarajevo and became the United Nations in 1946.
It was to be a permanent international body and was founded after WWI due to the enormous loss of life in the hope that it could maintain peace in the world.
It's 2016, seventy years later.
I see that they, too, have failed.
United, We All Stand.
Divided, We All Fall.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Fear Not
Depression, a word that most of us fear but I think many of our fears surrounding this may be unfounded, up to a point.
Right now I am experiencing depression, a feeling of impending doom, of losing something or someone, a surrealistic I don't know mixture of emotion, maybe it was the medication my Dr. prescribed or maybe it was a reaction to something else.
In either case it doesn't matter as I'm experiencing the symptoms and they are causing anxiety and fear.
I've had bouts of depression before--a deep darkness that smothers you like a heavy blanket, no light can penetrate and you just have to be patient for it to pass.
Now this seems pretty extreme but I believe depression, in some forms, is actually a form of cleansing, a process in which you are able to get rid of something that needs to go, something that has been weighing you down.
After it's gone you feel cleansed and refreshed.
The depression I'm experiencing this time though is something I've not experienced before.
It's like something has decided it wants to get in touch with me or I've decided it's time I want to get in touch with it.
It's like there's two of me. Two halves and they just got to meet one another.
In either case this is one hell of an experience and really one I wouldn't one to go through again.
I feel like I'm actually shedding part of my skin (like a snake) and in the process a part of me is being exposed and it hurts (like a torn cuticle); one I never new existed and emerging complete with a new sensory awareness, an acute and totally new cutting edge technology, a state of the art situational awareness radar with a set of perfectly attuned antennae in which I have somehow risen above myself and others in an altered state, looking down from another planet, seeing with a new set of eyes, hearing with a new set of ears, deciphering with a new brain as I feel like a sharpened razor, able to hone in on the smallest sounds, hear the most subtle tones and swiftly decipher fleeting looks on faces with uncanny ability.
I find my temper is short and answers are nowhere to be found; why, why, why? tears are flowing like rain.
I am worried about today; I am worried about tomorrow; I am worried about my friends, my family, animals, the planet, will we all make it to the end of the week, will we all make it to the end of the YEAR???
I can't stand up, I can't sit down. I am pacing back and forth.
It's like I've just stepped over a threshold and been given this new and frightening heightened ability and I don't like it because I don't even know what it is let alone even know how to handle it.
This must be what it feels like to be an alien.
The other thing I'm noticing is, if I do allow myself to calm down and don't fight the fear and anxiety but let it progress through me, I am able to analyze it to a certain extent.
This is the interesting part...I fear how I'm feeling yet a part of me is very curious because I've never felt this before.
It's the unknown.
What if I just relax and let it take its course...where will it take me? Where will I end up?
It's like being an astronaut on her space mission. You've been through all the drills, you been through all the tests; you know the risks yet you're still willing to go.
It's like I'm the patient but I'm also the Dr.
Actually, I'm both -- the two intertwined together--Interesting.
After posting this I'm feeling a little better.
I just found this link that will help with those suffering from depression. I hope it helps...
Friday, August 19, 2016
Bringing heaven down to earth:
There are no disconnects; there are no divides; there are no differences; there is no disharmony, there is no inequality.
There is only Illusion.
I am becoming more and more convinced of this.
Words and ideas that give people hope have immense power.
Negative or positive, the outcome of a person's life depends upon the choice of words we use.
Lives can either be turned around or utterly destroyed.
People are the most important commodity on this planet.
~Not oil, nor money, gold or silver.~
People initiate meaningful change; people rush to help those in need; people care enough to help those less fortunate than themselves.
People are born to make a difference in the world.
People are born with hearts and minds and souls.
Together people make up humanity--a field of flowers blanketing the entire planet.
There are no disconnects; there are no divides; there are no differences; there is no disharmony, there is no inequality.
There is only Illusion.
I am becoming more and more convinced of this.
Words and ideas that give people hope have immense power.
