Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for September 4, 2022


"Every Day" Tarot Card Deck


Middle Card - Situation XVI the Tower 
Upper Left - Past VIII Strength
Top - Present IX The Hermit
Upper Right - Destination VI the Lovers
Lower Right - Hidden XIV Temperance
Bottom - Advice XV the Devil
Lower Left - Outcome 0 the Fool
Far Right - Summation XXI the World

~ Reading ~

"Mankind is Undergoing Monumental Change"

*The Tower Card depicts our situation and represents devastation, loss, shockwaves, something we didn't see coming - divorce, illness, bankruptcy, etc.

*The Past means Endurance (courage, resolve, determination) those strengths we relied on in the past to overcome and survive crises.      

*The Present speaks to our search for answers as to what is happening in our world.  Through the chaos we are becoming more spiritually attuned to who we are and where we're going, realizing that in order for positive change, we need to take an active role in our own destinies.  It means not losing our heads (because everyone around us is losing theirs) but methodically searching for answers, through meditation and prayer.  

*The Destination card represents male and female duality (opposites) uniting and bonding, coming together through mutual respect and trust.   

*The Hidden card represents Peace, a process in which groups and organizations have united in one goal and are actively pursuing their objective.  

*The Advice card represents Suffering, everything that's wrong with the world.  The Devil (Satan) is allowed to do his dirty work because we let him.  He's not going to stop until all of us step up, get involved and put a stop to his madness.  More and more people, parents, doctors and whistleblowers are taking a stand, making it their mission to call out those people and organizations who continue contributing to mankind's misery.    

*The Outcome card is the Fool and means a "New Beginning."  Life is cyclical and many things outlive their usefulness over time allowing for a new cycle to begin.  This is happening now.  Mankind and earth are in the process of monumental change.  The Fool represents the first leg of our "new" journey on earth.  

*The Summation card is the World standing for Completion.  Cycles come and go, the old and outworn leaving and new ones manifesting.  

The numerical value of this reading is 5:  Instability, conflict, loss, change, new cycle.  It also relates to V The Hierophant:  Material prosperity but spiritual poverty

If we add XXI to the equation we arrive at the number 8:  Movement, action, change and rebirth 






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