Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
A Country Under Siege
Monday, October 30, 2017
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Home Sweet Home
![]() |
And it Ain't Even Halloween Yet |
Something monstrous is imploding. A grotesque, deep, dark and ugly sinkhole is caving in on itself, filled with a sickening stench, in a death spiral and crying out, "help me, help me." But this is the last thing we want to do. We want this thing to slither back to its Home Sweet Home, the Underworld.
The ground shakes under us as we watch its cover being blown and its swollen underbelly ripped apart and exposed. It is now in disarray as a thicket of confusion consumes it, sensing impending doom. It is like a caged animal now and make no mistake, it is not going down without one last fight.
It gathers its minions in an effort to divert and disrupt, pointing fingers, laying blame and always on someone or something else, as it becomes totally unhinged for being unmasked. It recoils in anger and outrage for being exposed and resorts to its old allies for cover and support: scripted talking points, left wing videos, talk show hosts, the MSM, and its allies in Congress.
So I say to all of you, beware the next couple of weeks (maybe three but I doubt it) for there is nothing these people will not do in order to remain in power.
Its tentacles reach out, groping and grasping for anything to hang onto. Problem is, there is nothing to hang onto anymore.
What is happening in Washington, D.C. is about time and there is only one person who can take the credit for draining the swamp and that is President Donald Trump.
Never in my life have I seen how bad Washington, D.C. is and how much of it is undercover, its nefarious and dangerous deeds intentionally being hidden from view.
To those who may think that draining the swamp is a joke and no big deal, I can assure you that it is not.
What we are witnessing is history in the making as one man begins the take down The Clinton Cabal, a cesspool of deception, corruption and lies. It has been allowed to operate without any scrutiny and oversight for years. The question is, why?
To all, it's time we took our destinies into our own hands and not leave them to egocentric and reckless politicians, don't you think?
It's time we all pay closer attention to what goes on in Washington, D.C. because we now know that very powerful people have been playing with American lives, -yours and mine.
Say What?
Friday, October 27, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
This morning there was a soft energy around me, feeling like some "thing" was lifting. (I would even go so far as to say some sort of "passing?" During this energy I envisioned a pale blue sky over my head (I'm in my house) and this shade of blueness kinda reminded me of Carl Sagan's description of earth as a "pale blue dot." This subtle energy was like taking a bed sheet, shaking it out across the bed then watching as it gently lifted up and settled back down. Maybe this could be a reset of some sort? A few minutes later I felt a soft brush across my temple as if some one's finger were touching me. I reached up to see if it was a stray hair or something else but there was nothing there. This is significant because it is confirmation that something, indeed is happening, about to happen or will happen in the not too distant future. Interesting to see what will be on the news tonight or in the next couple of days. This energy was all about things taking place that are part of the universe's Master Plan. The last part of the message, kinda like saying goodbye was, for us not to fear as this plan will manifest as scheduled.
Friday, October 20, 2017
I was born in 1944, one year before WWII ended. After the war, soldiers weary from battle and
grieving families were finally able to reunite, after having sacrificed so much
for so many.
This is a nation founded on principle. Definition of principle: a rule or code of conduct. When this principle starts to break down, it can result
in devastation and wholesale loss. Just
look at what is happening in Venezuela.
This nation came into being because men and women of all
color, faith and courage went through hell, finally rising up after years of abuse
and mistreatment at the hand of England’s King George. They were tired of being heavily taxed, threatened
and hauled off to prison or worse if they dared defy the King.
Finally, they had had enough.
The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773 in which colonists threw an
entire shipload of British Tea overboard in defiance of the King. They were protesting taxation without
representation. As Englishmen they
objected to a British Parliament taxing them instead of their own, duly elected
Two years later the American Revolution ignited.
This country is of noble birth. Its hallowed ground reeking of the blood of millions
of American patriots, who continue to sacrifice for us today.