Negative or positive, the outcome of a person's life depends upon the choice of words we use.
Lives can either be turned around or utterly destroyed.
People are the most important commodity on this planet.
~Not oil, nor money, gold or silver.~
People initiate meaningful change; people rush to help those in need; people care enough to help those less fortunate than themselves.
People are born to make a difference in the world.
People are born with hearts and minds and souls.
Together people make up humanity--a field of flowers blanketing the entire planet.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
America to hand off Internet in under two months
America to hand off Internet in under two months: The Department of Commerce is set to hand off the final vestiges of American control over the Internet to international authorities in less than two months, officials have confirmed. The department will finalize the transition effective Oct. 1, Assistant Secretary Lawrence Strickling wrote on Tuesday, barring what he called any significant impediment. The move means the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which is responsible for interpreting numerical addresses on the Web to a readable language, will move from U.S. control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a multistakeholder body based in Los Angeles that includes countries such as China and Russia. Critics of the move, most prominently Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, have pointed out the agency could be used by totalitarian governments to shut down the Web around the globe, either in whole or in part. Related Story:
Thanks, Obama...
Thanks, Obama...
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The Siren's Call
Madness has
befallen this nation
Madness like
never before
She has
spread her legs
And allowed penetration
She has turned
into a whore
Shed blood
of American patriots
Cry out from
hallowed ground
Beware the siren
As there
ain’t no denying
She is only here
to confound
She plots
and she schemes
Through her poisoned
She confers,
she conjures
Has summoned,
will bring
A whole host
of demons
With her feet on the mound
And the bat in
her hand
All she
needs are the voters
To make a grand
Monday, August 15, 2016
Heart to Heart
Real, meaningful change will not occur in the world until real, meaningful change occurs in people's hearts.
Politicians and the news media continuing to feed the schism of hate and fear only provides more fuel to those with evil intentions.
These pathetic panderers do nothing to help bring people together but only desire in driving a wedge between us.
Yes we are different; yes we come from different backgrounds; yes we are of different skin tones; yes we grew up in different neighborhoods.
But I am convinced that all of us want only what's best for ourselves and our families.
That my friend is what unites us.
Unity in numbers is strength--strength of purpose and strength in the hope for a better world as we all stand together.
Division is only meaningful when applied to math.
If you had the opportunity to dialogue with someone who was brought up under circumstances far different than yours, manage to get past the rhetoric of who did what to whom, you both would come to realize that you have much in common as you both would be expressing common concerns.
It's our unity that defines us, not our differences.
I am fervently hoping that some politician will pick up on this but I'm not holding my breath.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Read and Heed
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Only a Few are Willing to Pay the Price on Behalf of the Many - Where Do You Stand?
This could be written on any day. An American
soldier died today in a place far from home, but he did not die alone. He was
surrounded by his fellow soldiers, his comrades in arms, who he fought beside
every day. They were there to mourn his loss and say a prayer for his soul and
his family. They knew that their fellow soldier had died fighting for them, for
his family and his country. The question for Americans to ponder is did this
soldier die in vain?
The soldier took an oath to “protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign
and domestic”. In other words, this soldier, and his brothers and sisters who
wear the uniform of a member of our armed forces took an oath to fight for
freedom. It is not an oath to fight for a particular politician, a specific
political party, or the personal agenda of any politician or party. The oath is to freedom and the Constitution
that is a document that says what it means and means what it says.
This fallen soldier was fighting for
freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and all of the
other freedoms enshrined in the single most important document ever created by
a free people. He was not fighting for wimpy college students to have a “safe
space” where they could be protected from other Americans who exercised their
right to free speech. For this soldier the only safe space was at home with his
family in the United States, and he was fighting to keep that place safe from
Islamic Jihadists terrorists who are invading it.
