Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
Weekly Tarot Message for September 25, 2022
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"Every Day" Tarot Card Deck |
Past: Upper Left: XIV Temperance
Present: Top: VIII Strength
Destination: Upper Right: XIX The Sun
Hidden: Bottom Right: VII The Chariot
Advice: Bottom: II The High Priestess
Outcome: Lower Left: XXI The World
Summation Card: Bottom Left: V The Hierophant
~ Healing ~
"God is Cleaning House"
Situation: Balance
Past: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
Present: Using a calm and measured approach as residing to anger gives the Devil a foothold
Destination: From Dark to Light
Hidden: Overcoming; learning to subdue our innermost beasts
Advice: Faith: "Learning to trust in God when you can't see the Path ahead"
Outcome: The old world is leaving and a new one manifesting
The numerical value of this reading is: 1: New Beginnings; 10: Completion, end of a cycle and renewal
Adding the Summation Card, V The Hierophant, is 6: Communication; problem solving; cooperation and balance
Even the Pope Agrees ✌- "I Approve this Message"
As Above So Below ~ What happens in the macrocosm (Heaven) also happens in the microcosm (the World) 👇
God is Cleaning House - A Prophetic Word from Randy Kay - YouTube
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Something to Think About
"The most dangerous weapon of mass destruction in the world is not a bomb, it's not a nuclear weapon, a knife or a gun"
It's a Human Being
Thursday, September 22, 2022
~ "The Lord works in mysterious ways, His wonders to behold" ~
September 19, 2022:
I went shopping at my local Walmart. Nothing out of the ordinary, the sun was still shining, people were coming and going, nothing out of the ordinary.
I think I was there for maybe an hour and then started toward one of the checkout stations.
As I passed a row of items that were marked down and discontinued is when I spotted something that stopped me in my tracks.
It was a little stuffed animal, turned out to be a Unicorn, soft pink and blue and very cuddly.
And there was only one of them.
I immediately fell in love with it went over , picked it up and hugged it.
"I have to have this," I said to myself, even continuing to wonder why this little stuffed animal had hit me so hard as I put it in my shopping cart.
Then, in line a few moments later and waiting to check out I had second thoughts, "I don't need this, I said, "this is silly", so I reached into my basket, picked it up and placed it back on a nearby shelf.
It was several seconds later I had a change of heart.
"Oh, what the heck, what harm will it do," I muttered as I went back and retrieved it from off the shelf.
September 20, 2022:
I had fun positioning and repositioning my little Unicorn, placing it on a table where I could see it and it could "see" me or on the back of the sofa, where it would have clear view of its surroundings.
The day wore on as I did my chores and I would always smile, seeing this little stuffed animal positioned in different areas of my house.
September 21, 2022:
We were having breakfast when I got a frantic text from the neighbor across the street. It went something like this:
"OMG, my husband just ran over Izzy. He didn't see her and she's not breathing. He's trying to resuscitate her."
My husband and I looked at one another and I texted back, "he'll be right over."
But before I could even get the text sent another one came in: "She's gone."
When my husband came back he was visibly shakened as we both loved Izzy as much as the neighbors did.
After all, it was only 4 weeks prior that we were asked to watch their property and take care of her as they had to make an emergency trip to New Mexico.
It was then we came to know and love Izzy, a little Australian Shepherd stray who wound up choosing their house as her new home.
My husband and I tried to finish our breakfast but to no avail as a thought had quickly entered my mind:
"I'm going over there and give this little stuffed animal to them. I think it will help them get through their grief."
My husband agreed so, off I went.
I stopped the 4-wheeler in their driveway and got off, with the little Unicorn tucked securely under my arm as the wife and daughter headed in my direction.
They were both crying as they approached me.
"Here, I said, "this is for you."
"For some reason I bought this little thing in Walmart a couple days ago but now I believe it's really meant for you."
The daughter immediately pulled the little Unicorn out of my arms and cuddled it as the mother thanked me, tears rolling down her cheeks.
I said my goodbyes and headed home.
Then I sat down once again to finish breakfast.
It wasn't but a few minutes later I received another text.
This time a picture of the little stuffed Unicorn and a clear "close up" of her name tag.
Funny, I thought as I studied the picture, I don't remember any name tag.
It was just then, when I clearly read the name imprinted on the tag that I nearly passed out.
On the little metal tag was the name Isabelle.
My husband and I gasped out loud.
"What???" we said, in unison.
"Izzy" is a nickname, short for Isabelle which was the name they had given her but preferred to call her Izzy.
So, God knew what was going to happen before it happened.
He then used me or, directed me or however you want to frame this, into buying a little stuffed animal using Love as the catalyst.
Just like our love for Izzy, a little stray who unexpectedly showed up and blessed so many people in her short life while here on earth.
I did not want to compromise my neighbor's location by attaching the photo she texted me, clearly showing the name tag but, instead, am attaching my own photo of the little Unicorn who was sent to help a family transition through their sorrow and grief.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Monday, September 19, 2022
Tarot Message for Week September 18, 2022
Don't Be Late
Who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
And Give Us This Day,
Our Daily Bread
And Forgive Us our Trespasses
As We Forgive Those
Who Trespass Against Us
And Lead us Not into Temptation
But Deliver us from Evil
For Thine is the Kingdom,
And the Power and the Glory,
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Friday, September 16, 2022
We're ALL In This, "Together"
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"Despair" These are Wicked Times |
Folks, the carnage, evil and destruction we're seeing today is not going away, any time soon.
What do we need to do? 👇
1. Well, first of all even though it's important to keep abreast of what's happening in the world, too much bad news is not helping.
So, tune down the insanity - the videos, podcasts, breaking news and whatever else is interfering with your ability to internalize and put into action those things important to your survival.
You have the power to change the direction of your life and your world.
2. Focus on what's positive in your life, what gives you strength and hope - your family, faith, relationships - whatever you believe is going to help keep you from becoming a victim.
3. It's important to acknowledge and discuss any depression you're going through because if you don't, chances are it's just going to get worse so get some help.
4. Ask yourself this, you believe in "some" thing that keeps you going, so, "what is it"?
Identify your strong points, those things, beliefs, organizations and people that inspire you.
* Understand, we're all in a battle to end all battles *
Once this war is won, we'll be in a much better place on this planet, BUT NOT until we go through some more really trying times.
5. You have a choice to make:
Are you in this war for the long haul or not?
An important question for an important time.
Your decision will determine not only your fate and your family, but the fate of the world, as well.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
The Wheel of Life
Tarot Message for Week of September 11, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
We Are the Storm
Energy moves tirelessly in great waves across the planet.
A calming vibration affecting events, people, locations and time.
I can see that we, each one of us, is a mere fragment of something much bigger, much larger, an expanse so great that it takes a number of lifetimes to begin to fully understand it.
All of us are a small piece of a much greater whole.
Individually and separately we are mere specks of debris, drifting aimlessly on a vast ocean, but when brought together, "we are the storm".
Our journey on earth is all about reconnecting and finding that which is lost, and it's called "ourselves.".
In order to arrive back at the beginning, we have to experience a number of lifetimes in order to do so.
Each journey on this planet and the lessons we learn, brings us closer to the center, the center of all things.
Life is but a series of screenshots when looked at individually that make no sense.
However, when looked at all together, from a higher perspective, we are able to see the reasons why we came here.
Trust the Universe and your guides for they have your best interest at heart.
It's called, "your Soul."
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Weekly Tarot Message for September 4, 2022
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Thursday, September 1, 2022
August 27, 2022, "The Dark Night of the Soul"