Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Angels and Demons

Each one of us has a guardian angel or angels.  How do I know?  Because I've had visits from them.   Just the other day, another one showed up during my morning Tarot reading.

"Who Do You Rely On, Your Demon or Your Angel?
The reading had to do with a question involving a procedure I'm scheduled to undergo and how it would turn out.  While I really didn't get an answer to whether the result will be good or bad, a guardian angel showed up and delivered its message through No. VII, The Chariot Card.

There was no mistaking what it was, "after the struggle there will be victory."     

Many years ago after feeling really angry and hurt about something, I collapsed into my recliner.  I'm guessing it was about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.    My recliner is located in the corner of my bedroom and it faces the door.     

Without any warning, an Angel (as opposed to a Demon) suddenly came up from behind me.  I say came up because she felt like she materialized from the bottom up.  Do you know what I mean?  Yet, she was behind me so how was it that I was seeing her in front of me while we communicated?  Something, to this day, I can't figure out and find quite interesting.

I say she because she felt feminine.  She was cream colored from head to toe,  her face, hands, hair and wings which were folded down by her side.    Come to think of it, I do not remember any facial features but I do remember her hair as it was very short and cropped like that of an old woman who emerges from the beauty parlor after a tight permanent.     

After a few moments she extended her arm out towards me and opened up her hand and in it was a shiny gold coin with symbols on it I couldn't make out.  They reminded me of Greek hieroglyphics.

Nothing was said as she slowly and carefully picked the coin up with her other hand and turned it over.   It looked the same as the other side but to this day I have tried to come up with an explanation as to what this all meant and are unable to do so.      

Could it be that, "it's time to turn over a new leaf," or "there are two sides to every coin (situation)" or "You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" - Matthew 7:3."

I know there was a message in there for me but maybe, for you, as well.   
          ~ Nightshade 
From The Free Dictionary:  
Angel:  A typically benevolent being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.  
Demon:  An evil, supernatural being; a persistently tormenting person, force or passion (like the demon of drug addiction). 

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