Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, October 20, 2017


I am the daughter of a WWII, Korean War, Vietnam era combat infantry soldier.  My Dad passed away in 2005 at the age of 87. 
I was born in 1944, one year before WWII ended.  After the war, soldiers weary from battle and grieving families were finally able to reunite, after having sacrificed so much for so many. 
This is a nation founded on principle.  Definition of principle:  a rule or code of conduct.  When this principle starts to break down, it can result in devastation and wholesale loss.  Just look at what is happening in Venezuela.
This nation came into being because men and women of all color, faith and courage went through hell, finally rising up after years of abuse and mistreatment at the hand of England’s King George.  They were tired of being heavily taxed, threatened and hauled off to prison or worse if they dared defy the King.      
Finally, they had had enough.  The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773 in which colonists threw an entire shipload of British Tea overboard in defiance of the King.  They were protesting taxation without representation.  As Englishmen they objected to a British Parliament taxing them instead of their own, duly elected representatives.
Two years later the American Revolution ignited. 
This country is of noble birth.  Its hallowed ground reeking of the blood of millions of American patriots, who continue to sacrifice for us today.      
Today it is acceptable and fashionable to label anyone who doesn’t happen to agree with an opposing viewpoint as “racist.”  A term popular among the left wing.  Today it is fashionable to bash, to trash our veterans, our flag, what this country stands for because it aligns up nicely with leftist dogma.  Today it is fashionable to watch a United States congresswomen lying her way to notoriety and catapulted into the news, after brazenly and shamelessly eavesdropping on a private conversation between a President of the United States and a widow who just lost her soldier husband in Niger.  Today it is fashionable to hide your face and engage in violent protests, demonstrating and accusing, burning and branding others unfairly, because you feel you’re “entitled”.  
I’ve got news for you:  If anyone is entitled in this country, it is our veterans.
Today, we’re finding, it is fashionable to attack all things American especially those Americans who belong to a sacred brethren,  a long line of heroes, continuing to sacrifice so much, for so many. 
To those who have a grievance, to those who have an axe to grind, to those who believe they’ve been wronged, to those who have a long list of injustices, to those who don’t give a damn about this country but continue using her to their benefit I say this:  I have compassion, I’m an American, I feel your pain, I’m an American; I am tolerant, I’m an American.
But as an American I will not stand idly by when I see you taking my country down and acting Un-American.
I will continue defending her while I call you out.       

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