Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Is NASA Trying to Tell Us Something?
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
What if the Big Bang Never Happened?
The Last Time This Happened Was 100 Years Ago
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Struggle - All You Need is Hope
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"Hope for Humanity Shrub Rose" |
How do you break through a wall of ignorance? How do you break a cycle of violence? How do you overcome your shortcomings? Do you notice how much more focused and excited you are when someone give you hope? But how can you have hope when you're functioning among negative people who only know how to dispense hate and fear? What's the point of even trying, right? Struggles are for a reason: Struggles show us if we have what it takes. Struggles enable us to get to know ourselves as we are now confronted with the best and worst in us. Then we have to deal with the problem. During this period of discovery we find out what makes us tick, what ticks us off. Do we have the hope in ourselves necessary to make it through? Do we have the hope necessary in ourselves to keep forging ahead? Struggles bring us face to face with our weaknesses, our strengths. If you don't struggle with something you don't know how much strength and resolve is inside you. We struggle to make it, we struggle to keep up, we struggle in school, we struggle to compete, we struggle in our relationships, we struggle to understand, we struggle to cope, we struggle to achieve, we struggle to overcome. The point of all this is we now realize we have to struggle in order to get anywhere in life. Yeah, there are some who argue what's the point and say forget it. But where do they end up? In the long run, our struggles are going to pay off: Just when you thought all was lost, the solution is found. Just when you've had it with a rebellious teen, he or she turns around and starts taking responsibility. Just when you've had it with work, your boss calls you into his office and commends you for the work you're doing and gives you a raise. The trouble is we never know when these rewards will happen. So, we have to keep struggling in order for them to manifest. Struggle is a necessary part of life. Struggle is necessary to humanity and is not here to hurt us but to help us grow, learning more about ourselves in the process. Don't fear struggle. Struggle makes us stronger, not weaker.
~ Nightshade
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Monday, June 19, 2017
Friday, June 16, 2017
Zombie Planet
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Event Horizon |
We need to stop hatred in this world. We need to stop the evil consuming us. How many more tragedies and atrocities will we put up with before we all decide that enough is enough? Hate and hatred are running amok on this planet. Blood is flowing everywhere. For some reason, it seems that evil has ramped up to a new level. But why now? Does it know something we don't? This planet has turned inside out and is voraciously eating itself, feeding on itself. Evil, if left unchecked, will consume everything. Is this where we're headed, as a species? Nothing left? Evil has a foul odor and comes with dire consequences for those consenting to use it. I believe, because we're seeing an increase in evil and evil doers that humanity is headed toward a great fall. A hard reality that we're going to face. One that we may or may not survive. Did it have to come to this? I'd say yes, it was inevitable (because we brought it upon ourselves). Now we're at the point in our existence where we've run out of options. It's time to pay up. We were given plenty of chances but blew every one. Sadly the truth is that we are seeing ourselves ill prepared to control anything including our own fates as we have allowed evil, hate and fear, our own evil inclinations and dark desires to gain a foothold and now running rampant. Thus we have agreed to forfeit our own destinies, allowing, instead zombies to make our decisions for us, using manipulation and deception. This is not a board game of good vs. evil we're playing here with plastic chips and cardboard and a round of golf or a big fat check in the mail as a reward, but real people, with real hopes and desires, made of real flesh and blood. It's there blood we're seeing. We are in the vices of an in your face reality as every day we wake up to more terrorist attacks, more hate filled rhetoric and watch in horror as violence hits new highs. We stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that an evil done done to one of us is done to All of us. Evil: Did you hear about the Muslim girls who refused to be taken into the sex trade and then were imprisoned in cages and burned to death? The young man who was just released from North Korea in a comatose state didn't land in North Korea in this condition, he was tortured. Evil: The terrorist attacks in the UK several weeks ago on The London Bridge--Helpless, innocent people young and old were targeted and mowed down in senseless savagery. One of the victims was a young woman who flew in from Canada to be with her fiance. She died in his arms. Evil: What about the turmoil being caused and the harm being done because of relentless, vicious attacks and accusations playing out on capital hill?--All designed to weaken and irreparably damage a sitting president because a group of people don't like the election results. The repercussions of this are unimaginable. And the irony? There is no basis to the accusations. Evil: Witness the carnage two days ago on a baseball field in Washington, D.C. by a deranged gunman. Two victims are fighting for their lives. Things have gone way too far on this planet. Enough is Enough. Humanity is now staring down the barrel of a gun. And it's loaded. Who or what will pull the trigger? Does humanity have any time left to save itself? I'd say we better get our collective act together. I am appealing to everyone who is reading this to take a deep breath and a step back. Please consider that harm begets harm. And, right now, all of us are needed to mend a patient - Us. In case you haven't noticed, this planet is mortally wounded. We have allowed this planet, along with everyone on it, to spiral out of control. Heads Up: Damage Control has been activated. We are approaching Singularity. An Event Horizon is on its way. And we'll not have one damn thing to say or do about it.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Boxing Lessons
Struggles, we all have them. One of my struggles is remaining consistent. Do you have a set time you get up each morning or do you wile away the morning lying in bed? When you commit to something (this means doing what you said you'd do) do you let that part of you always making excuses win out or are you able to subdue it? When you promise something to someone do you follow through? Are you the boxer in the ring who stays on the sidelines while your opponent dances around you? We find, as we transit through life, that there are things we must tackle and overcome in order to succeed. It's best to meet these challenges head on before they become embedded in our daily routine. If we let this happen, they will be much more difficult to dislodge. --Discipline, courage, commitment, consistency. We all have choices. We either choose to be a winner or a loser. Life is full of challenges. We can meet our opponent head on or stand on the sideline. Choose early in life if you're going to be a winner or a loser.
