Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, September 25, 2017


Ever since the audible prompt I received several months ago re my guilt and shame, I've been undergoing a very deep, profound self examination.   I believe that what is happening to me now is something I agreed to (before I came here) as part of my soul cleansing to prepare me for the new earth.  Before I came here, I agreed that the year 2017 would be the year I would get in touch with my inner child, who and what I was and all the deep psychological crap embedded in my subconscious.  I had waited way too long to tackle this.  Waking up at night with fearful thoughts, dealing with fear during the day and a general lack of self confidence has not been easy.   I know I'm not alone in this process by reading all the accounts from other people.  Actually, what is happening to me and others I believe is for a reason.  It is part of the Ascension Process and it's all about a getting rid of the old and putting on the new.  This process isn't solely about individuals but is also shaking the foundations of our beliefs, our financial systems, our entertainment and sports industry,  what we've been taught in school, and all the other crap that's been shoved down our throats.  It's all going down.  Collectively we are shedding the old self, that part that is no longer useful but old, worn and outdated.  Aside from the pain and anguish of agreeing to confront my dark side there is something else extraordinary going on.  I am gaining a lot of confidence.  I am finding that I Am Worthy.  I Can Do It.  I Have Something To Say.  My Voice Counts.  My Opinion Counts.  And that, with this process, comes a sweet liberation.  Liberation from the Old Self, Old Habits, Old Wounds.  Along with shedding my old self, a new self is emerging and I have to tell you, it feels absolutely wonderful.  With this new realization I am also feeling hopeful and much lighter, like I've shed a few extra pounds.  Our subconscious is all all about concealment.  And the subconscious doesn't play well with others.  It is there for a reason and to be taken seriously as it has a voice as to when it will give up its secrets.  Opposite of concealment is revelation.    The revelation taking place on this planet is the truth that's been hidden (concealed) from us for thousands of years.  We are finally waking up to our true nature as human beings and as caregivers, not only caring for each other but all the other life forms that make their home on this planet called earth.       

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