Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, September 2, 2017


One sign of ascension is coming clean, coming to grips with a facet of your personality, an addiction, a phobia, lingering depression (unresolved issues) a temper you can't control or a negative attitude.  You've tried to fix the problem before but with little success.  The reason that now is the time is because your Higher Self has prompted you to do so.  The reason for this, at this particular time in your life is so you'll be able to embrace and conjoin with the new spirit of understanding coming in.  Personal issues need to be resolved.  If not, they will continue to hold you back.  Understand that what you'll be going through is actually liberation.  Liberation from the old self to the new self.  That nagging feeling, "I'll deal with my problem tomorrow" has been a throbbing drumbeat in your heart and head for years but you never bothered to ask, "just how many more tomorrows are there?"  Humanity is on a threshold of Completion.  The circle is closing.  We are at the midnight hour; at the end of a long and arduous journey in which the sole purpose was for us to get to know ourselves and understand our place in the universe.  I believe the epic hurricane that just hit Texas, Hurricane Harvey, was more than just an act of nature.  It was an in your face message to the dark forces that have imprisoned humanity for millenia, "your time is up."  This disaster showed how people from all walks of lives, despite endangering themselves, came together in a common goal.  It was a message of hope and love, courage and compassion in the face of chaos, confusion and fear--we are all brothers and sisters in spirit, all in wants and desires, all in hopes and dreams.  The celestials who continue to watch over us and monitor our progress are telling us to "take heart and be of good cheer as Humanity has now reached the point where it's able to take the next step and break out of prison".      

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