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Death Throes |
We all know the effects of evil. I daresay most of us if not all of us at one time or another have been a victim of it.
Think about the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and how evil supposedly came about.
Evil, in the form of a serpent representing the Devil (Temptation and Seduction) seduced Eve into eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Before this, she and Adam were blissfully unaware of their naked bodies. But as soon as Eve bit into the apple she was immediately aware of her nakedness as well as Adam's.
Embarrassed at realizing this, she sought to cover her nakedness and asked Adam to do the same.
~We could ask why the serpent chose Eve to eat of the apple and not Adam but that's another story for another day lol~
Consider that when this planet was in its early stages of development, there was no good or evil. Only after billions of years of evolution from single cell organisms to human beings did it initially make its appearance.
Might there be another way in which human beings became aware of it other than in the Garden of Eden?
During our initial stay on this planet there are accounts of alien visitors (The Anunnaki) who used humans as slaves for mining gold.
Even though this is just one account depicting aliens living on this planet there are other civilizations that also corroborate the presence of ETs in their ancient manuscripts.
Could these ETs have conjured up this force of evil in a laboratory in the form of a virus? Or, how about through gene manipulation?
Could this be exactly what the ETs wanted, an evil force that kept their human slaves submissive to their demands?
Seriously, why not?
Why is it that we cannot consider stuff like this as it stretches the imagination and aids in solving mysteries? And, what if this actually turns out to have some merit?
Today, we have actual genetic engineering going on in which scientists are hybridizing plants and animals and reintroducing ancient mammoths back into existence.
Parents are now able to select the different traits they want in their children before they conceive; we have genetically modified plants being grown in order to feed more people in the world and I've read of animal/plant and animal/human hybridization experiments.
I'm not condoning any of this but putting forth data that humans have arrived at such a place in their evolution that they are now dabbling in the same stuff our ancient counterparts did.
*Evil is a weapon of mass destruction*.
Instead of continuing to pour billions of dollars into WMDs isn't it time we started to eradicate them?
For the Sake of All Humanity,
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