Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Ghost in a Shell

I am finding, as I move through this metamorphosis that love is filling my every waking moment.

I lay in bed at night, giving thanks for all I have.  I wake up in the morning asking G-d, "what can I do for You, today?"  Love for all things and in such abundance, that it's difficult to frame in words.

I am finally embracing all of me (my feminine side, my masculine side, my good side my bad side).  

They are all part of us and work in unison with each other.  Like the old saying goes, "you can't have one without the other."  It's only when the negative side dominates that we run into trouble.

You are looking forward to a nice meal at your favorite restaurant.  You've worked hard all week and it's time to reward yourself.  You order a juicy steak with all the trimmings and a glass of your favorite red wine.  There's a hush as lights dim and the background noise dies down.  The waiter appears with your order.  After you finish you feel very satisfied as if everything is right with the world.  All your problems are behind you. Why, you can accomplish anything you want.

There are many forces that surround us and shape our world from the moment we're born to the day we die.  Many of these we have no control over.  Many are negative yet love, compassion and forgiveness are more than just words.  They are gate keepers to portals deep within in which we are able to manifest what we want in our lives. 

Today, thank The Creator for who you are, what you are.  Ask Him to guide you and give thanks not only in good times but especially in bad.

It's in the storms of life that we disconnect from the old self and connect with our new self, finding, along the way, the rough diamonds buried deep within. 


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