Today it is acceptable and fashionable to label anyone who
doesn’t happen to agree with an opposing viewpoint as “racist.” A term popular among the left wing. Today it is fashionable to bash, to trash our
veterans, our flag, what this country stands for because it aligns up nicely with
leftist dogma. Today it is fashionable to watch a United
States congresswomen lying her way to notoriety and catapulted into the news, after
brazenly and shamelessly eavesdropping on a private conversation between a President
of the United States and a widow who just lost her soldier husband in
Niger. Today it is fashionable to hide
your face and engage in violent protests, demonstrating and accusing, burning and branding others unfairly, because you feel you’re
I’ve got news for you:
If anyone is entitled in this country, it is our veterans.
Today, we’re finding, it is fashionable to attack all things
American especially those Americans who belong to a sacred brethren, a long line of heroes, continuing to sacrifice so much, for so many.
To those who have a grievance, to those who have an axe to
grind, to those who believe they’ve been wronged, to those who have a long list
of injustices, to those who don’t give a damn about this country but continue using
her to their benefit I say this: I have
compassion, I’m an American, I feel your pain, I’m an American; I am tolerant,
I’m an American.
But as an American I will not stand idly by when I see you taking
my country down and acting Un-American.
I will continue defending her while I call you out.
Marine Colonel's Letter to the NFL
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Monday, October 16, 2017
Friday, October 13, 2017
Ever since the Las Vegas Massacre on October 2, I've been backpedaling. I was doing such a great job, connecting with my inner self (wounded child). Tapping into that unknown part of me and receiving positive feedback. Somehow, though, the shock in Nevada rerouted me and I'm back to square one.
One worthwhile thing I've learned from accessing my buried karma is learning I have the capability to actually take charge of my life. Fear is part of what makes up a human being but is vastly misunderstood and categorized as mostly bad. Actually, I believe it's a combination of good and bad. Fear is what kept the first humans from being hunted down, torn apart and then eaten, thousands of years ago. Fear is instrumental in helping you find the courage to confront your worst demons. Fear of the Unknown is what propelled men into space.
I have found, through meditation and literally talking out loud to fear that it is actually listening.
There are two parts to a human being. One is fear and the other is bravery (endure, meet, surrender). By surrender I don't mean giving in to fear by becoming fearful but calling it out, acknowledging that it is part of you and then literally start talking to it. Start a dialogue with it. You'd be surprised what a cleansing experience this is.
Fear and bravery are two separate tiers but interestingly enough, they have much in common. Fear, if left unchecked can consume and ruin a person's life. Bravery is all about tackling something fearful and learning that it will continue to exist as long as you allow it to. You have to learn how to put fear into its rightful place.
Another huge problem is we're not being taught how to do this. When you attempt to conquer fear it's through trial and error. Some things work, some things don't. You're literally on your own.
While I was "high" (positive) I was feeling like I've never felt before in my entire life. I was able to look at myself from the outside and do a full, internal body scan. Some things I liked about me and some things I disliked. But I realized that they were all part of what made me, me.
Forgiving yourself is another part of coming to grips with yourself. In order to forgive yourself you first have to know yourself and deep down. This is called Acceptance.
Let's stop pretending that we're all fearless and brave; we can handle anything until the time comes when we can't. That's when life teaches us we need help and how vulnerable we are.
What I am going through is a humbling experience because I know that it's for a reason and once this barrier is broken (fear) and I am able to come to grips with it, On My Own Terms, I will be unstoppable.
When we can learn to forgive ourselves and accept ourselves, how much easier it will be for us to accept and forgive others. There's a lesson in here for all of us, don't you think?
Thursday, October 12, 2017
September is Suicide Prevention Month (I Didn't Know, Did You?) A Very Good Article
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
The Reaper
You are the only one capable of bringing meaningful change to your life and you're running out of time.
No one else is going to do this for you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You knew what you needed to do a long time ago, you just didn't do it. Was it our fault? Was it somebody else's fault? Of course not.
And those who haven't made a decision actually have.
Today is an icy, bone chilling 23 deg. F. with a pale blue sky, diffused sun and blackened, gaunt trees dotting a bleak landscape. I'm outside with a light shirt on and I've been outside awhile. My whole body is now shaking and shivering uncontrollably, consumed by deep, penetrating cold. I can't feel my fingers anymore yet I continue to stay outside when I could just as easily turn around and walk into the house and stand before a warm fire.