He died fighting for freedom, but
unfortunately that is a concept many in this country no longer believe in or
even comprehend. Too many want a government that gives them “free stuff” so
they don’t have to work. American soldiers don’t ask for free stuff, they earn
what they get and by the way, the hourly pay for a private in the American
military is $8.40 per hour, if they work a 40 hour week which they don’t if in
a combat situation. Then they are on call 24 hours a day, and they are not
flipping hamburger patties at McDonalds, they are risking their lives for us.
Then unfortunately, when they return
home they don’t get the medical care or other benefits they are entitled to
because the country they fought for chooses to spend taxpayer dollars providing
free stuff to people from other countries that may be coming here to kill
Americans. These soldiers took an oath of office almost identical to that taken
by our President, members of Congress, federal judges and cabinet members. These
soldiers chose to fulfill that oath by giving up their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor in defense of freedom. Unfortunately, the members of the
federal government who took that oath believe it means that they must enforce political
correctness as they define it, even if it means the total destruction of our
Constitutional Republic.
The American soldier who died today
went into battle as a defender of freedom while ma ny of the politicians who
sent him into battle consider him as cannon fodder The deaths of American
soldiers are meaningless to these people and that is obvious from the fact that
no White House representatives attend their funerals, they only go to the funerals
of thugs like Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin.
The American soldiers who are fighting
for us know why they are fighting and why they are risking their lives. It is
time for the rest of America to decide which side we are on. Will we support
our Constitution and the soldiers who defend it or we join the politicians who
consider us their subjects who must bend to their will, and become good little
As the son of a World II veteran, the
father of two sons currently serving in the army, and a veteran of the U.S.
Army myself, I know where I stand. I stand with the American soldier who died
today and I pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to ensure that this
soldier did not die in vain. Where do you stand?
Constitutional Law Alliance
You're FIRED!
![]() |
Another One of Humanity's Avatars ~ Steve Jobs ~ An Iconic Innovator, a Technological Guru who was all about improving our lives, not destroying them |
Through Apple's I-Phone, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, et. al, we are able to communicate with millions of others on this planet, sharing our love, our opinions, our memories, our thoughts and our interests.
We're finding out that by the simple act of getting to know one another, we're learning just how much we all have in common.
Our hopes and dreams are the same; it's apparent that your fears are my fears; that your worries are my worries.
Through this technological marvel, this portal called the Internet, we have been gifted an opportunity that existed at no other time in our human existence.
An opportunity to get to know one another; to express our unity, discuss our differences and just plain enjoy each other's company.
We post photographs, we blog, we make friends, we do online purchases, we pay our bills, we play music; we watch movies, together.
All the while we are continuing to connect, forming lasting and meaningful relationships with others thousands of miles away.
**We are the Human Family and we're just beginning to get to know one another.**
We are a unique species with our own special signature, yet just one of a vast number of other sentient beings living in the universe.
Ones we have not yet had the opportunity of meeting but ones I believe we'll find that have common interests, the same as ours.
We humans are part of an undulating, pulsating fabric; a soft and blended mural of hushed colors, vibrant notes, tones and hues.
We are our own song but we have yet to sing it.
All of us are a yet to be written humanity's First Symphony, a celestial, haunting aria, a complete but beautiful unsung love song waiting for just the right moment and just the right songwriter to compose its notes.
A songwriter who recognizes that all of us are still in need of a little tweaking here and there as he endeavors to capture and record us through the the laybryinth of his mind and onto paper, the promise that we all of us hold to and for one another along with the secret that has kept us in the dark for so long. It is:
**The secret is the reason we're all existing on this planet together; why we're here and our main purpose along with how we are all morally responsible for one another.**
After many months and exhaustive work, the songwriter settles back in his chair, after his long awaited effort in creating what he hopes will be a best seller and that the notes he's so earnestly recorded will meet and exceed everyone's expectations--a song that will explode onto the airwaves and become an instant hit.
We watch as he gives the high sign to the technicians behind the booth (it's a thumbs up) that it's now time--everyone is going to get to hear what he hears as he puts on his headphones and settles back in his easy chair.
The air is crackling with electricity and in anticipation.
