Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, September 17, 2017


I chose to come here, to live among you in order to get to know you, along with understanding how things work on your planet.  There are others of my kind who are here, also.  We are many.    We look like you, we talk like you and we come in all sizes, shapes and colors (to blend in).  We have been doing an audit of your planet in which we assess and observe your interactions with one another, how your governments, associations, organizations, institutions, agencies, corporations and a host of other entities work together and report back the results both good and bad.   This is all being done for your benefit as well as earth's as in the not too distant future you will be visited by one or more celestial agents carrying with them a very important message for mankind.   So consider what I am saying here as actual preparation taking place.  What strikes me most about your planet is the myriad of races that live here.  When I watch you, I see an intricate, beautiful, exquisitely detailed blanket with a pattern of subdued hues and vibrant colors all flowing together, the ends of which extend out to all  four corners of earth.  It brings joy to my heart as I see you increase in numbers, participate in your gatherings and listen as you share your thoughts, your hopes and dreams with me.  I can sense a special camaraderie with you, especially when I gaze into your eyes.  But there is an internal tug of war going on between your wanting to move forward in trusting one another and hesitating to do so, out of fear.  It would appear that those in control have successfully implanted a mechanism in your being that continues to hinder your spirit and block your growth as you are full of resentment, hostility and anger.  There are those on this planet who have ascended to positions of great power who do not wish humanity to grow together as they would rather the status quo (division and dissension) remain in place.  But, I assure you, humanity is coming together as I write these words.  However, the resistance is fighting back, gathering its forces, fomenting trouble and continuing to prey on people's weaknesses, inciting more division and more violence in an all out effort to remain in power.  Because of man's static nature he is stuck in place, so to speak, and in the face of great adversity, unable to move.  But, this too, is changing as well as you and I just witnessed diverse thousands of you coming together, after two powerful hurricanes struck, under the expert tutelage of those in charge who were relentless in offering hope and aid.  The result, yes, destruction and devastation, but those affected bonded together and came through even stronger in an outpouring of love and concern for each other.  

On another subject, there is much talk of earth changes.  I will speak to that and set the record straight.  Yes, there are earth changes taking place and more to come.   Consider that there have always been earth changes on this planet such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and the like, some of them very bad and some not so bad so there is nothing unusual in this other than, at this particular time (now) the changes coming will be abstruse.  Man is but one celestial civilization among many in the universe.  He was created as a finite visitor on this planet living out his short life until his death.  Things are only temporary down here; kingdoms come and kingdoms fall; a plant sprouts and then withers; the shy rosebud opens up in the warmth of the sun and shares her lovely fragrance and beauty with all and then comes to grip with her fate as her blush fades and her petals fall.  Such is the way of life down here. 

There is much confusion and anxiety taking place today.  More so than at any other time on your planet. We understand.  That is one big reason we are here. 

This is a message of love not fear.  This is a message of love, compassion and hope.  There are many helping hands stationed in various regions on your planet.  Understand that help has arrived.  We are on duty, 24/7, 365 days a year.  We are here for all of you and will help with the transition coming.  

We offer encouragement and help.

Just think of this as a crop circle message that has been decoded:   "We are here and right now". 

*The conduit is now closed.*

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