The Apocalyptic Messenger has been unshackled and now roaming at will, having been issued a pardon by our collective id (subconscious). It's mission: slash away at humanity's soft underbelly, exposing the rot, the decadent decomposition, exposing the foul and pungent malodorous stench lying deep within.
We all knew, didn't we, that, somehow Enlightenment (revelation) would come to this planet?
Have you noticed how much is being uncovered now with celebrities and politicians unable to talk their way out of things like they used to, instead they're being stripped naked and the real truth of who and what they are exposed for all to see?
In other matters, how many of us are stepping forward now, unafraid, refusing to believe what we're being told, because we know the truth is being concealed.
We're really catching on.
Why now? Why are we able to see things in such a different light?
Shadow government (yes, it does exist); Shadow People (yes, they do exist); Shadows, shadows, everywhere.
And now the Shadow People are being exposed for what they are. Human Parasites.
This reveal is all part of a plan to undo what was done in order to elevate humanity to a higher level of universal, compassionate and conscious understanding.
We are waking from our deep slumber.
Note: For those curious as to why I would end this post with a poem that makes no sense to anyone but myself, I'll tell you why. This poem by Robert Frost struck a chord. I found myself there, in that deep, dark forest. And the description of the landscape fell in line with The Reaper on his mission of Purification as a Watcher, a silent sentinel projected into the scene and, on the darkest evening of the year. There is no mention of stars or the moon, just darkness. Kinda like where the world is now, don't you think? But, the last lines really got to me: "But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." --moral: It's only just begun.
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", by Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Senator Rand Paul Health Care Plan Accepted by The President
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Friday, October 6, 2017
Home on Deranged
October 2, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mandalay Bay Massacre, 59 killed, over 500 wounded.
There's a reason we just witnessed another savage and horrific event playing out and I strongly believe the agenda behind this latest monstrosity is only a small precursor of future events to come.
What happened in Las Vegas on Monday was an overt attack on America and the American people. What better way to instill fear and inflict bodily harm on the opposition than attack them when they least expect it, hundreds of them, mainly conservative, quietly standing together in a group, totally unaware they're being targeted.
This was, an inhuman, savage and we're finding out now, thanks to information trickling out, premeditated.
PLEASE don't tell me that the authorities don't have much more information. They're just not sharing it. The reason: They're being shut up. Google is already attempting to shut down conservative web sites and YT videos portraying people who are coming forward (at considerable expense to themselves) with information that is shedding a different light on the specious narrative that Paddock acted alone.
Don't you wonder how someone, anyone, can even wrap their brain around something so evil, comprehend, even consider doing something this heinous in the first place? Their minds have to plan out and go over every sordid detail of what they plan on doing-- mowing down, murdering innocent men, women and children. How many of those murdered were pregnant? How many of those murdered were just married? How many were vets? How many of those murdered had children, grandchildren? How many were teenagers? How many were small children?
Does anyone even care anymore?????
How can a human being even bring themselves to do something like this?
I'll tell you how.
Mind altering/hallucinogenic drugs. What better way to cover up (mask) the mind in order to carry out something the average human brain can't even wrap itself around?
Google is already targeting websites and videos (censorship) in an effort to curb the amount of information coming in. I have to ask you Google, "what are you afraid of?" The Truth, maybe?
I will give it to you bluntly--We all better stop kidding ourselves that this was just a random attack by another embittered white male.
The truth is we are under attack. What we just witnessed was another attempt to take this country down. And the people involved are part of a much larger contingent including leftists, members in both parties, terror groups, George Soros and anarchists.
I'm horrified by this latest attempt to purge. I'm even more horrified that those on the left are still pushing for gun control when gun control ain't gonna do diddly squat only empower those who are against any form of individual protection when it comes to keeping their loved ones and families safe.
Make no mistake about where we're at, right here and right now.
We are at war.
There's a reason we just witnessed another savage and horrific event playing out and I strongly believe the agenda behind this latest monstrosity is only a small precursor of future events to come.
What happened in Las Vegas on Monday was an overt attack on America and the American people. What better way to instill fear and inflict bodily harm on the opposition than attack them when they least expect it, hundreds of them, mainly conservative, quietly standing together in a group, totally unaware they're being targeted.
