Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, June 16, 2019

You are Here to Grow

"The Golden Spiral"
Life is an unfolding.  Every part of our journey from the minute we're born until we die is an unfolding of who we are, what we are, where we fit in and our role in life.  Life teaches us about ourselves, others and why we are here.

Even though we experience hardships, challenges and obstacles we are not alone on our journey.  There is always someone nearby to help us.

Life teaches us that we are stronger than we think we are.  Life teaches us humility and wisdom.  But only if we ask for them.  These two virtues are earned and not given freely.

When I was growing up we moved around a lot.  I was constantly on the defensive trying to fit in at school and making new friends.   I was fearful, anxious and confused.  Because of my distrust of others (I was always getting hurt) I ended up being a loner and still am one today.  I enjoy being by myself where I can meditate  and do my tarot readings.

I have few friends now but they are constant ones.

Through my many experiences I have now learned that there is nothing to fear in life because everything is the unknown until you take your first step. 

However, when you take that first step into the unknown, the unknown slowly begins to reveal itself to you and slowly becomes the known.  These baby steps through life toughen you and strengthen you to where you don't welcome something unpleasant but know that you'll be able to handle whatever it is.  

Today it's fashionable to label oneself a victim.  I am here to tell you you are not a victim but only if you choose to be one.

You are a strong and courageous, sentient, cognitive special individual with special traits.  You are not here to constantly play the victim thus putting yourself down but by raising yourself up.

Life is a test and you are here to learn. 

Over time and through your own life experiences you will start to grasp your role in the world.  How your being here is so very important not only to yourself and others but to the world.

It's time to grow up.

~ Blessings,

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