We watch him intently, listening and holding our breath.
Something has changed.
His facial expression has altered along with his demeanor.
He leans forward, focusing on something--like something unexpected is about to happen.
We now know that he is in the throes of something extraordinary.
At first he was solely engaged in concentrating on each individual note to ensure he had them all down and exactly the ones he wanted.
But now he's listening to something that he was completely unprepared for.
The notes are rebelling--they are not acting the way notes should act.
They aren't cooperating--they seem to have taken on a life of their own.
They are in open rebellion and combining with other notes and creating in unison an ethereal, harmonious, haunting and beautiful aria.
Mesmerized, his headphones askew, he concentrates even more fully.
His state of mind's surprise has changed to one of utter exhilaration.
He is acutely aware that something is transpiring, taking place, a phenomenom of some sort, something unworldly (perhaps?) is happening to him, through him and around him.
Now he is weeping.
Something is occurring, something so exquisite, so serene, so out of the ordinary, some sort of spiritual transformation, something so harmonious and complete, something so transcendent that the experience cannot be described in words, it can only be experienced.
He finds he is lifted higher and higher--up up and away from his mortal state of being to one of complete enlightenment.
He now realizes that the single notes he put down on paper knew all along what their role was.
All they needed was for him (their instrument) to just jot them down on paper--they'd take it from there. They would do their own composing.
He is now visibly shaken as this experience has transcended reality*.
Now, the reality* is that this song no longer needs anymore tweaking because it's ready to be released.
The musicians are all assembled, the conductor hand picked.
A heavy silence falls over orchestra hall so profound you could hear a pin drop.
The conductor is in the middle, surrounded by musicians from all over the world, from all backgrounds, of all colors, tones and hues.
He raises his hand. The music begins.
We humans beings, individually, are very special but when we combine together in unity of purpose we become a force to be reckoned with, a pulsating, creative, vital and vibrant mosaic piece of art that deserves recognition not only for the contributions we make to and on behalf of others but because of our 'net' worth.
The conductor is the leader who manages to bring all the instruments (us) together under one umbrella in an act of absolute harmony.
Q: Okay, if we are Family, then why don't we act like one?
Q: If we are Family, then where is the head of our Family?
Obviously there is no one leader to represent all of us as different countries elect their own leaders.
But haven't we made it quite clear to the politicians that we're tired of their bickering, their senseless use of violence, their shenanigans, their deceptions, their lies, their hypocrisy, their broken promises, and their demagoguery?
Q: Are any of these politicians taking steps to see to it that all of us on this planet are being kept safe and healthy, free from fear and harm?
>In a Family the head of the Family will intervene to stop the bickering between siblings.
>In a Family the head of the Family will quietly listen as both sides give their version of who did what to whom and arrive at a fair conclusion, bringing about peace and calm.
>In a Family the head of the Family will intervene and remove harmful substances that his children may come in contact with, knowing full well that these substances will cause immeasurable harm and even lead to death.
:>In a Family the head of the Family will set down rules and guidelines for his children to follow.
>In a Family the head of the Family will ensure that his children do not fall prey to crime and violence.
>In a Family the head of the Family will teach love and compassion for others; humility and patience, and instill moral values.
> In a Family the head of the Family will put the well being of his children First and the well being of himself or herself, second.
>In a Family the head of the Family will be measured in his response to wrongdoing yet impose the necessary discipline, when and where necessary.
Q: Do you see any leaders anywhere on this planet actually attempting to do any of this?
And why on earth do we call politicians who seem to be more interested in dividing us than uniting us, whose own lack of self respect leads to grievances and hostility against others and worthy organizations, who openly pander to and support groups who promote racial turmoil and violence, why do we continue to call them "leaders?"
They're not leaders, they're obstructionists with their own personal agendas.
Okay, we have now come to the conclusion that we are all Family.
If so, then isn't this the time to start acting like one?
Q: Do you remember the television show, "The Apprentice?"
Q: Do you remember the oft used phrase on that program?