This was, an inhuman, savage and we're finding out now, thanks to information trickling out, premeditated.
PLEASE don't tell me that the authorities don't have much more information. They're just not sharing it. The reason: They're being shut up. Google is already attempting to shut down conservative web sites and YT videos portraying people who are coming forward (at considerable expense to themselves) with information that is shedding a different light on the specious narrative that Paddock acted alone.
Don't you wonder how someone, anyone, can even wrap their brain around something so evil, comprehend, even consider doing something this heinous in the first place? Their minds have to plan out and go over every sordid detail of what they plan on doing-- mowing down, murdering innocent men, women and children. How many of those murdered were pregnant? How many of those murdered were just married? How many were vets? How many of those murdered had children, grandchildren? How many were teenagers? How many were small children?
Does anyone even care anymore?????
How can a human being even bring themselves to do something like this?
I'll tell you how.
Mind altering/hallucinogenic drugs. What better way to cover up (mask) the mind in order to carry out something the average human brain can't even wrap itself around?
Google is already targeting websites and videos (censorship) in an effort to curb the amount of information coming in. I have to ask you Google, "what are you afraid of?" The Truth, maybe?
I will give it to you bluntly--We all better stop kidding ourselves that this was just a random attack by another embittered white male.
The truth is we are under attack. What we just witnessed was another attempt to take this country down. And the people involved are part of a much larger contingent including leftists, members in both parties, terror groups, George Soros and anarchists.
I'm horrified by this latest attempt to purge. I'm even more horrified that those on the left are still pushing for gun control when gun control ain't gonna do diddly squat only empower those who are against any form of individual protection when it comes to keeping their loved ones and families safe.
Make no mistake about where we're at, right here and right now.
We are at war.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Another Witness Talks Multiple Shooters
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Read This Before It's Taken Down - Another Eyewitness Report - Mandalay Bay Massacre
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
John Lennon: Isolation
People say we got it made.
Don't they know we're so afraid? Isolation.
We're afraid to be alone, everybody got to have a home. Isolation.
Just a boy and a little girl, trying to change the whole wide world. Isolation.
The world is just a little town, everybody trying to put us down. Isolation.
I don't expect you to understand, after you've caused so much pain.
But then again, you're not to blame. You're just a human, a victim of the insane.
We're afraid of everyone, Afraid of the sun. Isolation.
The sun will never disappear, but the world may not have many years.
People say we got it made.
Don't they know we're so afraid? Isolation.
We're afraid to be alone, everybody got to have a home. Isolation.
Just a boy and a little girl, trying to change the whole wide world. Isolation.
The world is just a little town, everybody trying to put us down. Isolation.
I don't expect you to understand, after you've caused so much pain.
But then again, you're not to blame. You're just a human, a victim of the insane.
We're afraid of everyone, Afraid of the sun. Isolation.
The sun will never disappear, but the world may not have many years.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Ghost in a Shell
I am finding, as I move through this metamorphosis that love is filling my every waking moment.
I lay in bed at night, giving thanks for all I have. I wake up in the morning asking G-d, "what can I do for You, today?" Love for all things and in such abundance, that it's difficult to frame in words.
I am finally embracing all of me (my feminine side, my masculine side, my good side my bad side).
They are all part of us and work in unison with each other. Like the old saying goes, "you can't have one without the other." It's only when the negative side dominates that we run into trouble.
You are looking forward to a nice meal at your favorite restaurant. You've worked hard all week and it's time to reward yourself. You order a juicy steak with all the trimmings and a glass of your favorite red wine. There's a hush as lights dim and the background noise dies down. The waiter appears with your order. After you finish you feel very satisfied as if everything is right with the world. All your problems are behind you. Why, you can accomplish anything you want.
There are many forces that surround us and shape our world from the moment we're born to the day we die. Many of these we have no control over. Many are negative yet love, compassion and forgiveness are more than just words. They are gate keepers to portals deep within in which we are able to manifest what we want in our lives.
Today, thank The Creator for who you are, what you are. Ask Him to guide you and give thanks not only in good times but especially in bad.
It's in the storms of life that we disconnect from the old self and connect with our new self, finding, along the way, the rough diamonds buried deep within.
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