~ Nightshade
~ Nightshade
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Friday, June 9, 2017
Faery Realm
A lattice of
lacework, entangled, entwined
The sun filters
Onto cucumbers,
I marvel at diamonds
of dew all awash
On glistening
sweet shrooms that twinkle,
sparkle and shine
sparkle and shine
All part of
a realm
hidden, divine
A soft
caress across my cheek
startled, I wonder
I pause and
then peek
A small face
And withdraws,
out of sight
I’m sure I
just saw the sweet face
Of a sprite
I slow part
the vines and look into green eyes
This lovely,
capricious small pixie age five
We look at
each other
And then we both
We met once before
Under ancient
pine bough
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
The Rest is Up to You
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Who Murdered Seth Rich?
Folks: I'm posting this again. We already have 50,000 signatures to open this case up but need another 50,000 more and only ten days left to do so.
*Please send this link out to family and friends and ask them to send it along to others.
*Please send this link out to family and friends and ask them to send it along to others.
Saturday, June 3, 2017
And I always
think I know the score
It doesn’t
matter how many times
At the end
of each transit
I'm shit
out of time
I’ve had my fill of lust and sex
Of laughter,
failure, bitterness
I’ve lived
it all
Another life
Once more I swallowed
The bitter
We’re taught
that life is all fun and games
It’s not
until we see remains
Of what we
did and didn’t do
How much we stole
How many we screwed
What we did
to bring
Sorrow and shame
But now it’s
too late
Too late in the game
Be kind to
one another
Forgive when you can
Don’t fall
for the lies
Don’t fall
for the scam
you young ones
to Gram,
Don’t just hit a
home run in life
Hit a Grand Slam!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
My Soul to Take
A slow, resolute energy swings back and forth around us in a constant fight between good and evil. The universe can not long tolerate imbalance, things out of place, as a Divine Hand will reach down to right a wrong or replace a lost item. A negative force pulls in one direction while a positive force pulls in another. This yin and yang is constant, existing in everything and is central to the cosmos. An example of this back and forth energy would be when a disaster occurs (bad) but afterwards we see people coming together to help (good). Or (evil) dictators finally getting the boot and the fearful people being vindicated (good). Or a man (good) who was wrongly arrested for murder but proclaims his innocence is locked up and the real criminal (bad) comes forward. At the present moment, this battle between good and evil is ramping up as evil is hell bent on overturning anything and everything good, hoping to put a stop toward any worthwhile progress, awaken and stir up virulent and potent emotions hiding, deep down, within us. It is times like this that people can go off the deep end, commit horrific crimes, participate in and/or do something insanely stupid or worse. Right now this sinister energy is in its first stage and engaged in foreplay, stroking and probing us, hoping we'll fall for the deception, ultimately falling victim and prey to its lie. Ultimately it's aim is to win us over, playing us for fools, lying and deceiving to get its way in an attempt to give rise to our dark side and perpetuate the lie that in doing so we will be able to experience life more fully. It's goal is to eventually own us and jail us using these control mechanisms: sex, deviance, deception, humiliation, slavery, violence, intimidation, alcohol, drugs, money and power. If one falls for the deception and succumbs to it, one has now willingly compromised self, thus allowing the soul to be placed in grave danger. You've trapped yourself now and fearfully recognize that there's no way out. Picture a demon sitting on a tree branch lying in wait for someone. You are paying no attention whatsoever to where you are going. All of a sudden you find that you've run headlong into a tree and step backwards to get your bearings. You look up and see a malevolent looking creature. It has serpent eyes and a slimy green and yellow skin. Its forked tongue keeps darting in and out as it salivates at your foolishness. To it you're just another easy conquest, an ignorant, reckless and hapless stupid human being who stumbles around in life (just like you stumbled into the tree) and creating the right opportunity to be snared and devoured. I think many of us have experienced this inner battle at times, that tugging sensation between what we know to be inherently good and what we know to be inherently evil and the decision that lies between the two. We are not in control of our bodies 100% of the time as we are constantly subjected to forces within us and outside of us. Dark desires can surface from time to time and, if left uncontrolled and unchecked, can overtake any common sense and reason. Both good and bad coexist within us and every so often they make contact with each other in an all out war to either liberate us or subjugate us. Please take time to come to know yourself. Our bodies, minds and spirit work together and are equipped with red flags that pop up every so often in order to warn us away from danger. The more time we become aware of what our bodies and minds tell us, the less likely we will find ourselves walking headlong into a tree and falling prey to something monstrous.
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