Q: Do you agree with what was just posted, here?
A: Somehow, I thought you might.
Wow, what a response.
Okay, okay, I hear you, I hear you....
I hear a chorus of one, all voices have synced up and are in unison.
Your message has been heard and it is loud and clear:
To all you politicians out there--we're taking over; you've failed us; you've betrayed us.
Now it's our turn:
Monday, August 8, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Question: "Have You Ever Tried Pot"? -- "Yeah, But I Didn't Inhale."
We're all human beings, right?
We have muscles and tendons, a skeletal frame that keeps everything in place, two legs, two arms, a torso and a brain.
We have lungs, a heart, a liver, a pancreas, a gall bladder, appendix and spleen along with an extensive and intricate network of tissue, nerves, blood vessels and arteries.
Our bodies are something most of us (including myself) don't even give a second thought to, until we have a problem.
Our bodies tag along wherever we go--we take them out for a run; we take them out for a walk; we work them to exhaustion at the gym; we embellish them with jewelry and trinkets and detail and mark them with fancy tatoos; we use them to get high; we use them for sex.
They are masterfully equipped for just about anything and everything we wish them to do.
Isn't it interesting that "our bodies are always there for us" but "we're not always there for them."
We pump nicotine into our lungs, slowly poisoning them, we inhale, we snort, we snuff; we stick needles in our veins to get high; we concoct and ingest potentially lethal designer drug cocktails and drink beer and wine until we can't stand up.
Why not? Everyone's doing it. What harm could possibly result?
The percentage of people doing drugs and alcohol in this country today is off the charts and the really scary part is this percentage is rising.
No wonder our health care premiums are skyrocketing.
On another really touchy issue but one that begs an honest answer, why should we keep insuring those who have no interest in keeping themselves healthy but continually do damage to their bodies, winding up in the ER or hospital to the detriment of others whose problem(s) weren't of their own making?
Doesn't sound fair and it certainly doesn't sound right.
Remember the slogan "If it Feels Good Do It?"
>Hollywood's doing it, (now that's a "NO BRAINER).
>Washington's doing it, (that's an even bigger, NO BRAINER).
>Big Business is doing it.
>Now, even the youngest among us are doing it.
In our world, society --what is permissible and what is not-- makes and dictates the rules of our behaviour.
In that case, I'd say we're all in big trouble.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we decided to take that responsibility onto ourselves, that "we" (in lieu of society) were actually the ones in charge of our own behaviour?
I just returned from the hospital due to pancreatitis.
And after going through what I just went through, I recommend you read this article:
I learned that the pancreas is a vital organ and an important part of the body contributing to its well being and overall health.
I learned an invaluable lesson from my experience and it literally has changed my life.
It is this:
I and I alone am responsible for my body.
If I abuse it, in time it will react negatively and rebel, not functioning properly.
I cannot blame anyone else for what happens to my body as:
It was personally assigned to ME.
This post is directed to all you who are using;
all you who are inhaling
all you who are drinking yourselves to death (because that is exactly what you are doing).
Understand that your body has a shelf life.
It deserves to be used and cared for, according to the directions and last, but not least, respected.
It can only stand so much abuse.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
A Good American
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Unleashed (caution: nudity)
A dark verdant canopy of tumbling vines
A lattice of lacework, entangled, entwined
The sun filters through
Onto cucumbers, squash
I marvel at droplets of dew all awash
Sweet day peeps twinkle and sparkle
And shine
In this lovely small world
Mystic, shrouded, divine
As underneath the canopy I peek
A soft caress across my cheek
I turn around slowly
And ask, “Who is there?”
Not a whisper, no sound
Just small face with a stare
It disappears quickly
The leaves closing tight
Then I hear giggles
From a sprite out of sight
I slow part the vines and look
into green eyes
This lovely and whimsical sprite
who’s age five
We look at each other
And then we both know
We’ve met before
Under the ancient pine bough
Monday, August 1, 2016
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